Transmission E. Awesome.

Not cool, Pete. Not cool at all! They should be making this right.

I agree. But it's my word against theirs. It's a losing battle, so I'm just going to leave it up to karma. I have more important things to concentrate on than a cracked bumper.

that blows!

is that the mach 1 spoiler?

It was a Frost King garage door seal from home depot. $15 iirc. Plus some screws.
o ok. thanks for that. i think it looks better cuz it doesnt stick out as far. home depot her i come lol
I highly doubt that happened from putting it on a 2 post lift, maybe a scissor lift that they had to drive up? Idk otherwise, maybe they curbed it, or you did with Jameson lol :D
Lol. I don't drive drunk anymore. Next time I get 6 years in prison.

I'm not saying if it happened on the lift or not. It wasn't broke when I dropped it off, and it was broke when I picked it up.
It was me out of jealousy... GR is only a half hour from work or so.... (evil laugh)
How much did the repair set you back in total? Pretty sure I'm headed down the same path to get mine fixed, minus the cracked bumper. ;)
It was $400-500ish IIRC. Labor was a hair over $200. Parts were 250 I think. 5R55N solenoid block and 5R55N valve body from I also got a gasket kit too.
Got it. Thx. I have two quotes for $600 to $650. I think the difference is probably a hedge on labor and the cheaper parts you found. I need to get this behind me.

Got a P0735 code today, plan to let a guy have it for a few hours to do some more diagnostics and then go from there. From everything I've read, sounds like solenoid pack (got that code a few weeks back).
Unfortunately did not fix my issue (solenoid pack). Looks like I'm in to a rebuild. Issues appear to be with second and fifth gear. Does that likely mean it's the band on the trans? I think i recall reading that somewhere. At this point I just need to get this behind me. Driving in D4 until I can drop it off (runs pretty good like that).
No. I asked about that but was told that would not address a 2nd/5th gear issue, more likely the band. I found a guy, based on another reader's feedback, who actually gives a lifetime warranty on his rebuilds. Given how dirty my trans fluid was (don't think it was ever changed) I'm resigned to likely needing it. I do plan to ask him to show me the valve body though. I'm very curious to know if there is a failed spring in there or some other obvious issue.
Happened to me tonight :(

Message came on, i pulled over and restarted the car. Message went away and i was able to drive back home. Message didn't come back on. Car had been shifting pretty weird lately, and i've been complaining about lack of power for a while. Related? Gonna take it to the dealer when i get a chance to get the codes read.

-Lack of power.
-Holds first to about 4500 even with just light throtle during city driving.
-On the highway same deal, holds fourth forever, even with SST, when i shift up it holds for a while before shifting.
-under heavy throttle the shifts lunge you forward, much more than it used to even with my aggressive tune.

Message came on, i pulled over and restarted the car. Message went away and i was able to drive back home. Message didn't come back on. Car had been shifting pretty weird lately, and i've been complaining about lack of power for a while. Related? Gonna take it to the dealer when i get a chance to get the codes read.

-Lack of power.
-Holds first to about 4500 even with just light throtle during city driving.
-On the highway same deal, holds fourth forever, even with SST, when i shift up it holds for a while before shifting.
-under heavy throttle the shifts lunge you forward, much more than it used to even with my aggressive tune.


I'd get your codes read, and go from there. Sounds similar to what I experienced.
I'm in the same boat...going to get some quotes I guess to see how much they'll charge to replace the parts...but I will be ordering the parts from that site. Unless I have a how-to, don't think I'll be messing with this lol
Man hope you get it all worked out. I remember back in my 04 I had the E come up a few times but it never affected its driveability. I think it came on 2 times when it seemed like I shifted from Park down to Drive real fast and I just put it back in park, turned it off, and restarted and all was good. Then one time I think it came on while driving but it didnt affect it, pulled over turned it off, and back on and it was gone. Idk weird, and so far the new owner hasnt mentioned anything about it.
Message came on one more time. Went away after restarting the car. Until today, message came back on with a check engine light. Plugged in my xcal tuner and got P0775: pressure control solenoid b.

Any thoughts?

Getting the codes read rigt now at a shop anyway, waiting...
Welp, time for my solenoid pack/valve body to be replaced.

Wife was driving the car home last night. She called me and said the car was saying "check transmission" and said it wouldn't move at all. I told her to restart it and it seems to have fixed it temporarily but at least now I know for a fact that the solenoid pack needs to be done.

I just ordered the valve body w/ solenoid pack from Should have it in two days or so if they're located in Tampa. Hopefully Friday I can have my mechanic swap it in. If it was just the solenoid pack, I would do it myself, but the valve body is a little too much for me in my apartment parking lot.
Check it carefully when you get it. We've had reports on here of poorly rebuilt units sold by 800700.

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