I wish we still had that kind of market here (though its dying there too). I'd love a G8/Commodore (not digging the SS yet though) or a Falcon Boss 335
We do... The EPA and insurance companies keep those cars at bay....
I wish we still had that kind of market here (though its dying there too). I'd love a G8/Commodore (not digging the SS yet though) or a Falcon Boss 335
or a Falcon Boss 335
I would buy a G8 in a heartbeat if there was a manual trans option with the 6.0... as hard as I tried with my 2nd LS, I just cant enjoy and live with an auto box with flappy shifters.
the damn 6.2's are still way too pricy for me and way too rare to even find for sale around here let alone at a decent price...
Anyone else excited for MadMax: Fury Road?
I am, have always liked the movies with thunder dome being meh. I just hope it doesn't end up being a cheese ball. Probably won't have the gritty feeling the first two had.
Tell me something, are there no laws against cell phone use while driving here in SC AND NC ?
really took notice of it today, every second car someone with a cell to their ear. Was sitting still at an intersection, watching the advance green turning folks come through, car after car with cell phone usage while driving.
Was cooking along on the interstate, red little VW bug comes from the on ramp right into my lane without speeding up or even a shoulder check, just right out in front of 79k lbs which I was working on slowing down because I could not yield into the hammer lane as it would have made the news due to a slew of cars in that lane.
I get up along side of little red lady bug and sure as sh*t, she on the phone yapping away, completely unaware she hastily pulled out in front of moving traffic.
I don't have to move over, it's only common curtousy whenever possible, it's a merge lane, cell phone or not, one is required to get up to speed and safely merge in with moving traffic as they join the road way. We tend to move over as much as possible whenever possible, give others some room and to not get involved with something that could lead to dangerous consequences. It's not always possible despite we have to get up and stand on the binders from time to time.
... mostly when dealing with motorist that are on the phone.
SC and NC really surprised me today! Everyone on the cell phone while driving and not shy about it at all.
props to a VA trooper whom had three cars pulled over at once. Impressive!
... I'm excited for Fast and Furious 7...
just a few updates from the 1st run pull @ 20psi.
170 @ the quarter, 200 @ the half, and 243 @ the mile.
http://s303.photobucket.com/user/elephantrider_2008/library/txmile 03 2015?sort=3&page=1
half way mark on the tranny swap![]()