sKerry appears to have cheated during the debate

You did not find him...he was "handed over" to you. The military was told where to find him. Exactly where.

You want me to bring you a Kerry For President T-Shirt when I come to WI next weekend? Let me know...What size you wear?
MonsterMark said:
Would it make you happy if I asked President Bush to step into the confessional and ask for forgiveness for the time he 'borrowed the pack of juicy-fruit' and didn't bring it back? Would that make you happy?

no, he could just resign and I would be happy.
RRocket said:
You want me to bring you a Kerry For President T-Shirt when I come to WI next weekend? Let me know...What size you wear?
You should bring me a t-shirt of this guy.

to bring my original question back..........

Cheating? "Story developing..." Developing where?

Ive checked the drudge report, cnbc, cnn, fox, the washington post and did a google search, nothing. Cant find anything - so where is this story developing?
There is a group of us that have been talking about this and trying to get it out to the media, to anybody that will listen. I sent an email to the RNC asking them to look into the actual tapes to see if they can enlarge the video to see what it is that sKerry pulled out of his jacket.

So right now, we are just trying to get this published and into the hands of the right wing media so we can use it to bash sKerry and show the world that he is not only a liar, but a cheater as well.

If you would like to join in our efforts, email me.

Like I said, you can go to C-Span and view the tape yourself. It is not the 'podium view' tape. It is the other one from behind. Look at the age of the tape between 2:07 and 2:09 after Lehrer introduces the 2 candidates.

We are trying to get a question entered into the next policy debate as a side-light to have sKerry explain exactly what he was doing. He won't answer it in a news conference because he doesn't hold any with the media anymore, so we need to get to him thru some other means, unless CBS decides to do a 60 Minutes investigatory special on it.
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It is getting even better.

Between the C-Span Podium view tape hours of 1:26:55 and 1:26:58, after sKerry finished his closing argument, you can see him get nervous and then fiddle on the podium and see what appears to be a motion of his right hand into his right front jacket pocket, and then a look of relief after that is completed.

Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater.

Don't worry, all of this is being forwarded to the RNC and the 527's that favor Bush. Hopefully we'll see it on TV soon.
I saw him pull something from his lapel pocket and it did look like some kind of papers, i think it should be investigated before the next debate.

The truth made it to the front page of DRUDGE!!! Just goes to show you that the truth is going to triumph over this evil. And you heard it here first!

Instead of explaining what exactly it was that Kerry brought into the debate, we get this from the Democrats...

"Kerry did not cheat," said the Kerry insider. "This is more lies from Republicans, who are hoping for a quick change of subject away from the president's performance, and the new polls."

P.S. We are still working on the part where Kerry puts it away. That is even better!!! You can see on his face that he knew what he was doing was wrong. It's great to catch this pretender cheating as well as the fact that it was proven this weekend he was lying about his Vietnam service.

I will continue working hard till every bit of his (lack of) character is exposed.
You know what- please.

First, if you look closely, BUSH also appears to be pulling something from his pocket...By his movements im guessing it was a pen. No biggie.

Second, from Kerry's movements it also looks like a pen to me.

Regardless - if thats all you got Bryan, you got problems. You are sounding like one of the reasons you couldnt even buy my vote for bush. It amazes me because I know you to be much smarter Bryan.

Your going to make a big HE CHEATED statement cuse kerrry brought a pen with him to the debate? Talk about desperate. Even the Bush people havent said anything about this - why? Cause there is nothing to talk about.

WHy dont you talk about the issues? None of the republicans want to talk about the issues, because as we saw during the debate, Bush has done a lousey job when it gets right down to it and has little grasp of the real issues. Why dont you talk about the economy, the jobs being shipped overseas, the budget deficit, education, health care, iraq, oil prices, etc etc. You guys know one thing -terrorism. Guess what. There is more to our country then homeland security. Security is an important issue, but its not the only issue.

