
Newsmax settles with Smartmatic days ahead of trial

Newsmax has settled a lawsuit brought by voting systems provider Smartmatic in connection with the channel’s airing of false claims about its software after the 2020 election, the network announced Thursday. -snip


Fox News, News Max and One America News are all going to settle out of court for high millions because the damage of their internal messages going public during a trial would would be worse to them than losing millions.

It's a fact they all knew that the 2020 election wasn't stolen, from the very top exec on down, yet spread the 2020 election theft lies because Trump and because they knew it's what their moron mouth-breather viewers wanted to hear.
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just read that one.
now this one too.
about time someone held that lying sack of shite accountable for his mouth.

Mary L. Trump is not wrong.

Trump (the adjudicated sexual predator and fraudster) is also warping reality again, as four years ago (09/27/2020) we were at the height of the COVID pandemic, millions were depressed, unhappy, unemployed, pessimistic and the US alone passed 200,000 COVID related deaths.
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