sKerry appears to have cheated during the debate

I hope Kerry cheated, I hope he wrote down his entire debate on some index cards. It demonstrates commitment. He chose his answers, knew what he wanted to touch on, and followed through. Kerry cheated! Good! He had the gumption to do so... Bush should have cheated in the last four years... Maybe if Bush cheated, Osama would be some homeless dude holding a sign saying "Stop The War" on Park Ave, in NYC. That would be great! But, no, we forgot Osama didn't we? Actually, we didn't forget Osama under Bush's reign. Remember 9/11? Do you?

First thing President Bush did, and this is fact was grab the Bin Laden Family, throw them on a Air Force One and got them "Outta Dodge."

Why? Why? Why? Why?

Our President, George W. Bush let the "Lights Go Down On Broadway" and then rescued the family of the one responsible. And this was his Prioritized First Reaction!

I wonder if Bush had planned that out on a little Index Card while the Tower's fell? (You know, out at the ranch, where he keeps all his little cards)

Let Kerry, lie, cheat, steal, and tan himself all he wants.... cuz it won't be US he's doing it to.
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That's more Fahrenheit 911 propaganda. Talk about manipulating the facts.
Osama is bat food.

I predict the confirmation of his death will be announced before the election.
Kbob said:
That's more Fahrenheit 911 propaganda. Talk about manipulating the facts.
Never saw it, maybe I should.

Our Country, was one of the most respected, feared, appreciated, and aligned unions in the world, now we are the complete opposite...

Not only did Bush ruin us at a more austere level then ever before in our Democratic History, his actions will also be the cause of Tony Blair's Demise. Like we don't have enough trouble in Europe.


The photo is the attached tag with the washing instructions in both English and French. The English is exactly what you would expect and so is the French, for the first 6 lines. The last three lines of French are most interesting. "We are sorry that our President is an idiot. We didn't vote for him." Given recent strained relations between our two countries, it's good to see that not all Americans agree with the current administration.
hottweelz said:
Our Country, was one of the most respected, feared, appreciated, and aligned unions in the world, now we are the complete opposite...
Whatever . . . and people say Bush isn't living in reality. I will concede that perception of the U.S. has declined worldwide, and that is regrettable. But the actions of the govt. directly after the 9/11 attacks has been proven to be appropriate. The naysayers to this refuse to believe the facts and instead cling to conspiracy theories. I'm sure "Fahrenheit 911" is just your cup of kool-aid.

And hiding a political statement on a product to an unsuspecting consumer is disgraceful any way you look at it. If anyone needs to apologize, it's the French to the U.S. for the shady ties they had to Saddam and the corruption involved.
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Kbob said:
Whatever . . . and people say Bush isn't living in reality. I will concede that perception of the U.S. has declined worldwide, and that is regrettable. .
Kbob said:
But the actions of the govt. directly after the 9/11 attacks has been proven to be appropriate. .
Proven Appropriate? By Who? Maybe by Salem Bin Laden's Surviving Family Membes? Any Bush Advocates want to attest to that relationship from the late '70s until... when? '88? or '90? When George made out on the insider trading of almost $900,000 just in time for Iraq to invade Kuwait.
Kbob said:
And hiding a political statement on a product to an unsuspecting consumer is disgraceful any way you look at it. If anyone needs to apologize, it's the French to the U.S. for the shady ties they had to Saddam and the corruption involved.
Awww c'mon ... How Will I Laugh Tomorrow, If I Can't Even Smile Today?

I'm sure there's no relation between the two situations... :rolleyes:
Kbob said:
The naysayers to this refuse to believe the facts

3 years after 9/11, 43% of Americans believe Saddam was "directly involved" in 9/11 (Newsweek Poll, Set. 10, 2004) Are those the facts you're talking about? Are Americans really that clueless?? Or are they just that stupid??
RRocket said:
3 years after 9/11, 43% of Americans believe Saddam was "directly involved" in 9/11 (Newsweek Poll, Set. 10, 2004) Are those the facts you're talking about? Are Americans really that clueless?? Or are they just that stupid??
Confusing poll results with facts again Ron? You hold onto your beliefs despite evidence to the contrary, what's the difference? Those people polled are no different than you, so lay off the stupid comments as I take that stuff personally coming from a foreigner.

Lots of people have a death grip on this outrageous conspiracy theory and nothing I say will persuade them otherwise as it is rooted in a deep mistrust and hatred of Bush. But don't expect me to let it go unchallenged when it's touted as truth. Hottweelz made a post, and I responded with a short reply. He made another, so did I. Then even more crap is posted about more UNPROVEN allegations, like we haven't heard it all a thousand times before. It's not just a broken record, it's a broken broken record. But I can't force you to change the song cause you like it so much.

