The "NO... just no..." Build Thread.

+1 anxious to see more, great progress so far

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As soon as I can get back to working on this car, there will be updates. I just don't know when that will be... Right now Crab is being awesome and doing the little things that take up busy time when I get there. Between projects at work, he's been working out the ignition system. This includes Northstar engine parts, Diodes, Volvo controllers, etc. He believes he's struck gold on the correct dwell times and output. The last diode is shipping after many hours of research by Crab, and scouring the depths of the dark web for this part. After this and the flywheel (which isn't guaranteed to work), there shouldn't be anything standing in the way of firing this thing up. Haha!!!!!! (sorry, I just find that hilarious). Brian (Crab) sold his Creslaurel this week, and posted a picture next to the weed support, I mean Lincoln; made me really want to finish it and do wheelies.
IMG_20391_zpsokm5fzuc.jpgSome Volvo truck parts, Toyota parts, Honda parts, very rare diodes, Cadillac parts, and Crabs "theory" on how to make this work, produced this. We are getting a group of people together for the 2 days I have off in February for a major thrash session. I want a burnout video by that Saturday. And by that I mean, the accomplishment of this car rolling 10 feet under it's own sputtering power.

In order to actually work on this car, vacation days were taken and hopes were high. Brian and I started by pulling the car out of its outdoor winter hibernation spot. The light snow cover was brushed off as the doors were cracked. We were greeted with the wafting smell of mice, d-CON, and the still present smell of various burnt/melted items; ahhh, my car.

snow lincoln.jpg

First order of business was to take everything out of the car, suck up the mouse turds and residual d-CON pellets. The passenger seat was removed to make way for the ECU and bucket seat. The car was inventoried for items we need from the junk yard. This includes: door stop, stock HID (current HIDs are one aftermarket, one stock, so they are different temps), possible new 2nd gen bumper bracket, carpet to cover the now not occupied seat belt B-pillar opening, and a few trim pieces.

As with everything on this project, a 15-30 minute tasks takes 4 hours. Around 12pm Friday, Brian and I were joined by Mike, who was in town from Kalamazoo. Our main goals were: get the car all wired up and get the new flywheel in, so we can turn the car over.

mike wiring.jpg

Sitting out in the sun wore off several important wire labels. That was addressed while Mike mounted the ignitors and coils. The engine bay is starting to get really crammed with stuff, so a bracket and mounting table was bespoke fabricated for the ignitors.

ignitor table.jpg

Wiring, soldering, crimping, repeat, repeat. The ECU was mounted as Brian worked on the passenger bucket seat with judicious vigor.

seat cut.jpg

10pm on Saturday rolled around as we hooked a battery up to test the gauges and ECU. ECU shows working, however the AFR gauge wasn’t powering up. A single crimp on the power connector to the AFR had broken… This doomed any chance of getting to the flywheel. The dash was torn apart again as a couple other wires of concern were also address. At this point, all hopes of getting the flywheel in had been dashed. I was completely demoralized as I headed back home in the late hours, contemplating life/car choices as my Lyft driver’s Camry droned from the quickly failing wheel bearing. The shuttering of the car as it came to a stop at my house concluded a busy weekend that looks like nothing was accomplished.

engine bay table.jpg
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The shuttering of the car as it came to a stop at my house concluded a busy weekend that looks like nothing was accomplished.

hey sounds about like usual Saturday night.

also, the pics aren't working for me, not sure what that's all about.
hey sounds about like usual Saturday night.

also, the pics aren't working for me, not sure what that's all about.

Rehosted the pictures with the forum's new awesome image uploader! The new uploader is about 10000x better.
I laughed so hard at the demoralizing/lyft/camry comment. Been there.... once a week it feels like. :D
Wrong injector loaded in SM2, old gas, etc etc. But... this happened.

I once knew a guy who put an Allison out of a P51 in his '29 Ford sedan. Drove it, too. ;)

We were going to drive it (totally drive-able) but didn't want to push it with a couple loose wires and other things needing to be cleaned up. Now I begin getting everything prepped for laps around the parking lot.
Maybe it was here, or on ziptied, but I cannot find it. Did you confirm what steering-wheel adapter can be used on the LS's steering shaft? Wondering if its the same as other fords, or something one-off.
There is an issue with play on it which didn't exist before. I will let you know. I'm afraid the chinesium cracked. I'll let you know if it isn't cracked.

Bigger fish to fry, autronic sm2 ecu killed itself. To go from a running driving car to wiring again was disheartening. Picked up the ms3pro ultimate and should be done soldering tomorrow. Should be driving again next week.
I to like your rims. Are they the 45 offset.? Would love to see a good side profile pic with these wheels
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After nearly 3 solid weeks of studying, I now have my FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Certificate. So time restricting source number 1 gone. Now the issue is that my wife is back to work. I work Fri-Mon and wifey works Mon-Fri, so I am with Connor three days a week with zero days of overlap. Ordered a flywheel that was being "Shipped tomorrow" about 4 weeks ago. Throttle body, IC piping, BOV just need a few hours of work at the very most. The LQ4 COPs will 100% not work with my ECU, so I'm working on sourcing/cobbling together a new ignition setup. Other parts have been "shipping" for months from overseas. So many aspect of this build have been just waiting for parts. The interior is coming together and we hope to have something presentable next time I get out to the shop; the issue is that I have no idea when that will be.
Since ya'll like pictures. Here's the newest version of the MetSHO:
View attachment 828565713
Hoping his build makes it to completion....very cool
Car sat outside all winter under a pile of snow.

I didn't work on it a single day. All money and resources were directed towards finally buying a house.

Car is on level ground and not gravel, and has a power supply within 5 feet instead of 100 yards.

And yes, the bumper needs a lot of work to fit, but I just wanted an idea of what it will look like.

Car sat outside all winter under a pile of snow.

I didn't work on it a single day. All money and resources were directed towards finally buying a house.

Car is on level ground and not gravel, and has a power supply within 5 feet instead of 100 yards.

And yes, the bumper needs a lot of work to fit, but I just wanted an idea of what it will look like.

View attachment 828569059
Great to see its under a roof my friend!

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