I could go on and on but what's the point? I'm only talking to a brick wall thats been brainwashed by Beck/Hannity/Limbaugh, who hate this country so much they'd work to undermine EVERYTHING GOOD Obama / Dems are trying to do so that it appears they are "damaging this country" so that the GOBP will win back power.
This is the most interesting thing you've said.
It's also the most telling.
The complete paragraph not only demonstrates the absolutely depth of your ignorance and sheep like behavior, it also shows just how hostile and reactionary you are.
You start off, again, stating that you won't even be bothered to engage or discuss anything- the people that you don't seem to agree with aren't worth it, that they are "brainwashed." A ridiculous claim, but one you seem to repeat out of laziness and ignorance.
Then you presume that the political opposition to the agenda being thrust upon the American people right now is motivated by political opportunism. That the opposition to this massive expansion of federal power is really just a strategy to help "Republican" gain power, purely for partisan reasons.
And you close the paragraph off attempting to link the Republican party with British Petroleum.
It's just a staggering piece of writing.
It's absurd, hateful, focus, uncontrolled, and wildly ignorant all at one time.
Of course, BP was closely aligned with the Democrats and the Obama administration.
Obama was the biggest recipient of BP donations. This doesn't mean Obama was necessarily responsible for the explosion, the handling of this administration in the 80 day old oil leak is a different conversation, but the implication that the GOP and BP were cozy with each other is simply untrue. If you know that, you're lying. If you didn't, you're ignorant. I won't call you a liar, I'll give you the doubt and presume you're just intellectually lazy and don't know these things.
I'm only talking to a brick ...who hate this country so much they'd work to undermine EVERYTHING GOOD Obama / Dems are trying to do so that it appears they are "damaging this country" so that the GOBP will win back power.
Look at what you said. You said that Fossten, Shag, and myself HATE this country. That we are attempting undermine it's success just to win seats for the Republican party. Do you realize how twisted and vile that logic is? Do you actually believe that?
Do you say that because that's what YOU and the people you associate would do? Because I can say with certainty that people like Shag, Fossten, and myself, people who oppose the political agenda being advanced in Washington aren't doing it for partisan reasons, it's motivated by principles, values, and LOVE of country.
Personally, I'm disgusted by the GOP, however I recognize that, right now, restoring the country might only be possible by using the GOP. Sadly, the GOP is the only party that has any room under it's big tent for people that believe in individual liberty, federalism, the constitution, and free-market capitalism. Unfortunately, the DNC has purged it's leadership of such believes years ago.
But what do you love about this country, Johnny?
Because, it's sounds to me like you really just like the real estate and some of the people, not the philosophy, the freedom, the constitution, our history, or the founding principles. If you did really love this country, you wouldn't support the destruction of those things.
Maybe you don't realize that, but those things are being destroyed.
It's been a steady process for many years, but this administration is doing that at a rate, with an intensity that hasn't ever been seen. He's a radical leftist, not the centrist, unifying moderate the the press presented himself as during the campaign. Have the honesty to admit that, or open your eyes and realize it.