
So Crooks did actually fire 8 shots in 6 seconds. It is possible he had a binary trigger installed in the rifle he used.

I'll still hold my ground on the fact that local and Federal LEO's "dropped the ball".

Especially when citizen bystanders were observing Crooks on the roof of a building.
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The only one spewing nonsense... is you.

However... I do stand corrected on MTG.

Watching Biden's final address to the nation.

According to Biden, violent crime is at a 50 year low. Yeah right.

Also... the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.

Umm. Ukraine???


Oh I get it now. He's talking about proxy wars.

Silly me.

And yes... The shooter was STILL a rookie.

According to the FBI's statistics violent crime is down. But your BDS won't allow you to believe that because it's happening under Biden. Your Trumpism also has you distrusting the FBI.
I guarantee 04_Sport_LS & Bubba 14 wear ear bandages to feel closer to their orange lord like these cultist do:

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I guarantee 04_Sport_LS & Bubba 14 wear ear bandages to feel closer to their orange lord like these cultist do:

View attachment 828579059
Your guarantee is null & void. Speaking of feeling closer to the Democratic Party box of rocks candidate, have you got your supply of coconuts yet? Swalwell has. She probably was standing under the coconut tree and some of them fell on her head. That would explain a lot. Is her campaign bus going to be a Big Yellow School Bus (has to be electric, of course)? She is a choice of the far, very far left minions who are actually running this country and will be exposed once she has to start doing interviews other than with your idol Joy Reid.

Well, you got a nice portion of the Far-Right's silly talking points down about Harris. Well done, Trumper. *nancy pelosi claps*

Republicans rip FBI director's testimony that Trump might not have been hit by a bullet

FBI Director Chris Wray testified Wednesday that the former president might have been hit by shrapnel in the July 13 assassination attempt.

“I think with respect to former President Trump there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that, you know, hit his ear.” He said the investigation into the shooting, which is being led by the FBI, is “very much ongoing.”

Interesting. Seems Trump took some shrapnel to the ear. Would explain why the wound was so minor, despite Trump boasting that he was "shot through the ear". :)
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Interesting. Seems Trump took some shrapnel to the ear. Would explain why the wound was so minor, despite Trump boasting that he was "shot through the ear".
You do know where shrapnel comes from... yes???

Need a hint?

Let's also go back through some of the pictures that caught the vapor trail of the bullet whizzing behind Trump's head.

It's been shown all over the internet.

Somebody needs to drop you off in the South side of Chicago.
You do know where shrapnel comes from... yes???

Need a hint?

Let's also go back through some of the pictures that caught the vapor trail of the bullet whizzing behind Trump's head.

It's been shown all over the internet.

Somebody needs to drop you off in the South side of Chicago.

Why don't you just let the FBI do their jobs, as it's still ongoing, before continuing to keyboard detective yourself into further shame.
Seems Clooney was pushing Biden to step down. So as always, Hollywood is "calling the shots".

Yeah, it was George Clooney that did it and not all the politicians and former president. LoL.

Biden dropped out of the election because of his age and it's what's best for America, putting ego and pride aside. Your lord Trump would NEVER do something like that. We both know it :)
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So it seems that Musk was right with his coverage of the Southern border when the migrant crisis started. :confused:

Seems now also Ted Cruze agrees with Musk... and Majokass is trying to obfuscate the truth.

Typical Lying Lefty Liberal

Cheatle is gone. Mayorkas will most likely be next.

Maybe Biden's $91M in campaign contributions should be seized because of the blundering people he put in his administration.

All of them are Left Lying Liberals!!!!!!

If (Republican) FBI Director Christopher Wray ends up being correct and it wasn't a bullet that grazed Trump's ear, but just a bit of shrapnel, could possibly means the shooter didn't get close to hitting Trump even after 8 rounds from only 500 feet... paints the picture that the registered Republican shooter wasn't trying to hit Trump, but make it seem like he was. Wild. Obviously best to wait until the full investigation is over.

Trump and some Republicans are calling on FBI Director Wray to step down :)
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