Sup echo chamber -- Waiting for Gov't Checks Threaed

I'm supposed to quote myself? :lol:

AhmadineJohnny, I can see that my sig really bothers you, otherwise you wouldn't be going to such trouble to make up things and flop about. Guess that's what you get for saying false things about me without being able to back them up, right loser? :bowrofl:

If you have such a problem with my sig, go ahead and whine to the mods - I'm sure they will do something about it since making up quotes is against the rules.
To expand on my history since you so love to make assumptions, I am working in the business school right now while I am going back to school to expand my education. I enlisted in the navy many years ago, after deciding I didn't much care for college life. After the Navy I worked for several years as a diesel mechanic. Along the way I attended some school, did a bunch of random things, met my ex-wife, and moved to her home state of North Dakota, where I bought my first house. While there, there wasn't a lot of work, and I got a good offer from a farmer, so I began working as a light duty mechanic and equipment operator for him. While doing that, I moved to a town closer to the farm and bought a new house. After a while I tired of 16 hour days 7 days a week and moved to South Dakota where I had some family so my kids could be closer to them. I drove truck for a while while looking for work and weathering the bad economy, then I enrolled back into school. I am going to complete the work on my Math and physics degrees that I started, as well as picking up one in computer sciences. I have completed a minor in Criminal Law as well. Of course, I left plenty of holes in it, so you can fill that in with whatever you can imagine, as I am sure you will.

Hang on, I thought you were a scientist? :confused:

No. I am not interested in political agenda in the guise of science. I am a scientist and will not have that field dirtied by politics.
Hang on, I thought you were a scientist? :confused:

I am.

Physics and mathematics are my primary field, followed by computer sciences. I just have not completed enough college to get a meaningful job in my field. Is foss working as a religious scholar? Is shag working as a political scientist? Much like they do, I define myself through the field I feel most confident in and have most of my education. I have been working and supporting a family for a lot of years now. Sorry I don't have a PhD yet.


Where the h3ll do you reach that conclusion?

You claim doesn't make any sense...unless you don't understand what critical thought is, which is very likely.

Once again..... would you like me to start quoting your inane responses you have made to me hundreds of times that were basically exactly what he was describing?
I'm supposed to quote myself? :lol:

AhmadineJohnny, I can see that my sig really bothers you, otherwise you wouldn't be going to such trouble to make up things and flop about. Guess that's what you get for saying false things about me without being able to back them up, right loser? :bowrofl:

If you have such a problem with my sig, go ahead and whine to the mods - I'm sure they will do something about it since making up quotes is against the rules.

Way to take the high road. Not that I expected a whole lot from :q:q:q:q like you.

A person having expert knowledge of one or more sciences, especially a natural or physical science.


So, in your mind a 'science student dropout' equals 'scientist?'


Where are you getting dropout from? Do you know what degrees I have completed so far?

So, I guess you little man children are going to try and attack me on this now in another one of your childish efforts to attack my credibility. Pretty sad that all you have is personal attacks. Guess that is what happens when all you have in life is accusations and baseless opinions. Cheer up foss, maybe one day you will accidentally say something that happens to be supported by a fact.

While we are at it, why don't I post a definition for scientist too,

From the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, A scientist in a broad sense is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method.
Once again..... would you like me to start quoting your inane responses you have made to me hundreds of times that were basically exactly what he was describing?
Gotta love the hyperbole. You'd be better as an engineer rather than scientist/squid/computer geek/business student/whatever the hell you are. :rolleyes:
Where are you getting dropout from? Do you know what degrees I have completed so far?
Look, pretender - have you done any meaningful work in the science field? No. Do you have a PhD? No. Do you have a math and physics degree? According to you, NO.

It's called 'credentials.' Let's see you post your CV so we can all judge it fairly. Otherwise, you're just posturing.

My father is a true scientist, and he has a PhD in Engineering, two Bachelors, one in engineering and one in Physics, a Masters in Engineering, and an MBA. He worked for the government at Defense Nuclear Agency in the Pentagon in the 80s, and designing weapons systems at Sandia Labs in Albuquerque, NM.

I know what a scientist is, and from what I've seen so far you ain't it. In fact, you show every sign of being a perpetual student with no focus in life. :rolleyes:
Gotta love the hyperbole. You'd be better as an engineer rather than scientist/squid/computer geek/business student/whatever the hell you are. :rolleyes:

I am not a business student at all. Where did you get that from? I work in the business school at the university. Doesn't mean I am a business student. I don't really care for accounting, and I have only in my life taken a few business classes. I really don't care for that field.
Look, pretender - have you done any meaningful work in the science field?

