Sorry, every time I hear Judy Greer's voice, I think if Carol (or Cheryl?) from Archer.
whorediot - YouTube
whorediot - YouTube
Listen to yourself admitting Obama has to lie his arse off to get reelected.It doesn't matter how true or false it is, if he can sell it. Politics 101. /end quote
Listen to yourself admitting Obama has to lie his arse off to get reelected.
And I bet you'll vote for the guy despite how true or false it is.
He's not doing a good job of selling so far.
Link?Aren't you self-described as being good at gambling?
Voting Republicon is like telling my family they don't matter to me. All of us are middle class and the Republicons are waging war on us. Thirty plus years ago the Republicans would get things done to help people but today they have the Audacity of Nope!
The Bush tax cuts along with the trickle down mentality has taken all the wealth FROM the middle class and given it to the top 20% who have made the middle class low wage slaves and redistributed the wealth away from workers so they have none.
Funny isn't it that President Obama hasn't raised taxes
...and still the job creators are slow in creating jobs ....
President Bush had years of job losses and now President Obama has had nearly two years of small but positive job GROWTH but that's not good enough for you
Shag you must have took all of two minutes to post that message that means absolutely nothing
The Bush tax cuts along with the trickle down mentality has taken all the wealth FROM the middle class and given it to the top 20% who have made the middle class low wage slaves and redistributed the wealth away from workers so they have none.
From 1948 to 1980 most wealth was in the hands of the middle class. but since 1980 that number has flipped exactly around the other way. The top 20% now hold 87%.Those facts can be looked up.
You don't impress me nor can you bully me or even make me mad.
Shag you must have took all of two minutes to post that message that means absolutely nothing...
Shag, thanks for your diatribe and providing us with those right wing links. Because I am apparently not capable of understanding your drivel I didn't take the time to read it adnausium. Why say anything in one sentence that can be said in 20.
I don't think I will discuss politics here as I don't like the tone given nor my response to that tone. I feel lousy about how I feel after I do ....thinking that I have hurt others with my coarseness.
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Crack-Up" (1936)
US novelist (1896 - 1940)
Successful people in this world are those who get up and look for circumstances they want. If they can't find them, they make them. George Bernard Shaw
Irish dramatist & socialist (1856 - 1950)
One man that has a mind and knows it can always beat ten men who haven't and don't. George Bernard Shaw, "The Apple Cart" (1930), act I
Irish dramatist & socialist (1856 - 1950)
Very nice STCLS, You get an A+ for looking up quotes. As for who is responsible for your getting rich...... Who knows that you are or cares but I can tell you this you only got rich with the help of others. And this baloney about how " I did it all myself" is you just stroking your ego. This great country and yes even the poor people are what afforded you the opportunity to get wealthy ....if indeed you are..... Lots of people work hard everyday to help you without you seeming to recognize the fact. Your worship of greed is very short sighted as Henry Ford figured out if you can't pay your workers to live and buy your products then just who will buy them? Maybe you are counting on Communist China to fill that void? BTW are you having difficulty breathing? I know Shag is probably a bit uncomfortable!