What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

changed the oil, I was looking at the rack that i installed last summer and the bushings on it are already dried out and cracked. What's a good replacement
Did the Twin Peaks Car show last night, got a ton of Compliments on the Mark.

But my buddy brought his 2005 Mustang GT, with the Supercharged Saleen 281 3 valve swap, that he had stroked to a Forged 5.0, with the stock supercharger, but decided to add twin 57mm turbos in front of the blower.... He got a little more attention :)


okay okay... another engine pic....

Did the Twin Peaks Car show last night, got a ton of Compliments on the Mark.

But my buddy brought his 2005 Mustang GT, with the Supercharged Saleen 281 3 valve swap, that he had stroked to a Forged 5.0, with the stock supercharger, but decided to add twin 57mm turbos in front of the blower.... He got a little more attention :)


okay okay... another engine pic....

Thems thare be some BIG TURBO'S for that engine :eek:
Got off work yesterday and the '97 LSC's front end was on the ground:eek:

Limped it home and it turns out that the solenoid on the d/s front air shock is leaking. Bad thing is that it's leaking because it's in crooked. I had a hard time getting it to go in straight when I installed the new shocks back in November last year. The orifice where the solenoid slides into the top of the air shock was crooked out of the box and I had to straighten it to make it work. I thought it was sealed. And it has been for 8 months...until yesterday:mad: Now I gotta yank the stupid thing out and straighten it out again. I may end up having to use the d/s air shock off the '96 temporarily just to get it back on the road. On top of that the battery crapped out on the Cobra this morning. Had to jump it off so my wife could drive to work. Hopefully it'll start when she gets off work so she can drive home. So with no tags on the '96 Mark, front air spring crapped on the '97 Mark, and battery shot of the '96 Cobra, the '94 Exploder is our only 100% road worthy vehicle right now. :(
This is true. And that is a blessing. Hopefully I'll have everything back up and running tomorrow. I've got a feeling the Cobra's problem may be a lose terminal. The exact same thing happened to the LSC last year.:)

Hope it turns out to be that too. Good luck.
Started cutting the wood for my TV rack...I'm mounting my spare 32" flat screen and PS3 in the trunk
What's the point? How much trunk gaming do you expect to do?

From 7am to 6pm my car is parked in one of my shop bays, and according to "shop policy" we aren't suppose to have TVs in the shop, but if it's part of my car they can't say anything about it
From 7am to 6pm my car is parked in one of my shop bays, and according to "shop policy" we aren't suppose to have TVs in the shop, but if it's part of my car they can't say anything about it

Hah good thinking. Reminds me of a friend who works at a shop that doesn't allow the guys to kill time on their cell phones playing games and such when there's no work to be done... so now he has a tablet. :cool:
Well, turns out the battery problem with the Cobra was indeed a lose terminal! Yay! Unfortunately, the air spring on the LSC was a little more complicated. The housing for the solenoid is so bent that I couldn't get a good seal. So I had to take the d/s air shock off my '96 and swap it into the '97 so I would be able to drive the car. So the LSC's back on the road but the '96 is now grounded...literally:) At least until I can either get Arnott to swap me a new one (since the solenoid housing problem is a factory defect) or I can somehow bend the thing back into shape. I may work on it some next weekend. I've been working on cars for three days straight and my back is killing me. I ain't as young as I used to be:cool:
Waiting for the evening to go out and inspect my air leak on the front/driver strut. Way too friggin hot out right now and no carport to work under.
Use soapy water, just like inspecting a tire

It's going to be tough to diagnose now. The compressor brought the car back to full height; must be in a good mood.

But at full height, it doesn't leak.. only when it is at 'highway' height or if it's been sitting for 3-4 days.
Must be nice to only work on cars 3 days a week

Yeah. But that's the problem. I'm not as "used to it" as I once was. So it takes a lot out of me when I have to be working on something all the time. If I did it every day like I used to, It wouldn't be such a big thing. Of course, it would help to be 10 or 15 years younger:D My back was in much better shape back then...
Todays fix

I took the mk8 to the store today , when I started out the a/c was fine , then the blower didn't work but could feel the cold air basicly leaking out , No Fan , two blocks from home the fan comes back, shut her down and my next stop was here , LVC, of coarse. Right to Tech , which had the problem all mapped out for me , problem solved.

Thanks LVC :D
Yesterdays progress had its good and bad.

Sold my Mark. :(

Then fixed the AC in Sapperfires Mark. :)
Sapperis also happy cause now he has some new components for the doors and DVD/NAV system.

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