
You don't care actually about those 13 unfortunate deaths, just as you don't care about the many more than 13 that died under Trump in Afghanistan, dead servicemen/women are just a useful talking point to use and weaponize when convenient for you people. Why are those 13 death the breaking point, when you didn't care how many were dying during Trump's term?

You can attack Kamala Harris all you like, but when you resort to claiming she got where she is only because she's a woman and person of color, you're being sexist and racist. That's what the "DEI Hire" comment implies, you silly dotard.
You are the prototypical liberal idiot, Holden. Every military death is worth caring about. This incident was not a "breaking point", but the latest example of mismanagement of our military by, in this case, idiots in charge, who faced no accountability for the tragedy. But again, with probably no military service you attempt to arrogantly define what other people's "cares" should be. You've never had any skin in this particular game. Don't try to determine them when you are absolutely ignorant about the subject. Your closest contact with the military was probably carrying a sign protesting something outside a base, you certainly fit the stereotype.

What I said was Kamala got her Start via friend with benefits Willie Brown. That is public knowledge. And what you determine a "DEI" hire implies is your own interpretation. DEI, when applied, means that people who are most qualified can be passed over for people who are less qualified but are members of particular ethnic or gender target groups. The sexist and racist labels are the ones liberal Democrats apply to anyone who disagrees with their policies in this area.
You are the prototypical liberal idiot, Holden. Every military death is worth caring about. This incident was not a "breaking point", but the latest example of mismanagement of our military by, in this case, idiots in charge, who faced no accountability for the tragedy. But again, with probably no military service you attempt to arrogantly define what other people's "cares" should be. You've never had any skin in this particular game. Don't try to determine them when you are absolutely ignorant about the subject. Your closest contact with the military was probably carrying a sign protesting something outside a base, you certainly fit the stereotype.

What I said was Kamala got her Start via friend with benefits Willie Brown. That is public knowledge. And what you determine a "DEI" hire implies is your own interpretation. DEI, when applied, means that people who are most qualified can be passed over for people who are less qualified but are members of particular ethnic or gender target groups. The sexist and racist labels are the ones liberal Democrats apply to anyone who disagrees with their policies in this area.
Yet you've not showed this outrage when 45 of our troops died in Afghanistan under Trump, which is the point of you selective outrage. I have close friends who served both in Afghanistan and Iraq during the wars, another reason why I don't selectively use the deaths of our troops like a political cudgel (that means a club) like you do, you dotard.

Good lord... Republican House Representative Tim Burchett (TN) said yesterday that Kamala Harris was a "DEI Hire", implying that she's not where she professionally because of her hard work and merits, but because of her sex and skin color. That's sexism and racism on full display, you subscribe to similar, if not the same beliefs.
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Trump's disastrous four years and a global pandemic.
And I'll say it AGAIN... A leader is only as good as the council he/she receives.

Fauci was a "deer in the headlights" with Covid as well. He gave Trump NO Council.

Rand Paul probably would have given Trump proper council.

In fact... Rand Paul is still pushing the Chinese about the release of Covid from a lab (not a wet market).

Stop lying and obfuscating the truth Dud.
But again, with probably no military service you attempt to arrogantly define what other people's "cares" should be. You've never had any skin in this particular game. Don't try to determine them when you are absolutely ignorant about the subject. Your closest contact with the military was probably carrying a sign protesting something outside a base, you certainly fit the stereotype.
AMEN brother!!! That describes the LEFT to a "T" .
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Mock me if you want... but I'm still awaiting fact finding results that there was a 2nd shooter... and Crooks was just a patsy... a nobody that became an inconsequential casualty.
I have an Idea... why don't we use social media to program the misfits and oddballs in this country to commit random acts of violence.

Oh wait....... Isn't that happening right before our eyes????
That's BS. Remember... Biden said he would only step down if "The Almighty" told him to.

THAT IS... Ego AND Pride.

Biden MADE himself a God... only to discover his frailties.

Biden dropped out of the race as you claimed was "best for the country". Now you're mad he did it. LoL.

Biden dropping out is literally Biden putting his own ego and pride to the side. Your BDS is flaring.

Trump literally calls himself "The Chosen One" and you Trumpers repeat it. That's a cult.
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And I'll say it AGAIN... A leader is only as good as the council he/she receives.

Fauci was a "deer in the headlights" with Covid as well. He gave Trump NO Council.

