Trump for President!


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 31, 2007
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I have comments and will share them later tonight but I'd like to hear other's thoughts on this. I was talking with some FB friends and they just don't get it.
im all for it! first he would balance the budget, second he would start drilling for oil so we dont need the dune coons oil anymore!!! he is a shrud bizness man and knows how to get things working like a bizness and not a giant money pit like congress and the kenyan!!!!!!!!!
Mr.Trump is truly the only potential candidate with enough gumption to finally get this country back on top.
He is one of the the best known,and smartest business people in the world.
I listened to his hour long interview on the factor, and he REALLY makes a hell of lot of sense in how he would deal with the problems confronting this country.
I especially liked how he would deal with Pakistan, the middle east, and China.
Word is, he has made his decision to run, and that comes from sources close to him.
I don't usually get involved in political campaigns, but as soon as I know he is running for sure, I am going to join his California campaign big time, and do whatever it takes to get him in the white house.
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im all for it! First he would balance the budget, second he would start drilling for oil so we dont need the dune coons oil anymore!!! He is a shrud bizness man and knows how to get things working like a bizness and not a giant money pit like congress and the kenyan!!!!!!!!!

exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point
I was listening to him on the Hannity radio show and he seemed like a pretty smart guy, who had some good ideas. I thought I heard something about Jesse Ventura running either for president or VP, that makes me kind of nervous
No. Better than the current President is never a sufficient endorsement either. That's what they've said all of the other times he has/hasn't run for the past decade. Even if he were a great candidate in terms of philosophy and policy, it's rather difficult to take him seriously.

Donald Trump is about self-promotion, that's the business he's in. He's a brand.
I understand what you guys are saying, but show me one person who's not in one way or another "self promoting". We do it every day, from trying to impress the women we're interested in, to friends, to self promoting ourselves at work.

Life is all about "marketing". Now please don't misunderstand, there's a difference between self promotion and being an obnoxious self important prick who thinks is a snob.

Does that make sense? Because I haven't had coffee yet, and I'm only firing on 3 of my 5 brain cells.
He might be the best "brand" new president we ever had. He's not a politician. That's what we don't need. Politicians are the reason we are where we're at. He surely can't be any worse than what we have now.
What I was saying is that he is not a very good business as many believe. He makes money by "branding" his name.
He might be the best "brand" new president we ever had. He's not a politician. That's what we don't need. Politicians are the reason we are where we're at. He surely can't be any worse than what we have now.

That's what we the people of this country say about a potential president, every time elections are underway.

What I was saying is that he is not a very good business as many believe. He makes money by "branding" his name.

I'd love to have his :crappy" business. :lol:
Does that make sense? Because I haven't had coffee yet, and I'm only firing on 3 of my 5 brain cells.

As was just mentioned, Donald Trump has established himself as a brand. He sells his name to buildings and other business ventures around the world.

Promoting your business and ability is critical but I would argue that Donald Trump has become the Paris Hilton of the business world. He's now increasingly famous for being famous. He's held up as a financial wunderkind because he's so effectively managed the New York media.

Now, with that said, that doesn't mean that he can't bring something interesting to the Presidential race. His public statements right now are all about marketing, so I think his people have come to a few conclusions.

1- there IS something suspicious in Obama's background.
2- By the end of his first term, he's going to be a wildly unpopular President amongst productive people. (enter Hillary.)

Because if Obama had 90% approval ratings it'd be financially suicidal for Trump to be as outspoken as he currently is. There are skeletons in the guys closet and his approval rating is going to continue to fall. He's a one term President, this was evident from the beginning, even if he didn't know it.
If he is elected he would be the most entertaining

his cabinet meetings would be a must to air on C-Span...
I understand what you guys are saying, but show me one person who's not in one way or another "self promoting".

Very true. It is a fact of life and of human nature.

However, in a president, we need someone who's own ego and "self promoting" motivations don't override the principles they claim to aspire to and were elected on.

That is the biggest problem with Washington among politicians on both sides of the aisle; principle is cast asside in the name of narrow self-interest and self-promotion in a PC media vaccum.

If someone's ego can override principle, they can not be trusted in ANY elected office, let alone the most powerful elected office in the free world.

With many politicians, they will tell you what you want to hear on the campaign trail and expect you to believe it. Trump is different because he will tell you what you want to hear but doesn't care if you believe it. While this is, in and of itself, more honest then the typical politician, it is also much more damning in judging whether he can be trusted.

That said, it would be entertaining to watch Ron Paul and The Donald in debates.;)
All of you make a lot of great points. I would few much like to see Donald Trump in office for many of the reasons stated above. His "celebrity" may make it hard for some to take him seriously and yes he has turned himself into a brand over the years but he also had to work to get to the point where he was able to have people want his name as a brand. I would also like to think that the since he is already a billionaire he would not be as tempted as a regular person in office to the pressures of the money that can be thrown around at that level. I just feel like he would tell the American people how it is and what needs to be done to get this country back on track, heading in the right direction.
ot be as tempted as a regular person in office to the pressures of the money that can be thrown around at that level.
Power is an even greater source of corruption.
Why else would so many people with great wealth seek it?