Bush has given us no meaningful direction as to what he plans to do about health care, the enviroment, education. He has no exit plan for Iraq, our military is stretched so thin that we can barely deal with what he has us into now, the economy is a mess and what GW did with the tax break was to make it worse. We went from a budget surplus to a deficit to the tune of almost a trillion dollars. 5 million americans have lost health insurance during the last 3 years - whats GW gonna do about that? Come on Bryan, tell me. Give me a reason to vote for GW -

Stop telling me why to not vote for kerry, start telling me why I should vote for Bush. Stop telling me the glass is half empty -tell me how its half full.

Anyone but Bush? Yeah, pretty much. Now ask me why. Its because GW has done a bad job, and I dont expect him to do better as a lame duck.
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Instead of having you try to change the subject of this thread, I choose to stay on topic. So post the other stuff somewhere else and I would be happy to respond.

I have been working on this for 3 days now. There is alot more than meets the eye. This all that Drudge has used at this point. Other views show sKerry opening up a folded piece of paper. I don't believe anybody put folded paper on the podium. We are trying to interview the person that put the items on the podiums before hand to describe in detail what was there before Monsieur Kerry and Bush got on stage.

Now maybe you'll argue it was a white Blanc Pen and maybe it was Kerry's magic hat. Ya, that's it. His magic Vietnam hat. He doesn't go anywhere without it. Go ahead, try to make the case.

You obviously haven't bothered looking at the debate. You'll also see Kerry slip something into his pocket after the debate, even though assistants from both parties went out and cleaned the podiums afterwards.

I hope your holding your breath, because you have another 4 weeks to keep your head in the sand. Good Luck!

It may well turn out to be nothing, but right now it sure looks like something. We'll have to wait until the high res tape, I believe it was a 700 line (regular TV is around 450 line) from a Boston station is blown up and zoomed in.

Ah, the truth, ain't it a beautiful thing.
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Based on the Transcripts, it appears Mr. Kerry and Jim Lehrer were having a little ESP episode going on during the debate.

Kimberly (who first brought to our notice this Kerry cheat) posted:

In Kerry's 90 second response to the first question posed to the President, he states that the President made "a colossal error of judgment", in reference to going to war in Iraq as opposed to staying only in Afghanistan. When his 90 second response is completed, the next question goes to Kerry. Lehrer says, "Colossal misjudgments. What colossal misjudgments, in your opinion, has President Bush made in these areas?". Now, Lehrer said in his opening statement, that all of the questions were written, in advance, by him. The questions were apparently not just off the cuff, determined by what either candidate had just said, but pre-planned. So how is it, that Kerry just happened to mention in his 90 second response, the phrase "colossal error of judgment", and the very next question to Kerry from Lehrer was, coincidentally, "what errors in judgment do you think the President made?".

Why would Lehrer have asked this question if he didn't know that Kerry was going to use that particular phrase at that time? Was he just making up questions off the cuff to make the President look as bad as possible, despite saying the questions were written beforehand? Or did he know what Kerry was going to say, and asked the question according to the script??

Second example. Kerry says, also in a 90 second response, that he came back from Vietnam and spoke out against the war (I didn't get the whole context). Next question from Lehrer to Kerry, "Speaking of Vietnam...". Wow, Kerry sure was throwing lots of good lead-in lines to Lehrer, wasn't he??

Later, Kerry is talking about the situation in Darfur, Sudan. Just guess what the next question from Lehrer to Kerry is about?

Lehrer (during the introduction): "The umbrella topic is foreign policy and homeland security, but the specific subjects were chosen by me, the questions were composed by me, the candidates have not been told what they are, nor has anyone else."

Boy, would I like to see a copy of his questions page.
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Joeychgo said:
Security is an important issue, but its not the only issue.

Without security, the other issues are moot points.

Economy? MY economy hasn't been all that bad considering the trials and tribulations we've endured.

Jobs being shipped overseas? This didn't just happen guys, it's been going on for decades. We also import jobs from foriegn manufacturers as well.

Budget deficit? I'll give you this one. I'm not happy with it, but considering the circumstances, I'll run a budget deficit for now.

Education? Health care? Yeah, I know, it's so bad, people come from all over the world to be educated and treated here.

