Vote Republican

I didn't say you are an anarchist merely petulant

adj. 1. Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish.
2. Contemptuous in speech or behavior.

You of course are entitled to your opinion

P!ssy would also fit.
Without government we would be left with mob rule and anarchy and criminality.

I sure wish the government wouldn't take 45% of my income.
It sucks!
That would make it easier to grow but suceeding on those terms
with a product mandated by government regulations has kind of tempered and perhaps biased my opinion.
I have reached the level where I am self funding as my own bank with reserves on hand at any given time.
We are the product of our Set and Setting.
My set and setting worked out well for me.
I was always very good in craft.
My grade 6 painting was hung at the Catholic Seperate School headquarters,
My good luck came from joyriding and crashing my dad's car skipping out a Catholic high mass(2 Frickin hours!) dressed in a boy scout uniform with my droogs.
I despised these masses and ethnic concerts and scout things I was forced to go to on saturdays and sundays in Monkey Suits as we called them and acted out.
I was "petulant" when I was 15.
Ironically "God" rewarded me for my punking, even forgetting about the joke store pranks :D with a career field impervious to politics.
It doesn't matter who wins as to my destiny.
You're so incoherent that you're actually unresponsive.

Boring Conversation - YouTube
Don't you know Star Wars is make

To you the government is the Death Star.

If Santorum gets the nomination I'm going to vote for Obama.
How about you.
I seem to recall you were ok with some contraception.
Don't you know Star Wars is make

To you the government is the Death Star.

If Santorum gets the nomination I'm going to vote for Obama.
How about you.
I seem to recall you were ok with some contraception.
Then you're an idiot. Obama thinks he's a king and that his job is to manage America's decline. I guess we have nothing more to discuss.

Bye now.
Then you're an idiot. Obama thinks he's a king and that his job is to manage America's decline. I guess we have nothing more to discuss.

Bye now.

I guess not.
At least Obama knows his place unlike
the social conservatives.
I think if they run Santorum social conservatives will suffer a humiliating defeat,
He just takes social issues to 11 when it's the ECONOMY and not birth control, republicans weakest issue that the public cares about with a majority opposed to more restrictions.
How would that be a winning strategy like duh!
With half the country not paying any income tax like the Greeks, :rolleyes: Obama will have those voters in the bag.

And big deal if these people pay sales and other taxes.
What dink amount does that add to the treasury and so what.
How is it that as an excuse that it's worth something always goes unchallenged.
Conservatives should work on that how little or nothing it adds up to ;)

It will be hard enough for Romney trying to get the freeloader vote.
It's funny watching him awkwardly try to appeal to the base right now.
Once he gets past that acting job and (if he) wins the nomination he can drop the pretenses and go after the general voters.

Well maybe you'll pop up in another 6 months.
This board has withered of late in the last year without the old you here.
This is going to be the meanest nastiest most demagauged election ever.:eek::D
Hurtling superlatives thrown like exploding missiles!
It will be glorious!
Bye now.
LoL, you people.

I see you finally opened all your mail ;):D

Well Santorum is out and Gingrich is like the Knight in Monty Python with all his limbs cut off ridiculously wanting to keep fighting so lets see how the "charming" "exciting" Romneybot does against Obama who's running around with his BS strawman Buffet millionaires tax rhetoric saying to the cheers of the 47% ignorant poor and middle class tax freeloaders who pay no federal income tax:

"Make the rich pay for your lunch!"
"Vote yourself more free money!" :rolleyes:
I said this from the very start, Obama's a two-term president. Just the way of things.
I said this from the very start, Obama's a two-term president. Just the way of things.

Not so sure on that.

Obama can only go negative and that doesn't typically sell, at least in a presidential election (it needs to be coupled with a positive message). Class Warfare and campaigning on tax increases is hardly a winning proposition in recent times (see Mondale). It is all the more difficult with the economy in shambles (at best, it has likely peaked).

Romney is hardly an ideal candidate but Obama is in much more dire straits than beltway conventional wisdom (groupthink) likes to admit. He is desperately trying to provide scapegoats (and revising history to ignore economic reality) to avoid confronting his record. His champion legislation will likely be declared unconstitutional (with majority approval) and his primary campaign strategy (class warfare) is a strategy that caters to the lowest common denominator (useful idiots) while insulting the intellect of any thinking American. Fortunately those idiots don't tend to vote while the thinking public is more apt to.

