Dedicated LVC Member
why do you feel the need to answer LS questions anyway?
I feel the need to read all replies made by Frogman because they entertain the hell out of me! Every now and then I like to help out the cause!
why do you feel the need to answer LS questions anyway?
It's the same general shape and size as the regular fob, but it has a button on it to start the engine--at least that's how the two that came with my OEM Remote Start kit look. There are three (IIRC) different kits, depending on what options your car has re: power locks and windows, so the fobs for the other kits may look different. If I remember when I get home tonight, I'll take a picture of the fob (the whole kit is sitting in a box in my dining room--it's not exactly plug and play, and I haven't felt like slicing and dicing my wiring harness yet).how "different" is the fob?
I don't know. Never played that game. But apparently, you have, since you seem to know the answers... now.
I, however, am smart enough to know that you'd have to be a moron to try and start your car from your keypad. Either that, or a class A lazy individual. You're already at the car. Open the door, insert key, start, then shuffle (or waddle) yourself back in the house, if you're too cheap to install a proper Remote Start unit.
Furthermore, I seem to know a little more about this keypad thing than... apparently, you do. Only an idiot would ask such a question. No such thing as stupid questions, my ass....
Only an idiot would ask such a question. No such thing as stupid questions, my ass....
Either that, or a class A lazy individual. You're already at the car.
I guess if your curious about something and you don't know the answer you shouldn't ask a question.
Ok, smart guy. I'd like to see you get your car started from the keypad in factory form, since it disables other things, like already rolling your windows down from the fob... wait... it disables other things like rolling down the windows? WTF are you talking about? Do you even know how to write properly?
I come from Montreal where it is -30 in the morning and I will not go outside to start my car.
Dude you are really reaching now lol. Again, I don't expect you to know wtf I'm talking about (you're obviously clueless about the topic of this forum), so I'll break it down for all the morons.
you two should get a room, suck each others dicks and make up.
Now I would like to know how to use my factory key fob with my car starter.
I know for a fact it can be done. I would like to know how
I come from Montreal where it is -30 in the morning and I will not go outside to start my car.
Flock the environment and flock you if you don't like how I roll
I'm reaching... Because you can't properly structure a sentence, to save you life. I see... Damned college educations, huh?
You are the reason Americans get a bad rap around the world.
Thank you for your insightful advice.
Silly me to think "a forum" was to help each other out. I guess we will all just insult each other and them make our way to the dealer when we have questions.
God bless the queen