Oil prices? Funny, weren't we conservatives just accused of setting up the oil price to fall so Bush could get re-elected? Man, we can't win for loosing. LOL.

Iraq? We could argue this one till the cows come home. argue2

I wanna know... what happened to the CBS scandal? It was all a buzz when it was Bush didn't do this, Bush got this... but now that the facts have surfaced it has vanquished.

Gotcha. :F
Just to keep this thread updated.

The Kerry campaign has admitted that Mr. Kerry brought a black fountain pen into the debate, in clear violation of the rules. (I can hear alot of you saying big deal. Well, it is a big deal. It again demonstrates that Mr. Kerry is incapable of telling the truth as this was denied by the Dems for 3 days before coming forward with an explanation.) Wait till he gets in office. He will give a whole new meaning to the word "stonewalling'.

I am sure we will be seeing a public apology from Senator Kerry today as he stumps around for this obvious violation. NOT!

Oh, that's right. Rules are for the fly-over crowd, not an elitist such as himself. The media is going to drop this like a rock and not one person will ask for an explanation or an apology. Another sad episode in the election campaign of John Kerry. I can't wait for him to be President. He will be providing daily entertainment for us all.

Kerry's response: I decided not to bring the pen into the debate, before I did.
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if the best you got is bring a fountain pen into a debate, and some flimsey evidence of events 35 years ago - Ill be quite happy on Nov 3rd..

Dude - doesnt it bother you that everything negative about bush is about his policies and failure as a president, and everthing negative about kerry is silly BS about fountain pens?

Bryan - wake up and smell the espresso --

Wonder who Kerry's Sec of State will be................
Joeychgo said:
if the best you got is bring a fountain pen into a debate, and some flimsey evidence of events 35 years ago - Ill be quite happy on Nov 3rd..
For your sake, I hope so. I wouldn't want the depression you'll be experiencing for the next 4 years to affect your ability to run the board.

Joeychgo said:
Dude - doesnt it bother you that everything negative about bush is about his policies and failure as a president, and everthing negative about kerry is silly BS about fountain pens?
Not at all, and not in the least.
This is all about Kerry.

It is about the fact that he has been a liar since his early, formative years.

It is about the fact that he is a traitor to our country, encouraging the senseless torture of hundreds of US soldiers and costing thousands of additional US soldiers lives, in addition to the deaths of millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians.

It is about the fact that he has publicly stated that he finds it difficlut to support any war. And now we are involved in the most important war in the history of mankind and we should trust him to prosecute it effectively.

It is about maintaining our sovereignty as the most powerful nation in the world and maintaining our right to take pre-emptive action anywhere in the world without the need to get a permission slip from a corrupt international body.

It is about the fact that he has done nothing, NOTHING, in 20 years as a US Senator and runs on a platform based on 4 months of miltary service where almost everything he claims to have accomplished has been refuted..

It is about his constant political flip-flopping on important domestic and national foreign policy issues.

It is about the fact that Kerry will raise my taxes so I may no longer be able to afford a better private education for my kids, leading my children to a lower standard of living when they grow up.

It is about the support he has for people that are outraged when a man kills a pregnant women, but not so, when a woman voluntarily murders her own child.

It is about my children being able to use their own money to save for retirement, instead of relying on a government handout that will never be there.

It is about keeping GOD in our lives and in our public squares.

It is about providing afforable, private health care. Not a nationalized system that will provide a lower standard of care for everyone and discourage people from entering the profession, leading to long delays in care and unncessary deaths.

It is about reforming tort laws so people can create and sell products and services without the fear of one mistake costing them their livelihood.

It is about maximizing our own resources so we don't have to fight battles around the world because Americans are too greedy to conserve what we use.

It is about using our power both militarily and economically to bring peace and prosperity to the untold billions of oppressed in this world.

I can go on and on and on.

So you see Joey, it is about alot more than Senator Kerry willfully breaking the rules. We expect that from him. We just don't want to see him breaking the rules while in the Oval Office and I myself, will do everything I can to see that that never happens by preventing him from taking office in the first place by convincing people not to vote for him on November 2nd..

