Well at least for the cost of my substantial tax bill going up by 5% with the likely repeal of the Bush tax cuts for high earners like me (which I suppose I can easily afford) I get the satisfaction of seeing the despicable conservative social agenda crash and burn.
This is not going to stop me creating more jobs (to make more money for me even at a 50% tax rate instead of 45%) as opportunity for making more millions calls and tax rates are not a consideration.
Republitard Todd Akin costs conservatives an easy win and control of the Senate and the God supports rape as his will
candidate Richard Mourdock is soundly defeated.
Perhaps there is a God after all
who got tired of these guys making up stuff in his name that is against the natural order and Orwellianly calling it religious freedom.
The Lord works in wonderful and mysterious ways.
This is not going to stop me creating more jobs (to make more money for me even at a 50% tax rate instead of 45%) as opportunity for making more millions calls and tax rates are not a consideration.
Republitard Todd Akin costs conservatives an easy win and control of the Senate and the God supports rape as his will
Perhaps there is a God after all
The Lord works in wonderful and mysterious ways.