New--Mark VIII Headers

What kind of headers?

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Ill gladly pay the extra for stainless, but I can understand where John is coming from.

I don't understand your guys' problems with longtubes. Its not that hard to drop the subframe. Simple actually.

I Don't need a set.
"you can't polish a turd just by putting shiny headers on it.."

That's true, but at the same time I don't have a turd and would prefer to put something that is good looking, and will remain good looking for years.

I can't stand the look of a set of rusty headers on an otherwise clean car.

Kooks full lengths on an 01 Cobra. The underside was FILTHY when I snapped this one, but had those headers been rusty.........blech.

I can understand that, and no your car certainly isn't a turd lol, in fact yours is one of my favorites on this site..but there are cars out there with greazy nasty engine bays where guys are worried about how their headers will look next to a leaky oil stained valve cover..
Headers are not nearly as thick on the primaries as log manifolds foolios. Make them out of stainless or dont make them at all. I don't care what they look like on someone's trailer queen that's hardly driven. I drive mine, and I drive it a lot. Mine are regular 304 stainless and still look great after two years. Guess how long the log manifolds on your car look good after it rolls off the assembly line. Not long. But hey, more power to ya. Put soontoberusty headers in ur car and might as well throw some Suncores in too while you're at it. Make the car as chitty as possible. guys are nutso about stainless..go ahead and spend nearly a grand on a set of headers..but im with right on the mark on this one..if I had the fabricating abilities I'd make my own headers out of some old mustang LTs and call it a DAY.

I will be in and prepayed ASAP if you reconsider on the stainless longtubes. I don't want to run the mid length Kook's, but I will not buy another set of mild steel headers.


Hey everyone...I guess I left the thread confusing as the headers will only be available in steel. NO STAINLESS. Now we can restart the conversation. Do we want shorties, 3/4, or Long Tubes. Thanks...John
Stainless longtubes and I'm up for it. Although I live in Sweden but that could probably be arranged somehow ;)

And if possible, I would love to have a whole exhaust. 2.5" stainless, catted x-pipe etc.
Could that be possible? Or does someone know any place who's selling that?
What if they where 300 like mustang headers ? LOL

Its kinda funny guys say "ah man wish anything I can get some nice cheaper longtubes for my mk8 "then when givin chance they say F you unless SS.

No, not even if they were $300 dollars like mustang headers. I have never once complained about the price of Kook's since a decent set of stainless Mustang headers is the same price. I have the ability and the facilities to make my own, I just value my time more than what the headers cost. Oh well I guess I will be ordering the Kook's. Still props to you John for trying to bring another option to the market.

Shorties would be nice from a packaging stand point but they just provide so little gain they usually aren't worth the cost/effort to install.


Stainless longtubes ball+socket and I'd be up for it ------------ kinda like them but for a mark.

I guess I'm the minority, but I would prefer mid lengths.

I was a long tube guy until the first time I had to remove the tranny.

I said never again.......
I yanked the tyranny from the cobra pictured above with the headers in place. I guess I'm missing something.

Yeah a stick compared to an auto, but I never tried to pull my auto with the longtubes yet???
I would do stainless I wish I bought stainless I've had mine on my car for almost 4 years and probably around 4k miles and the coating is almost all peeled of only drove it as a daily driver for the first year I had them
I need something that will pass emissions where I live.
As for Headers if your going to do them, do SS. and do LONG TUBES, the MOST GAIN, why go through all this for the same as whats out there?

Agreed. Why go to all the trouble to produce something that is already on the market, when there is obviously demand for longtube SS headers?
Bingo. And to all the guys wanting header style based on how easy it is to yank the trans and what not, lololol. Its about the GAIN not swapping a trans easibility that you might do once every 10 years or less. ALL headerss SUCK to put in!! lolol
Bingo. And to all the guys wanting header style based on how easy it is to yank the trans and what not, lololol. Its about the GAIN not swapping a trans easibility that you might do once every 10 years or less. ALL headerss SUCK to put in!! lolol

Never stated headers HAD to clear auto just a good idea if can be worked in. Would you rather have longtubes that cleared auto or ones that didn't if they where same in form and function and price? I still really don't know if my longtubes will not let auto out or not for sure yet.
AMEN! All of the crybabies should quitchyabichin. You can't sit under the hood of cars anymore and work on them. Get over it and Welcome to the 21st century. LOL

Nothing but pure truth! I looked under my hood and then went an looked under the 88 GMC truck hood and I can get inside there and do things. On the Mark, you can get in there but about all you can mess with are the shock tower covers and the plastic screws or the hood light. Much easier though if you just stand beside it. :D

As for headers, I personally don't care to have them because I don't race and I drive normal, so I don't really see the need, nor can I justify the cost but that's just for me. Some of you others, yes, I do see the need and long tube is what I would want and stainless is what I would want. Coated is coated. You get them coated but they will not remain coated if you drive the car so why go cheap and coat them? Go stainless and be done with it and make everyone happy.

Kirk, quit trying to crawl under your hood. Bad for your health. :p

Geno, please warn people before you show pics of something like that again. I'd be scared to drive a car that rusty. That was awful looking.
Never stated headers HAD to clear auto just a good idea if can be worked in. Would you rather have longtubes that cleared auto or ones that didn't if they where same in form and function and price? I still really don't know if my longtubes will not let auto out or not for sure yet.

I honestly wouldn't care. Because How many times do you think you replace and or remove your trans, and again if it causes an extra 3 hrs in labor, for me the gains are worth it.
I have replaced my trans once and the converter four times in 8 years. :p

Having said that, I'd still go for long tubes. ;)
I swear someone in the past made and sold long tube headers ?? If so the jigs for them should be out there ??

I thought it was ART

Correct, he made around 10 sets, no jig.
Mild steel, coated.
I have a set.

Not sure if the trans clears, and don't care.
This whole thread is trashed.

John, start a new thread with a poll.
I will put my money on long tubes.
I think its awesome that you will get this going, thanks for supporting the mark community.

Were is my piggie bank :shifty:, I have to stuff it full to get a bumper :)
I saw it on JA's car and its a must have.

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