Romney is an opportunist but would not have the cult of personality or lapdog media in office.
Not true, he can easily and will sell positives. The economy on the path of improving. The end of the Iraq war. Health Care reform.

It doesn't matter how true or false it is, if he can sell it. Politics 101.
The race is too young to call but I suppose soon enough to bet.

Let's see how Romney does after he gets the nomination and drops his act when he doesn't have to suck up to the base anymore.

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago will be part of his mantra.
Not true, he can easily and will sell positives. The economy on the path of improving. The end of the Iraq war. Health Care reform.

It doesn't matter how true or false it is, if he can sell it. Politics 101.

That is the big question; if he can sell it.

But the United States is not Chicago. The big question is if the nation as a whole will buy into the class warfare demagoguery that Obama is master of. If that wins, it will say a lot about our nation.
Moderates are going to decide this election. Most people with intelligence realize that the Dims have been in control since January 2007 and every thing from 2 gas spikes, the near collapse of the economy, the worst recession since the Great Depression and a stagnant current economy have happened under their watch.
Not true, he can easily and will sell positives. The economy on the path of improving. The end of the Iraq war. Health Care reform.

It doesn't matter how true or false it is, if he can sell it. Politics 101.
1. The economy is not improving. Nobody believes that.

2. You can't put the Iraq War in your gas tank.

3. Obamacare, which is NOT health care 'reform,' is DESPISED by a majority of Americans.

Face it - the only way Obama can win is by talking bad about the GOP. If he tries to tout anything he's done, he'll lose and lose BIG. Why? Because he's FREAKING FAILURE as a President.
1. The economy is not improving. Nobody believes that.

2. You can't put the Iraq War in your gas tank.

3. Obamacare, which is NOT health care 'reform,' is DESPISED by a majority of Americans.

Face it - the only way Obama can win is by talking bad about the GOP. If he tries to tout anything he's done, he'll lose and lose BIG. Why? Because he's FREAKING FAILURE as a President.

It doesn't matter how true or false it is, if he can sell it. Politics 101. /end quote

obummer has it made. He just got endorsed by the Communist Party of the United States!!

obummer has it made. He just got endorsed by the Communist Party of the United States!!


Since you brought it up KS I thought you'de get a chuckle from this pic.
The Commies have a new uniform!

But seriously:

Romney will have his work cut out for him to get elected in November.
The freeloaders hear Obama promising more free money by making the rich pay
more in taxes.
A small number of rich people pay low taxes but most already pay the full 35% federal rate plus their state taxes which tax capital gains at the full rate.

It's the middle class that needs to pay more in taxes too because there's not enough 1% rich people vs the 150 million middle classers to pay for the sadly pathetic welfare state.
There is no free lunch.
The middle class has to pony up the lion's share if the Bush tax cuts are revoked.
Taxing just the rich more won't do it.
At least Jon Lovitz got it right about this Obama sham appealing to the Duh! voters while he(Lovitz) pays a combined 50% tax rate being a 1%er in California.

It will be very close Communist Party notwithstanding :p
At least Romney seems more normal and less despicable than the other frustrado Republican candidates attacking women and darkly thrusting themselves into (the none of their business) people's personal lives, vindictively and desperately (and futily) trying to reverse the personal and sexual revolution that was lost over 40 years ago with the arrival of the Pill and Roe v Wade, RU486, Methotrexate and Mifisterone and decriminalization of homosexuality.

And since he's a Mormon IMO he's less likely to be an ideologically subconsciously mean, self loathing, party pooping, misery spreading, religious hardliner reality denier like the rest of the Usual Suspects (Santorum, Bachmann, Gingrich el al) and may even enjoy having fun.

He even pointedly said he is not running for Pastor in Chief which bodes well for the future.

