Dedicated LVC Member
By the way Shag, I've talked to the people at Wikipedia and you are now banned from the site due to excessive linking. 
There's nothing else to explain.But, because of some weird rule of debate I am not allowed to use comparison to argue my point.
Maybe someone could really explain this to me.
Sad, because he's not a terrorist.And it is just fun to make sure that Liddy get his due as a domestic terrorist...![]()
You keep bringing this up. Can we leave sexual fantasies out of this discussion?I have been pounded so much
And, there are men being held in Gantanamo as terrorists who haven’t committed an act of violence, they just planned terrorist acts – so, the US Government views terrorism as ”An individual who commits an act or acts of violence or threatens violence in pursuit of political, religious, or ideological objectives.
Spin...spin.... dodge....deflect.... but never actually respond to the challenge..... It's really getting boring.Calabrio – so I can use comparison – right? Is that OK??? As a general rule here….
As noted, they are enemy combatants.And, there are men being held in Gantanamo as terrorists who haven’t committed an act of violence
No he's not. But I've addressed this already.And Liddy isn’t repentant either…
Because Fox can't stay on topic. She's dancing around, avoiding any of the challenges presented to her, aware of just how weak and dishonest her little technique is.How the hell did we get off on Gitmo?
But since we're here, it should be noted that a great many of the prisoners weren't caught on the "battlefield". They were captured and turned in by third parties in exchange for rewards. Many were never charged with anything and were released. "Hey, sorry buddy for three years of living hell, hanging you from the ceiling from chains, and all that. We thought you might be a bad guy because this dude said you were after we paid him $5000. Have a nice day."
And considering the number of them who have tried to commit suicide, I think some might have to take issue with the "more humane than killing them on the spot" argument.
You'll have a hard time naming anybody KILLED OR MAIMED by Ayers other than the three Weathermen who died in the Greenwich explosion. As for buildings "blown up", that's a stretch. They usually set their bombs off in bathrooms or unattended places in the very early morning. See this Weather Underground timeline (PDF) with contemporary newspaper accounts. Damage was limited. No one was ever hurt. Furthermore, they usually called with warnings before. Blowing up a bathroom at 4 AM is a far cry from "blowing up" the Capital building or the Pentagon.
Don't expect Calabrio to acknowledge his lies, he's been called on this before and yet he continues this lie. Remember the forum rules dictated by the RWWs on this board, "We make the rules and they only apply to you."
Calabrio said:a radical leftist, American hating terrorist who actively KILLS AND MAIMS innocent people.
We can either list all of the people and targets that the Weather Underground attacked with moltov cocktails, explosives and the likes.
We can talk about the law enforcement officers that they assaulted.
Or we can even talk about the various brainwashed radicals that were either shot or blew themselves up while manufacturing explosives in the basement of a residential neighborhood.
Obama appears to agree with Ayers on everything BUT building high explosive nail bombs to be used to maim and kill innocent civilians.
You keep dancing around this, distracting.
Because, frankly, I'm not interested in just busy work by a bunch of dishonest, deceptive liberals like yourself.
We can talk about the law enforcement officers that they assaulted.
...if he busts in on you armed.Now, not as something I agree or disagree with, Liddy did broadcast on his radio show how to correctly shoot to kill an ATF officer.
It appears you are already attempting to pave yourself a narrow path to weasle out of your statement.
Liddy's quote - from his talk show... 1994
“Go for a head shot. They're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. They've got a big target on there: ATF. Don't shoot at that, because they've got a vest on underneath that. Head shots, head shots.... Kill the sons of bitches.”
I don't have a "side." I don't play for a baseball team.Calabrio - what ever you use for stress release - how about getting some? Your side lost - at least you still hold filibuster and 2 years really isn't that far away...
I won't deny that you might find him interesting, but you clearly brought Liddy up as a means of distracting from the Obama/Ayers associations. There's no need for me to repeat and explain it again.I have been debating Liddy because he is a paranoid nut case and he is a fascinating study
But, I do like how you liked my Liddy joke Foss (I hope you didn't hurt your computer with the spit take) I was rather shocked myself when I was looking at Liddy facts and there was all this stuff about Liddy being a fascist.. it is pretty funny. I hope you enjoyed the 'mirth'. The world can use lots of mirth...
The fascist thing was a joke... sorry...... what kind of fascists would say that??
Obviously, one wouldn't. But intellectual honesty or candor isn't something you're inclined to exhibit in public debate, is it?
The fascist thing was a joke... sorry...I thought it was funny that there was all this stuff out there on the web about him being a fascist...