Noooo! No more RWD from Ford??

Snowseeker, Aren't those AWD cars in the pictures? I have always liked RWD cars myself, but my next car whatever it might be will be AWD for sure.

The first pic is a ford escort FWD. Second pic is a SVX AWD and the third is a suby AWD.

I was just showing that we do in fact race in the snow. If I were to post pics of FWD cars to be in relation to what I am trying to teach the hard headed RWD people it would have looked something like this:







Any other inquires?
Umm I see nothing but a bunch of factory FWD cars either messing around in the snow or at some kind of stunt school or something. I dont really see any racing or any boundaries for the cars to stay in.

No offense I could be wrong.

Regardless, any experienced RWD driver with a RWD car can beat the snot out of those cars man.
I'm gonna have to say that snowseeker has a point here. Unless he downloaded those pics from somewhere else. I think we can all agree that losing rear wheel drive is a bummer. Also, as far as taxis go, they are going to start getting replaced by specialty vehicles just like police cars. AM General won a large contract to start producing them about 6 months ago. And, no they won't be based on a Hummer platform.

The big question for US automakers is, what products can you drop, and what can you keep? They are going to have to make huge and painful cuts in order to be more nimble like Toyota and Honda with much smaller breadth of product.
Umm I see nothing but a bunch of factory FWD cars either messing around in the snow or at some kind of stunt school or something. I dont really see any racing or any boundaries for the cars to stay in.

No offense I could be wrong.

Regardless, any experienced RWD driver with a RWD car can beat the snot out of those cars man.

This was all timed racing events. LOL Like I said I invite ANYONE with a RWD car out to see what they can do. You are telling me stuff I have heard about 1000 times before man. Everyone thinks they are going to rip :q:q:q:q up when they come out onto the track and than they get their ass handed to them. After the first event most big headed people tone down a bit and realize their car isn't everything they thought it was. It is quite amusing really.

As for most pics people like nice clean pics of their cars without the cones and whatnot but since it take everything short of being there for you to believe here is a pic with the track cones visible for you.

BS FWD sucks, and a experienced RWD driver can handle them no problem.

Not all RWD drivers but any good one. You hear it about 1000 times cause it simply is the truth.

EDIT: Please Im not trying to get another fight going on but it is a known fact that real wheel drive can be utilized so much better than a FWD. Its just like the drifters out there. RWD was the thing, then all of a sudden people started claiming they can drift better in FWD and then AWD came into the scene but no matter what when those guys are faced with a real RWD driver and car they get smoked no matter how bad they think they are.
Please explain.

Judging by the pics he has more experience with driving in snow than just a random guy off the street. Certainly more than I do. Has he driven everything on earth? No, of course not. I don't see a Delorean with Mr. Fusion on there. But, he has more credibility than I thought, but less than if you take his previous statements literally.
Judging by the pics he has more experience with driving in snow than just a random guy off the street. Certainly more than I do. Has he driven everything on earth? No, of course not. I don't see a Delorean with Mr. Fusion on there. But, he has more credibility than I thought, but less than if you take his previous statements literally.

Ok so he does have a point with that topic but not over the fact FWD is better than RWD which is the point he is initially trying to prove.
Would you like to come race? Maybe you ca be the one to put me in my place.

Sure! Let me back up and drive all the way to west no wheresvile just to prove a common point that is all ready KNOWN!

You really do fail now. Really each one of those cars in those pic are under powered POS's except that legacy!

I can handle a power wheel better than a RWD car in the snow so-I win!
I drove my LS 2.5 hours from Chicago to my house in Indiana last night during a blizzard (weatherman's words not mine). I will say that it sucked. At the same time I don't know that any vehicle other than a sled or a tank would have handled well becuase the snow plows simply could not keep up. The joy of lake effect snow. I got home safe because I have practice. The best practice I ever had was in my old beat up 4 wheel drive Ford Ranger. If I left it in two wheel drive it was hard to go anywhere. There simply was not enough weight in the rear to get any traction. Put it in 4x4 and you are rolling.
Ok so he does have a point with that topic but not over the fact FWD is better than RWD which is the point he is initially trying to prove.

