Finally had time to work on it today.
Modified the condenser mounting brackets.
Bent them straight.
Cut a chunk of rubber out or the back and glued it in the front of the mount. This allowed the condenser to move the the front to the max.
Drilled a new mounting hole in the mounting bracket and the bottom of the header panel.
I have a right angle drill but the this worked a little better to ensure not hitting anything.

At this point the only way to move it any more forward would be to cut the header panel or put it in front of the header panel.
I cut the extra material off of the bracket so it doesn't hit the radiator, potentially.
Now the radiator tucks just under the upper level of the header panel(No pic)
I remounted the radiator and still not quite enough to get the inlet onto the SC.
I am going to try and trim the fan shroud to see if I can get enough room. I think if I used a GT fan it would be ok but it seems that those are not enough at times in the extreme of summer with the AC on our cars.
If I can't get the OE shroud to fit I am going to abandon this setup and go to a 16x28 dual pass radiator with driver side fittings and slim fan shroud. This will clean up the cooling lines, fan, radiator clearance and inlet tube. Bad news is that it will lighten the wallet about $550 and I will have to add a trans cooler(ahead of schedule).