Joeychgo said:
Bryan - wake up and smell the espresso --
Never drank it, never will. Life is my stimulant, thank you.

Joeychgo said:
Wonder who Kerry's Sec of State will be................
Holbrooke. A disaster in the making. The person who will be the most responsible for World War III.
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So are you saying the reason GW was stumbling around like a retard, looking like a deer caught in headlights, unable to speak clearly and enuncuate his words, repeating the same old crap over and over was because of Kerry's magic pen? Was it one of those superhero pens that takes control of the heads of the feeble-minded? Yes..those magic pens should be banned....HAHAHAHAHAH
RRocket said:
Yes..those magic pens should be banned....HAHAHAHAHAH
I agree, it looks like RRocket is under the spell of one now. ;)
Drudge catches Bush cheating during the debate
by John in DC - 10/3/2004 04:22:21 PM

Matt Drudge has been on a roll lately in terms of posting anti-Kerry attacks photos, documents, etc., that end up biting Bush in the ass. Drudge outdoes himself today with a post claiming Kerry came to the debate podium and allegedly takes a sheet of paper out of his breast pocket. The debate rules apparently say that you can bring NOTHING to the podium not even paper or pencil, and that all the materials will be placed for you on the podium.

Oh, but only as Drudge can do, the video Drudge posts as "proof" on his site bites Bush in the ass. If you zoom the video to full screen (right click on it while it's running and click "zoom" and then "full screen") you can see Bush unfolding a piece of paper and laying it down on his podium! Remember the debate rules say all paper will already be on the podium, and unless the debate organizers folded the paper up in a wad before placing it on the podium, Bush is cheating with his own cheat sheet.

Now, I could care less about this issue, but how dare Drudge and company try to come up with a scandal here when their own boy is caught doing exactly what they're accusing Kerry of doing?

Check out the Drudge video and keep your eyes on Bush's hands - notice his unfolding and laying flat a piece of paper. Priceless. (I particularly like the cheesy 1970s porn music in the background of the video.)


You helped point this out, right? Way to go, you really are a closet Kerry supporter, aren't you?
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97silverlsc said:
You helped point this out, right? Way to go, you really are a closet Kerry supporter, aren't you?
Uh, nice try Phil. I was one of a group of 6 of us that brought 'jacketgate' to the attention of the bloggers. Each piece of video footage was disseminated with lots of detail.

The video you are speaking of is nothing more than President Bush arriving at the podium and taking the white bic pen with black cap that was already present on the podium, picking it up, turning it over and placing the cap on the non-writing end.

Good try. This was an attempt to create and obfuscate the fact the Kerry violated the election rules on the part of the left. Remember the Democratic montra. DADDA...Deny, Acuse, Deflect, Deny, Attack. Works every time with the liberal media.

Now that Fox News has released their high-definition video footage, rest assured that people are looking at this footage closely to determine if indeed the Senator not only brought in a black pen (in addition to the white bic pen already placed on the podium) but also a small folded piece of paper that may have contained 'talking points'. The paper portion of the story is still in contention and I am no longer convinced it is accurate. I have blogged on many sites to this effect.

Joey must be going crazy. Somebody send him some Scotch, quick.

The bump that he was counting on in the polls is simply not there, maybe 1 point average over all the polls out and Bush's internals actually went UP AFTER the debate. Is America great or what?
Joey must be going crazy. Somebody send him some Scotch, quick.
I rarely drink - and Vodka is my preference when I do

The bump that he was counting on in the polls is simply not there
Actually - its back to a dead heat according to a CNN/USA Today Poll

Hmm, I wonder if GW will get less then half the vote, yet somehow win again.

Think he can pull the FLA thing off twice?
Joeychgo said:
Think he can pull the FLA thing off twice?
Not if the double-registered Democrats have anything to say about it.
Kbob said:
Not if the double-registered Democrats have anything to say about it.
How do you think Chicago has stayed democrat so long? vote early, vote often!
Here are parts of the Debate

Pretty much explains it all for me.

And here is another - more interesting....... video
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