I just feel like he would tell the American people how it is and what needs to be done to get this country back on track, heading in the right direction.
Based on what? What does Trump believe in?
Or is he basically perceived as a blank slate where most people can project their own beliefs and values upon? We see how that worked out in 2008.

The reality is that it takes more than business sense to be a great President. You really do need to be a bit of a historian and a philosopher because your decisions aren't as simple as that of a business man.

Trumps been around a while. He's pretended to run for President a few times as well. I don't know what he believes in or why. I'm not sold on the idea that he's serious, nor that he should be taken serious.
Power is an even greater source of corruption.
Why else would so many people with great wealth seek it?

Based on what? What does Trump believe in?
Or is he basically perceived as a blank slate where most people can project their own beliefs and values upon? We see how that worked out in 2008.

The reality is that it takes more than business sense to be a great President. You really do need to be a bit of a historian and a philosopher because your decisions aren't as simple as that of a business man.

Trumps been around a while. He's pretended to run for President a few times as well. I don't know what he believes in or why. I'm not sold on the idea that he's serious, nor that he should be taken serious.

I think he's serious. I believe in what he says. He's known around the world and he's not a push over like the one we have in there now. He wants to put China in it's place, he's pro-life which means that funding for Planned Parenthood would be gone. That would have to be funded privately if whores want to run around and spread the legs. 90% of what they do is abortions.

Trump isn't a politician. He's all about business and yes, his name is branded and yes, he has an ego. So what.... He still knows business and he wants to get our troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq. He wants to take oil from Iraq to pay back what they owe us. We built schools over there and rebuilt this and that and got rid of a tyrant. They owe us and he wants their oil to repay us. He believes in drilling for oil on our own land, not in Brazil. That right there is a big plus. Been to the gas station lately? He would get drilling permits passed and more permits issued because he wants it. I could go on and on why he should be elected.

His looks and hair, I could care less about. Obama and his wife don't look any better. His name being branded what it is today means more to me than Obama's branding... Liar! Freeloader! Puzzy!, Muslim!

Mitt Romney, NO WAY... We don't need a Morman trying to run the country. Announces he's running on YouTube??? Come on.... Could you see Trump announcing that he's in the race on YouTube? Never.
Huckabee, hell no, we don't need a "bible thumper" preaching to us. He's trying to brand his name with the book he constantly tries to push on people "A Simple Government" and he has a show on Fox News on Sunday's. Might not be Apprentice but it's a show and it's a brand. Check his website and what do you see FIRST? yeah, selling a book. He has a few good ideas but he doesn't have the balls to make things happen. Trump has balls. Trump makes things happen. Have you seen anyone else paying investigators to check the background on Obama? I'm not a birther and will be glad when he finally finds out for sure what he's looking for. Honestly, I feel like Obama was born in Kenya but that was up to the Americans to find out before he was elected. It's a said and done deal. Let it go.

He was elected President, he sucked at it and everyone knows it. Has nothing to do with race, origin or any of that. It's been proved time and time again that nearly everything he says he's going to do is a lie. Does Trump lie? I would think so, Do you lie? I would think so and if you don't now, you can't say you never have. Trump might be arrogant and all of the other things people call him but in the end, I think he is the best choice out there right now. I could change my opinion if I see something different but as of now, Trump has my vote. Obama never had mine. Clinton did and that's because Bill Clinton would have been in the background, helping run the show.
-I like the fact that he's actually done something in the real world, like what he's done or not. He's run businesses, dealt with State and Federal B.S. and knows other people who have accomplished things who he can appoint to cabinet positions.

In politics you can't make everyone happy, so who's your guy catering to? Entitlement junkies, Internationalist, Wall Street, big oil, or the working people of America who pay the taxes, serve in the military and try to raise good kids?

Most politicians sell their ass to those who give them the money they need to get elected and buy votes. I'd say Obama owes his term as Pres. to Wall Street, off-shore interest, and parasites living off American tax payers. At least the Donald can fund most of his campaign himself.
Most politicians sell their ass to those who give them the money they need to get elected and buy votes. I'd say Obama owes his term as Pres. to Wall Street, off-shore interest, and parasites living off American tax payers. At least the Donald can fund most of his campaign himself.

Obama owes the CEO of G.E. to name one.
If you are interested in Trump because of some perceived business acumen, you should be even more interested in someone like Mitt Romney.

Being wealthy doesn't make you uncorrupted, in fact, the quest for power is even more corrupting than simply money.
He has some good ideas, but if you think he is going to be a "boss" type president and fire congress it wont happen.His hands will be tied like any other president before him.

My deciding factor on any and all elected officials is their stand on gun want to take my freedom to bear arms away ...f off!!!
If he was ever nominated for the running, he would never be considered a legitimate contender. He is a joke, individuals that think he would make a great president has no idea of what a true leader is. The same goes for those that voted Obama. I have not seen a true leader in the making since Clinton, and for all that feel Trump is serious, I feel sorry for ya.
Gee, some people were so stupid that they actually chose an actor to run for President.


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