What did you do to your LS today?

Also raised a 06 Acura TL an hour ago on the highway, reached 120 before the limiter kicked in then he passed me... to get pulled over by a cruising officer 5 seconds later. Kinda glad the limiter happened or else I'd have one mean ticket

So, who was winning before you hit the limiter? Were you pulling away or was he catching up?
I want to plastidip my wheels in Anthracite but its been 90° with 90% humidity for the past 2 weeks. I'm soaked before I get to the driveway.
Also raised a 06 Acura TL an hour ago on the highway, reached 120 before the limiter kicked in then he passed me... to get pulled over by a cruising officer 5 seconds later. Kinda glad the limiter happened or else I'd have one mean ticket

A ticket or a ride downtown.
Also raised a 06 Acura TL an hour ago on the highway, reached 120 before the limiter kicked in then he passed me... to get pulled over by a cruising officer 5 seconds later. Kinda glad the limiter happened or else I'd have one mean ticket

A ticket or a ride downtown.

Here it would have been both PLUS impounding the car. IIRC, they can even confiscate it for 100+.
Its officer discretion everywhere I know of. I've ticketed 120+ and they were on their way.

You made me dig a little. The People's Republik started cracking down of speeding a year or two ago and the legislature decided 100 was the cut-off. There are many miles of freeway here where 100 isn't really unreasonable.

Here is the actual violation.....

Excessive Speed and Designated Lane Use

22348. (a) Notwithstanding subdivision (b) of Section 22351, a person shall not drive a vehicle upon a highway with a speed limit established pursuant to Section 22349 or 22356 at a speed greater than that speed limit.

(b) A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 100 miles per hour is guilty of an infraction punishable, as follows:

(1) Upon a first conviction of a violation of this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500). The court may also suspend the privilege of the person to operate a motor vehicle for a period not to exceed 30 days pursuant to Section 13200.5.

(2) Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense that occurred within three years of a prior offense resulting in a conviction of an offense under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750). The person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 13355.

(3) Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense that occurred within five years of two or more prior offenses resulting in convictions of offenses under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). The person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 13355.

(c) A vehicle subject to Section 22406 shall be driven in a lane designated pursuant to Section 21655, or if a lane has not been so designated, in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, the driver shall use either the designated lane, the lane to the immediate left of the right-hand lane, or the right-hand lane for traffic as permitted under this code. If, however, specific lane or lanes have not been designated on a divided highway having four or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction, a vehicle may also be driven in the lane to the immediate left of the right-hand lane, unless otherwise prohibited under this code. This subdivision does not apply to a driver who is preparing for a left- or right-hand turn or who is in the process of entering into or exiting from a highway or to a driver who is required necessarily to drive in a lane other than the right-hand lane to continue on his or her intended route.

So, the media lied to us yet again...... SHOCKING!!!!!
Went to the DMV and finally got the LS plates and tags after purchasing it in early January, been driving it the whole day :D
So instead of thinking he won he now thinks you saw the cop!!!!!!!!
A win in the midst of a loss :cool:

So, who was winning before you hit the limiter? Were you pulling away or was he catching up?
I was pulling away before the limiter activated, was using manual override

A ticket or a ride downtown.
I would've definitely went downtown, i raced with bad plates lol
LS4me said:
You made me dig a little. The People's Republik started cracking down of speeding a year or two ago and the legislature decided 100 was the cut-off. There are many miles of freeway here where 100 isn't really unreasonable.

Here we don't have a middle ground between a speeding citation and reckless driving. I suppose the DMV's point system is the device used for repeat offenders but as far as a violation somewhere between a ticket and getting arrested, none exists here. I haven't been tempted to arrest someone for reckless driving yet, I imagine an insane speed in a residential zone might do it, but I find myself hard pressed coming up with a speed on the interstate that seems appropriate, provided the offender isn't interfering with any other persons safe travel.

With that being said, I clocked a 2013 Bentley Continental GT at 156 in April. Good thing he was a nice guy because there was no part of that crown vic that was going to catch that. He pulled over and I gave him a 85 in a 70. Doctor type, just bought it the week prior and still had that dealer temporary registration they give you with that paper plate. Had the vehicle cost at $206,000. There wasn't a ticket in the world I could give this guy that would have mattered, so 5 points on his license would keep him reasonable for a bit until those points faded away. The inside of that car, was like the nicest place I have ever been on this planet.

Btw NickT88LSC, that exhaust sounds great.
Here we don't have a middle ground between a speeding citation and reckless driving. I suppose the DMV's point system is the device used for repeat offenders but as far as a violation somewhere between a ticket and getting arrested, none exists here. I haven't been tempted to arrest someone for reckless driving yet, I imagine an insane speed in a residential zone might do it, but I find myself hard pressed coming up with a speed on the interstate that seems appropriate, provided the offender isn't interfering with any other persons safe travel.

With that being said, I clocked a 2013 Bentley Continental GT at 156 in April. Good thing he was a nice guy because there was no part of that crown vic that was going to catch that. He pulled over and I gave him a 85 in a 70. Doctor type, just bought it the week prior and still had that dealer temporary registration they give you with that paper plate. Had the vehicle cost at $206,000. There wasn't a ticket in the world I could give this guy that would have mattered, so 5 points on his license would keep him reasonable for a bit until those points faded away. The inside of that car, was like the nicest place I have ever been on this planet.

Btw NickT88LSC, that exhaust sounds great.

Yet another excellent reason to leave The People's Republik!!!!! Thanks for the info!!
Yet another excellent reason to leave The People's Republik!!!!! Thanks for the info!!

I lived there for 365 days once. Right next to the Wiltern theater on the corner of Wilsher blvd and Western Ave in L.A., near Koreatown. It was a life experience that's for sure.
Pulled over for tint for the first time in 2+ years. Let off with a warning because I was polite.

Pondered about some custom plates when they're due up in October. Here's what I got so far with a play on irony:

I do too, until some jack wagon doesn't understand that it really means boostless. Forever na
pulled over for tint for the first time in 2+ years. Let off with a warning because i was polite.

Pondered about some custom plates when they're due up in october. Here's what i got so far with a play on irony:


rwd rox
ufn wish
luv milf
dat lyfe
I tried COP B8 years back before my LUV GAS and the state of Pennsylvania didn't care for it
I don't do anything that would warrant someone remembering my plate. Just want something that's not so generic, ya dig?

Like where your heads at bull. Trying to include LS in there somehow and what I listed was the only way, a word ending in less.

Chris, I like the double meaning on "GOT COPS".
Also raised a 06 Acura TL an hour ago ...

Arms must be tired, always lift with your legs, not your back!


Let's see if we can get back on topic shall we ~ What did you do to your LS today?
Pulled over for tint for the first time in 2+ years. Let off with a warning because I was polite.

Pondered about some custom plates when they're due up in October. Here's what I got so far with a play on irony:


Oh I like these... may have to reconsider doing mine soon....anyone got anymore?

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