The Mark on the TV Show Pass Time


Well-Known LVC Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Long day... But, had a lot of fun! :) The Mark made it on to the TV show this past Friday, a special "Pro Line Race Engine" episode, where you guessed it - all the cars have a Pro Line Race Engine in them. I had no idea all this was going to happen, but Pass Time invited Pro Line on to have their own
episode. Aric, with Injected Engineering, has a personal and professional relationship with the guys at Pro Line, and he was asked to bring some Pro Line motor cars to the event - like me :) .

I was able to get one t&t run, a 12.4 on the street tires. After the run, Aric made some changes to the trans tune and unlocked the TC. I did not get to make another pass until it was my turn on the TV show, so I had no idea what to expect. My only run was at 1pm, and it was like 8pm by the time the
episode was filmed. lol I was worn out being on that black top all day, thats for sure.

It was a cool experience, but boggles the mind a little with all the lights, camera's, instructions to remember, etc., that simple things like turning off the traction control and overdrive can be an oversight when it's time to make your run :( .

So, I did not do The Mark justice on it's television debut. I do not know what I ran, but it had to be 14 something. The car spun off the line, and did a nose dive when the tc kicked in, then simmered down and took off good after that. The track was junk for street tire cars, and some slick cars that did not do a smoky burnout. I suspect that even with the tc and od off, the car would have just spun through first gear anyway.

Tim Lynch - famous OutLaw 10.5 driver, was the last car for the Pro Line episode, and put his car in the wall after doing a wheelie the entire length of the track. The car came down, and went left into the wall. Tim walked away, but the car did not fair too well. Here is a link to the slide show, and a picture of Tim's car taken earlier in the day. For those not familiar with the TV show, I also attached a couple links also.

Hulu - Speed X: Pass Time: '99 Ford Lightning@@AMEPARAM@@







Sounds like fun for sure!

I've heard from a few people who have been on that show and they all ran slower than their norm.... really cool experience though.
don't be upset mike.....there was a mark on there went like 16.3.....your car is sweet and will def get the marks some respect!!
Congrats on doing the show Mike.

"I was able to get one t&t run, a 12.4 on the street tires. After the run, Aric made some changes to the trans tune and unlocked the TC."

This whole Aric always putzing with the car thing really bothers me and it's not even my car.:shifty:

The T.C. ON probably did you a favor.

Turn that car over to Driller for a month or so.:Beer He'll get it to launch.

I'll shut up now and not rain on the parade.

But 14 something:slap:
I didn't want to say it but since MM started it... WTF is up with Eric and screwing around with the tune with varied results??

If I had spent 1/100 of what you have spent I would expect nothing but a perfect tune... especially with how much time he has spent on it.
Thanks, Everyone :) I was told the episode should air in the fall around September - October time frame.

Street tuning and track tuning a transmission are two different things. The only time Aric had a chance to track tune the car was last November when it ran the 11.7 pass. All he really did this time was lower the 1-2 shift point a tad to get it off the rev limiter some, and unlock the torque converter because I wanted to try it unlocked to move the rpm's more towards the power band on the big end of the track.

That's it. Just some fine tuning :) Not many tuners I know will go to the track with you to get it right. When you guys put some power down on these cars, you will understand it is not that easy as someone mailing you a tune, or driving it around the block a few times and send you on your way.

There is some phenomenon that seems to happen on the first run when I go to the track where the car will short shift 2-3, and drop back down to 2 again under WOT, but even JW looking at the tune did not resolve that. After that first run, the car will not do that for the rest of the day at the track. :confused: I can live with that, as long as I am good for the rest of the day :)

lol I know... on the 14 second pass. I should be around 114 mph on street tires too. :cool: That traction control works real good killing wheel spin :) A good set of DR's and all will be good. Once I melt the T1R's, some ET Streets are going on it for good. :)
I see... that sucks about the Snafu's in the tune... and I can understand how frustrating it is to get it perfect. I've been trying to get a converter lock issue nailed down in my tune..

If Jerry couldn't fix it... well I don't know who could.
well congates on the show try to post the exact date and time when they tell you cuz i will deffenitly watch that episode!
Turn that car over to Driller for a month or so.:Beer He'll get it to launch.

Oh man that is too funny. :lol:

You know me too well - I can't stand for any tire spin. :D

That's the problem I think with big mods - you lose the learning experience of incremental improvements.

There's only one way to launch - just mat it! If you've got tire spin, you've got issues that need resolved before you go any further.

At least that's my way of thinking. :D

Back on topic...

Congrats again Mike, we'll patiently be waiting by our DVRs waiting for the time and date of the show. ;)
Congrats on the show, i would love to get that kind of exposure myself must have been a blast and definitly something to remeber for a life time. To bad you had those issues would have been nice to run a PB given a chance like that.
I hope to see the show... I've been watching reruns looking for that one with the other Mark on it... haven't caught that one yet.
Thanks again, Everyone. :) It was a cool experience, and even though the driver screwed up, I am still looking forward to the show. :)

Oh man that is too funny. :lol:

You know me too well - I can't stand for any tire spin. :D

That's the problem I think with big mods - you lose the learning experience of incremental improvements.

There's only one way to launch - just mat it! If you've got tire spin, you've got issues that need resolved before you go any further.

At least that's my way of thinking. :D

Back on topic...

Congrats again Mike, we'll patiently be waiting by our DVRs waiting for the time and date of the show. ;)

lol No doubt JP. :) I decided last year that I was done chasing et's, and to neuter the car and just have fun with it driving it right off the street onto the track. No trailer queen or track car here :) Since the car will see the track 2-4 times a year, I am good with my 1.8 60's on street tires. Maybe the DR's will bring it down into the 1.7's... ;)

Easy there, killer...

When your Mark is putting down over twice the rwhp as a stock Mark, please let me know how your Mark does at the track. I am anxious to hear how it goes for you. Thanks. :)
When your Mark is putting down over twice the rwhp as a stock Mark, please let me know how your Mark does at the track.

Oh post a HARD question.

that's an EASY question that I dont even have to spend 10K to find out.

It's "gonna spin the tires" duh!

*joking grin*

Can I buy an autographed picture of your car, since you famous and all that?

AND.. I commend Aric for the amout of time he's spent on your car.

That is "above and beyond" what you get from many of the tuners in the industry... most want to "get you in, get you tuned and get you GONE" so they can move to the next car.

I think Aric has an infactuation with your car Mike.
don't worry about it man......if anything you could use it to hustle people....."yea it runs 14's...I'll run ya for $100...and BAM 11.75 run!!!!!!!
Tuning isn't easy... and it is very much open to opinions... that's why I had to do it myself... needed to get it tuned the way I liked it, and I couldn't afford to pay someone to make all the changes I have gone through :)

Mike your car is bad ass, wish I had enough money to build one like it!
When your Mark is putting down over twice the rwhp as a stock Mark, please let me know how your Mark does at the track. I am anxious to hear how it goes for you. Thanks. :)

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you here. But some of us do have experience with fast cars in general, even MN12 chassis and Ford tuning, and your comment may have come off as a little condescending.
don't worry about it man......if anything you could use it to hustle people....."yea it runs 14's...I'll run ya for $100...and BAM 11.75 run!!!!!!!

THAT aint no lie

Bring that thing to Texas and we'll FILL your pockets with money.
All the people we race against KNOW what our cars run...they would be easy pickings.

It'd be like taking candy from a BUNCH OF
just saw your run 10 min ago on pass time 14.16....ken says "how often do you see someone getting in a mark with a helmet!?" in a good way ;)

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