Joeychgo said:
if the best you got is bring a fountain pen into a debate, and some flimsey evidence of events 35 years ago - Ill be quite happy on Nov 3rd..
For your sake, I hope so. I wouldn't want the depression you'll be experiencing for the next 4 years to affect your ability to run the board.
Joeychgo said:
Dude - doesnt it bother you that everything negative about bush is about his policies and failure as a president, and everthing negative about kerry is silly BS about fountain pens?
Not at all, and not in the least.
This is all about Kerry.
It is about the fact that he has been a liar since his early, formative years.
It is about the fact that he is a traitor to our country, encouraging the senseless torture of hundreds of US soldiers and costing thousands of additional US soldiers lives, in addition to the deaths of millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians.
It is about the fact that he has publicly stated that he finds it difficlut to support any war. And now we are involved in the most important war in the history of mankind and we should trust him to prosecute it effectively.
It is about maintaining our sovereignty as the most powerful nation in the world and maintaining our right to take pre-emptive action anywhere in the world without the need to get a permission slip from a corrupt international body.
It is about the fact that he has done nothing, NOTHING, in 20 years as a US Senator and runs on a platform based on 4 months of miltary service where almost everything he claims to have accomplished has been refuted..
It is about his constant political flip-flopping on important domestic and national foreign policy issues.
It is about the fact that Kerry will raise my taxes so I may no longer be able to afford a better private education for my kids, leading my children to a lower standard of living when they grow up.
It is about the support he has for people that are outraged when a man kills a pregnant women, but not so, when a woman voluntarily murders her own child.
It is about my children being able to use their own money to save for retirement, instead of relying on a government handout that will never be there.
It is about keeping GOD in our lives and in our public squares.
It is about providing afforable, private health care. Not a nationalized system that will provide a lower standard of care for everyone and discourage people from entering the profession, leading to long delays in care and unncessary deaths.
It is about reforming tort laws so people can create and sell products and services without the fear of one mistake costing them their livelihood.
It is about maximizing our own resources so we don't have to fight battles around the world because Americans are too greedy to conserve what we use.
It is about using our power both militarily and economically to bring peace and prosperity to the untold billions of oppressed in this world.
I can go on and on and on.
So you see Joey, it is about alot more than Senator Kerry willfully breaking the rules. We expect that from him. We just don't want to see him breaking the rules while in the Oval Office and I myself, will do everything I can to see that that never happens by preventing him from taking office in the first place by convincing people not to vote for him on November 2nd..
Joeychgo said:
Bryan - wake up and smell the espresso --
Never drank it, never will. Life is my stimulant, thank you.
Joeychgo said:
Wonder who Kerry's Sec of State will be................
Holbrooke. A disaster in the making. The person who will be the most responsible for World War III.