I have to look back. I didn't take it that he was trying to make that point. I thought he was simply trying to point out some of the benefits. Such as easier handling in snow.

That being said, I definitely prefer RWD or AWD over anything else. My wife can have all the FWD she wants because it is easy.
Sure! Let me back up and drive all the way to west no wheresvile just to prove a common point that is all ready KNOWN!

You really do fail now. Really each one of those cars in those pic are under powered POS's except that legacy!

I can handle a power wheel better than a RWD car in the snow so-I win!

Lots of talk, I wanna see proof!

By the way, that AWD suby you like so much was beat by one of those POS FWD honda accords. LOL
Sure it was, lots of talk and no proof. Not only do you have a car made for snow but you have a car with significant power and you tell me a accord beat it? What kind of imbecile was driving that Legacy if it is true?

What exactly am I supposed to prove anyway?

Do some research or listen to what some of the other guys that have experience are telling you!
Sure it was, lots of talk and no proof. Not only do you have a car made for snow but you have a car with significant power and you tell me a accord beat it? What kind of imbecile was driving that Legacy if it is true?

What exactly am I supposed to prove anyway?

Do some research or listen to what some of the other guys that have experience are telling you!

Well, once again I have to prove more to you. I am growing tired with this. You will notice not many RWD cars racing because well they suck for snow like I have already stated.

Where is all your proof? I have showen multiple pics of us testing and racing cars in snow and you have showen nothing but talk talk talk...

The suby pictured is Jerry Blocks car...
5 Jerry Block Subaru AWD 119.19 120.33 119.76

1 Jesse Egar Accord FWD 119.74 118.79 119.265

Jerry Block must not be a good driver. He did great in the first run but sucked in the next.
Also giving that link they aren't even competing in the same class and you will see that even the quickest FWD cars have studded tires! The only RWD is " Red Truck " wtf is that?

Also the times between the AWD's and FWD's other than poor Jerry are more than significant!

Put a good driver with a good RWD car and it will kill those other cars no problem, this is a joke! Put studded tires on those cars and those guys will cry like little girls.

This is so funny! Ok Ill buy some autosocks and make it out there for a few laps.
Well, here is a article from a CANADIAN DRIVER! Take a look at what he has to say about FWD.....

The disadvantages of FWD are mainly the decrease in vehicle handling ability. With more weight over the front of the automobile, the back end tends to become very light. Rear tire traction is decreased and the car may swap ends on icy roads easier. This has been overcome by designers somewhat by placing as much weight as possible further back in the vehicle. Ideal weight distribution is often described as 50/50 front to rear, but FWD cars seldom get near this.

And well it may be just a article by some Canadian it shows more than a biased race club thats pretty much based on FWD and AWD as you have PROVEN IT!
Judging by the pics he has more experience with driving in snow than just a random guy off the street.

Actually, judging from the pics I'd say he has more experience with photographing people driving in the snow than just a random guy off the street. :D
You will notice not many RWD cars racing because well they suck for snow like I have already stated.

And you don't see many FWD or RWD cars in say, WRC. What's your point???

You're not "proving" jack. You're beating a dead horse. Most people who have posted in this thread would rather have a RWD over a FWD in the snow. I don't really care what cars you all use up there to go slipping and sliding around on a lake. I will stick to my RWD platforms. You wanna be schooled? YOU drive your little FWD car here. I have nothing to prove to you, and I sure as hell am not driving to Canadia ( I can't remember if you're a canuk, and I'm not going back to look at your profile. If you're not, then sorry) just to get into a race on a lake. I don't race in the snow, I have no experience with it, and I'll leave it at that.

Go trade your LS in for a FWD Accord and then you'll have a nice FWD car you can drive in the snow and you'll be happier.

Christ, you're starting to sound like Amsoil zealots. You like FWD, the rest of the people seem to like RWD. Get over it.

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