Rand Paul probably would have given Trump proper council.

In fact... Rand Paul is still pushing the Chinese about the release of Covid from a lab (not a wet market).

Stop lying and obfuscating the truth Dud.

IOW: When something bad happened under Trump's admin, it everyone else's fault except Trump's. When something bad happens under Biden's admin, it's Biden's fault.
It took 3 shots by the shooter to even get close to Trump. If he had adjusted 2" to the right and 3" high on the last shot.... we wouldn't be discussing this.

Let me remind you that while you and your friends are still busy being Keyboard Detectives and making up nonsense, the real professionals are investigating and they're saying the shooter likely fired 8 shots in total :)
IOW: When something bad happened under Trump's admin, it everyone else's fault except Trump's. When something bad happens under Biden's admin, it's Biden's fault.
As I'm typing this... I'm thinking of JFK... or Regan. Fair comparison?
Let me remind you that while you and your friends are still busy being Keyboard Detectives and making up nonsense, the real professionals are investigating and they're saying the shooter likely fired 8 shots in total :)
Like I keep telling you, the shooter was a ROOKIE...dumbass. I've counted roughly 5. I didn't hear any rapid fire, so no binary trigger was used that I can tell.

Not that it matters. MTG is gonna be ripping a few asses..
and demanding resignations and demanding firings.

Let me remind you that while you and your friends are still busy being Keyboard Detectives and making up nonsense, the real professionals are investigating and they're saying the shooter likely fired 8 shots in total :)

And you STILL have no clue about firearms and ballistics... One more thing you are ignorant about. :rolleyes: Stop being a "Pretender".
Um, I've made no claims of expertise lke you have, I'm just posting what the FBI are finding. You're the one who has been consistently wrong with your silly detective work regarding the shooting... remember when you insisted the bullet that grazed Trump's ear was actually shot from behind Trump because of your "expert" blood trail analysis and I easily disproved it (post #1,406) with a single picture that's all over the news? LoL.

MTG is one of the most stupid of stupid House Republicans, maybe the most, all she does is embarrass herself and your party with her stupid ignorance-fueled rants. It's great. But it's not wonder you love her.

Things your hero MTG has said and believes, and this is only up to 2021:

  • Wearing a mask is "Democrat tyrannical control"
  • Thinks no one has it harder in American than "White males"
  • Rep Omar and Tlaib are part of a "Islamic invasion" of government
  • Thinks Trump was cheated out of his 2020 win
  • Expressed support in executing some Democrat leaders
  • Believes in the Clinton kill List/Bodybags, John F. Kennedy Jr. is a victim of theirs
  • Believes there's a video which shows Hillary Clinton murdering a child in Satanic sacrifice
  • Obama is a secret Muslim and wanted to bring Sharia Law the US, and still does
  • Believes 'Pizzagate' is real
  • The Democrat party is really the Satanic pedophile blood sacrifice party
  • Believes in the "White Genocide" conspiracy theory
  • Has ties with the 'Three Percenters' and the 'Oath Keepers'
  • The 2018 California fires were caused by Jews using "space solar generators"
  • 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a false flag
  • 2018 Parkland school shooting was a false flag
  • 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting was a false flag
  • Believes that an airplane didn't crash into the Pentagon on 9/11, that was staged
  • Has praised "Q" and the Qanon movement
Even a zero morals deplorable like Mitch McConnell called her out: GOP's McConnell blasts 'loony lies' by Ga. Rep. Greene
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Let me remind you that while you and your friends are still busy being Keyboard Detectives and making up nonsense, the real professionals are investigating and they're saying the shooter likely fired 8 shots in total :)
The only one spewing nonsense... is you.

However... I do stand corrected on MTG.

Watching Biden's final address to the nation.

According to Biden, violent crime is at a 50 year low. Yeah right.

Also... the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.

Umm. Ukraine???


Oh I get it now. He's talking about proxy wars.

Silly me.

And yes... The shooter was STILL a rookie.
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Biden dropping out is literally Biden putting his own ego and pride to the side. Your BDS is flaring.
Bullshit. He's been stubborn as a mule because of his pride. YOUR BDS is showing. He is still giving himself 6 more months in the political arena... So even now he's still not done.
I have an older female cousin that is on a "prepper" site (chat forum)

Supposedly some guy that knew Crooks personally was on the website, trying to explain ballistics, and ammo choices, and other BS.

I told my cousin to ignore the guy.

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