Noooo! No more RWD from Ford??

It's too bad that the economy (and Government) is pushing the Detroit 3 to make cars that Americans really don't want. Guess I will have to by European for my next car......
So they don't have a RWD replacement for the Crown Vic? I guess we'll see a lot more Charger cop cars in the future...
So they don't have a RWD replacement for the Crown Vic? I guess we'll see a lot more Charger cop cars in the future...

I believe the Crown Vic is still in production, but only available for fleet sales to government agencies (police) and livery (taxis).
I believe the Crown Vic is still in production, but only available for fleet sales to government agencies (police) and livery (taxis).

i think tman is correct. and if im not mistaken, the town car is being discontinued.
Yeah I meant after the Crown Vic dies off, but apparently that's not for quite a while. I guess it makes sense to keep cranking them out if people keep buying them :) now we gotta be appreciative of all RWD cars now..might increase RWD resales..kinda how my Assault rifles will be worth more if Obama's gun ban goes into affect :p
What a shame first they killed the Mark III then our beloved LS now they canceled the new RWD but the good news the panthers will live a little while longer .

And what about the Panther platform? Well, it’s not like the Crown Vics and Town Cars are breaking the bank. Combined, the models accounted for about 64,000 sales over the last year, and that’s enough to allow the platform to stick around a little while longer.
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never heard about the panther debut?

maybe with the toss-out of RWD....TopGear might actually start liking Americans? :p
No more mustang?

Sucks tey would drop all RWD cars. But in all reality its not to big of a deal. FWD cars are cheaper, faster and easier to build, get better mileage, and go threw the snow better.

RWD is just fun and hook up better on dry pavement.
No more mustang?

Sucks tey would drop all RWD cars. But in all reality its not to big of a deal. FWD cars are cheaper, faster and easier to build, get better mileage, and go threw the snow better.

RWD is just fun and hook up better on dry pavement.

Yeah you gotta love torque steer, not being able to trust your car around corners, the awsome power of an engine that will fit sideways, and those bulletproof transaxles.:rolleyes:
No more mustang?

Sucks tey would drop all RWD cars. But in all reality its not to big of a deal. FWD cars are cheaper, faster and easier to build, get better mileage, and go threw the snow better.

RWD is just fun and hook up better on dry pavement.

I'll take that bet... EVERY performance car is RWD. Cheaper yes, but as of late that hasn't been a problem, there's no shortage of pop can cars out there. Better mileage, I doubt as well because we're not comparing apples to apples. You go and put the same technology into a RWD and I'll bet it's less than 5% difference. I'm not even going to talk about snow travel... my LS with a set of Winter Carvings on it will go better than my 06 Superduty 4x4 in the snow. It's my weapon of choice for snow bound fire calls. Problem is most people are too stupid to be out in the snow in the first place with half bald summer tires. With all the FWD pos's out there my winter drive time should be less than it was 10 years ago... it's not... it's worse.

Funny how GM is coming back to RWD....
Funny how GM is coming back to RWD....

Don't expect to see any new RWD cars out of GM any time soon--they killed their RWD sedan platform development last year well before they stopped their R&D spending and delayed the introduction of everything that's not a Camaro, Volt, or one other vehicle, the name of which escapes me. Bob Lutz himself said that the G8 and Camaro only survived because they were too far along in their development cycles.
There's no way in God's good green earth they can discontinue the 'stang in RWD, that's suicide. Well I guess if dodge can make a 4 door charger anythings possible.

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