And hottweelz, what if you found a tag on your shirt that said "You Americans are stupid" written in Arabic. Not so funny anymore.
Kbob said:
And hottweelz, what if you found a tag on your shirt that said "You Americans are stupid" written in Arabic. Not so funny anymore.
I do give you that... poor taste on my part due to the heat of the moment.
hottweelz said:
I do give you that... poor taste on my part due to the heat of the moment.
Me too. Whoever wins the election, he'll be my president and your president, whether it be Kerry or Bush.

p.s. Ron's good at pushing my button with the "stupid American" thing, isn't he. :Beer
Kbob said:
Me too. Whoever wins the election, he'll be my president and your president, whether it be Kerry or Bush.

p.s. Ron's good at pushing my button with the "stupid American" thing, isn't he. :Beer
Ok Cool! ... Kerry...

And Rob's a foreigner? LOL... like what country? Canada? :N

I don't quite picture Ron squeeling like a pig, but I do picture him cackling like the Jo-Ker.

No matter what political party you support, it's hard for me, as a Vietnam veteran of the US Army (9th Inf. Div., 1969-70) to see how a guy who came home after a tour of only 4 months in 'Nam (after "manipulating the system" to get 3 purple hearts for "scratches", not real wounds) could hook up with Ted Kennedy (I liked John and Robert, by the way, but Ted is a "different animal"), testify/lie before the Senate committee, turn his back on his buddies who covered his back while he was in 'Nam, call them "murderers and baby-killers", and sully the name of all the brave men who served in Vietnam...there are plenty of patriotic and good democrats around, but not this guy...I agree that he is indeed despicable...that's my more thing...we can disagree without insulting each other, and making it personal, I believe...for those of you who don't know or aren't veterans, the normal tour of duty in Vietnam was 1 year...
The Mystery of the Bulge in the Jacket

Published: October 9, 2004

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 - What was that bulge in the back of President Bush's suit jacket at the presidential debate in Miami last week?

According to rumors racing across the Internet this week, the rectangular bulge visible between Mr. Bush's shoulder blades was a radio receiver, getting answers from an offstage counselor into a hidden presidential earpiece. The prime suspect was Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's powerful political adviser.
When the online magazine Salon published an article about the rumors on Friday, the speculation reached such a pitch that White House and campaign officials were inundated with calls.

First they said that pictures showing the bulge might have been doctored. But then, when the bulge turned out to be clearly visible in the television footage of the evening, they offered a different explanation.

"There was nothing under his suit jacket," said Nicolle Devenish, a campaign spokeswoman.

"It was most likely a rumpling of that portion of his suit jacket, or a wrinkle in the fabric."

Ms. Devenish could not say why the "rumpling" was rectangular.

Nor was the bulge from a bulletproof vest, according to campaign and White House officials; they said Mr. Bush was not wearing one.
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Are you saying that there were no atrocities committed by our forces in Viet Nam?
barry2952 said:

Are you saying that there were no atrocities committed by our forces in Viet Nam?

Are you saying that atrocities were committed by basically everyone in Vietnam as Kerry alluded to in his broad stroke statements?
I'm sorry, are you having trouble reading? I asked a clear question which you did not answer.
And I'm sorry that you're defending Kerry's statements. At any time Kerry could apologize for portraying the Vietnam war as one big atrocity with all servicemen guilty. No one is saying that atrocities were not committed by criminals in the armed forces. That's a big difference than saying "committed by our armed forces." I realize we're just arguing over semantics, but if ecallis was offended by Kerry's statement that portrayed him personally as some kind of criminal, then why are you stepping in? I'm suspecting you may be a Vietnam vet yourself. Is that the case? Is there some point you want to get across? If there is then state your case.
No, I am not a vet. I was 18 in 1970 and I was 1A for a year. I am not sure if I would have gone. I did hear those hearings first hand and I never heard Kerry place the blame on all GIs. Atrocities were committed and they should have been reported just as they have been recently.

While I agree that posing Arabic men in homosexual positions is nothing compared to chopping someone's head off I feel that we, as a country, should rise above the fray and treat our prisoners with as much moral fairness as possible. The rules of war should be obeyed even if the enemy ignores them.
barry2952 said:
While I agree that posing Arabic men in homosexual positions is nothing compared to chopping someone's head off I feel that we, as a country, should rise above the fray and treat our prisoners with as much moral fairness as possible.
I would argue a few bad apples don't ruin the whole barrel. But that is exactly what Kerry said. He said all the apples were rotten. Especially the trees (gov) from which they grew. That is why so many people have a problem with what Kerry said.
I've not been able to find the text of that speech. I'd be willing to read it to determine the context of the Kerry's statement. I remember hearing it on the news but I've never seen more than the sound bites.

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