I have written 2 papers on quantum mechanics. Have I invented the atomic bomb, no. What is your definition of meaningful work? How long are you going to focus on this and try and discredit me in your attempt to have future ammunition against me in a POLITICAL FORUM, especially given the fact you are complaining about a statement I made where I didn't like politics in the guise of science? Do you like when religion to be twisted by politics? Do you have a PhD in any type of religious study?
In fact, you show every sign of being a perpetual student with no focus in life. :rolleyes:

Really, is that the best you've got? Wow you sure seem to know a lot about my life. Granted, every other assumption you have made about me in this thread has been wrong. I thought a little while ago I was a burger flipper who lived in my mom's basement and played call of duty. You are really reaching. Try whatever faux outrage you like, but it doesn't change the fact that the only thing you are trying to do is attack me on a personal level because you do not have the intelligence or facts to ever debate me honestly.
Post links to 'em. Oh, and how does this make you a 'scientist?' Have they been published in any journals? Peer reviewed?

Nope sorry, not published. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff or anything, but we can't all be breakthrough factories. I only mentioned that because I wanted to know what exactly your definition of meaningful work is. See how far you were going to move the goalposts ahead of time.

How long you gonna keep this up? Is this in some way proving that your opinions on politics are more valid than my own?
A scientist in a broad sense is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method.

Yup, I'm familiar with the broad term - guess I can call myself a scientist and throw the term around to add credence to my posts, like you did. ;)
Yup, I'm familiar with the broad term - guess I can call myself a scientist and throw the term around to add credence to my posts, like you did. ;)

I wasn't trying to add credence to that post. Just saying I hate politics in the name of science. How did it appear to you that I was trying to add credence to that post? Do you need a doctorate in theology to call yourself religious? Do you need a PhD in Ministry to say how you feel about the bible? If so, I demand to see Foss's degree.

Then again, I suppose I should censor the word bible, since he is the one who said I cannot talk about the bible because I am agnostic.
How did it appear to you that I was trying to add credence to that post?

Sections of posts like this, where you use your (claimed) scientific background to add credence:

..... Do you have any idea how much time I spend on genetics? I would equate this to suggesting to you that you don't know what the 10 commandments are. (let's take our differing interpretations of the bible aside) Before you presume to lecture me on DNA, genetics and evolution, I would suggest you do a little study on the matter, and not the study that results from reading creationist stories and bastardizations of these matters. Try some real scientific study, then you can argue with me the problems with evolution vs intelligent design, because there are places where evolution seems like a stretch, or requires faith to fill in the blanks, but you are nowhere near touching on them.

Pretty condescending for somebody who isn't even qualified, don't you think?
Sections of posts like this, where you use your (claimed) scientific background to add credence:

Pretty condescending for somebody who isn't even qualified, don't you think?

I have spent a LOT of time studying genetics. How is this related? I never claimed to have a PhD, all I said in that thread is that I have spent a LOT of time studying that field. I believe I have said numerous times even on this forum that I had recently returned to school. How am I not qualified to speak about genetics? I was certainly more qualified to speak of genetics than Foss, who could only return with incorrect statements about the genetics of Sugar Beets, which when I rebutted, he claimed I had magic sugar beets, and who prior to that statement was making claims of genetics that anyone who had ever taken a biology class could have told were wrong.

Very well then, in the future, when I cite scientific information like that, I will provide sources for the information, since I do not have a doctorate. Now, let's just see if Foss and Shag can cite facts to back up their statements or blog reposts in the future too.

Now, before you continue with the faux outrage, why don't you go and ask shag and Foss for their PhDs in Political Science and Theology respectively, since they claim expertise and call themselves scholars in those fields often enough on this forum.
Do you need a PhD in Ministry to say how you feel about the bible? If so, I demand to see Foss's degree.
Straw man. I never called myself a 'Minister' or claimed any title, and Shag never claimed to have a PhD. But you claimed to be a SCIENTIST. Shag told you he had a degree because you tauntingly told him to go take a polysci class.

Nevertheless, it is amusing to watch you flail about and whine about me.:rolleyes: You mention me in every post. Clearly I'm living rent free in your head. Keep stomping your feet.

And by the way, you never refuted my facts on sugar beets. Go back and re read the thread. You actually confirmed that what I said was true.
Nope sorry, not published. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff or anything, but we can't all be breakthrough factories. I only mentioned that because I wanted to know what exactly your definition of meaningful work is. See how far you were going to move the goalposts ahead of time.

How long you gonna keep this up? Is this in some way proving that your opinions on politics are more valid than my own?
No, but it proves that you over-inflate your own credentials - fraud. :rolleyes:

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