Official LS Picture Thread

I can't see anything on that pic :shifty: Get a camera charger already!

BTW, I don't understand how you guys can just wet/foam the whole car down and wash it like that. Everytime I did that I had soap drying up and water spots. That's why I only ever use ONR now. Am I just too slow?
M4rk, i kno lol. Ill try that pic (or similar) again tonight with my tablet. Takes clearer pics than my phone.
Too slow, you must be :p
I usually don't like black cars with black wheels but your car is sick! Super Sharp!

Thanks man! I need some more recent pics of my car but it got rear ended....again so I need to have the rear bumper cover repainted. Of course, the scumbag that hit me had no insurance so I have to pay for it.
If he was at fault, which rear-ending always is anyhow and he had no insurance,
could you not drag him to small claims court and recover your damages & expenses ?

~ don't forget those few days you lost from work due to the sore neck and all the running around you had to do to get it fixed.
lol alright cool... seeing your car, drizz, bull, and a few other black ones on here makes me wish i would have waited to get my ls black
Xford's LS was also my inspiration. I spent ALOT of time looking at his pics.

Damn! that ride is Stupid Fresh! Dress up in a MIB outfit and pull up in front of someones house and scare the hell out of everybody. I like how those tips are sticking out a little more. BadAss!
is the wing west spoiler only for gen 1 i looked at there site listing for 00-03 will it fit an 04

The 3pc spoiler fits all LSes. They are no longer in production. Production ended when 2003 was the latest model.

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