Hopefully if Romney wins the moral social conservatives will lose influence and go back into their closet to deal with their frustrations of living instead of taking it out on the innocent non self loathing population :D

Mitt Romney’s road to presidency this fall looks narrow on electoral map


It’s no secret that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has a narrow path to win the presidency this fall. Nowhere is that reality more apparent than when examining the electoral map on which Romney and President Obama will battle in November.
A detailed analysis of Romney’s various paths to the 270 electoral votes he would need to claim the presidency suggests he has a ceiling of somewhere right around 290 electoral votes.
While Romney’s team would absolutely take a 290-electoral-vote victory, that means he has only 20 electoral votes to play with — a paper-thin margin for error.
Romney’s relatively low electoral-vote ceiling isn’t unique to him. No Republican presidential nominee has received more than 300 electoral votes in more than two decades. (Vice President George H.W. Bush won 426 electoral votes in his 1988 victory over Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.)
By contrast, Bill Clinton in 1992 (370 electoral votes) and 1996 (379) as well as Obama in 2008 (365) soared well beyond the 300-electoral-vote marker.
Much of that is attributable to the fact that Democrats have near-certain wins in population (and, therefore, electoral-vote) behemoths such as California (55 electoral voters), New York (29) and Illinois (20).
The only major electoral-vote treasure trove that is reliably Republican at the moment is Texas, with its 38 electoral votes. So while George W. Bush won 30 states in 2000 and 31 states in 2004, he never came close to cresting the 300-electoral-vote mark in either race.
Bush’s two successful races, and the map on which he built them, are quite instructive when trying to understand Romney’s narrow margin for error this fall.
In 2000, Bush won 271 electoral votes — one more than he needed to claim the presidency. In eking out that victory, Bush not only carried the South and Plains states with a near sweep but also claimed wins in swing states such as Nevada, Colorado, Missouri and the major electoral-vote prizes of Ohio and Florida.
If Romney was able to duplicate Bush’s 2000 map, he would take 285 electoral votes — thanks to redistricting gains over the past decade.
But to do so, Romney would need not only to win the five swing states mentioned above — with the exception of Missouri, all of them are considered tossups (at worst) for the president at the moment — but also hang on to states such as North Carolina and Virginia where Bush cruised 12 years ago. (Obama carried both states in 2008.)
In 2004, Bush won reelection with 286 electoral votes, losing New Hampshire from his 2000 map but adding wins in Iowa and New Mexico.
Under the 2012 map, Romney would win 292 electoral votes if he replicated the Bush 2004 victory. But New Mexico seems like a very tough place to win — not to mention the fact that he would again need to carry Ohio, Florida, Colorado and Nevada as well as North Carolina and Virginia.
Now, the good(ish) news for Romney is that if he has a low ceiling, he also has a relatively high floor.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) won 173 electoral votes in 2008. If Romney carried those same 22 states under the 2012 map, he would win 180 electoral votes.
Add Indiana, which McCain lost but which will almost certainly go for Romney in 2012, and the former Massachusetts governor’s electoral floor sits at 191.
Given the narrowness of his electoral map window, the key for Romney this fall is to win in places that Bush, McCain and other Republican nominees over the past two decades have struggled to make inroads. No Republican has carried Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes), Michigan (16) or Wisconsin (10) in any of the past five elections, for example.
Win even one of them and Romney has a bit more flexibility when it comes to getting to 270 — and beyond.

Pretty sure that's some sort of Gay Nazi SS Transsexual Mulatto-Chimera; not something Communist.
With the endorsement of the CPOTUS, I believe the uniform should be bright red instead of just 'pinko' but you may be right and it's just a salute to the radical twinkies.

'04, I'm not much of a fan of Romney, but ANYTHING is better than four more of our present !@#$%$#@!. (Gotta be careful or he'll have the FB&I after me!

With the endorsement of the CPOTUS, I believe the uniform should be bright red instead of just 'pinko' but you may be right and it's just a salute to the radical twinkies.

'04, I'm not much of a fan of Romney, but ANYTHING is better than four more of our present !@#$%$#@!. (Gotta be careful or he'll have the FB&I after me!


Yes KS we both enjoy the hyperbole of overought metaphors and superlatives :cool:

Well nobody on the conservative side or the general public is exactly excited by Battleship Romney at this point but IMO he is more electable to the masses than a "true" conservative or social moralist.

People don't want to be lectured by contradicted politicians.

Romney does not seem too contradictory in how he has lived his life despite being for whatever way politically suits him at the moment and has been successful and America likes winners.

He's going to run on are you better off than you were 4 years ago and I'm successful and I will restore prosperity and bring America back to greatness.(Without getting too specific as to how)

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