What did you do to your Mark VIII today?



Yeah ...sure
Hopefully get my car to some shop and have it worked on. Sitting at my girlfriend brother house after he was borrowing it for awhile and now broke down.
Ummmmm, am I the only one that noticed the 87-88T-Bird back there. PLEASE, MORE PICS OF THE THUNDERBIRD!

Missed your answer.
Sure, here you go.
It's my fathers car. A 1988 Ford Thunderbird.







And two videos of it.
1988 Ford Thunderbird 347" Stroker - YouTube

We have more cars and I'm guessing that's also interesting.
So here is my 1988 Ford Thunderbird.
Been undergoing total restoration for 4 years now and it will be finished this summer (finally).
Bad pics though, sorry.

First pics when I got it as a 15 year old, 5 years ago.

Off to paint! Poor old VW truck, it's wheels was scraping the bed :D




And how she sits now




What's that thing next to it?
That's my fathers whippled 2003 Cobra 10th anniversary. Guessing it's also interesting?




My friends '71 Cutlass next to it.

Very old pic of the engine bay from when it was in the US.

How she sits now undergoing some engine work after a piece from a bolt found it's way into a cylinder :confused:

And one more pic.
The car park a few years ago.

Damn need to take a new pic of our cars now when we have 3 more Fords :rolleyes:
Good God man! You've got some nice rides! You need to put a Turbo Coupe front clip on those T-Birds! It that a '66 T-Bird Landau? Once again...WOW!

Cheers man :)
I love the Turbo Coupe front end and hood but they're near impossible to find in Sweden. Everyone's got the 5.0 ones because it's v8.
It sure is a 66 T-bird but I dont know if it's Landau or not. But it's got a 390 in it etc. But it's not ours. It's a friend to our family's car.

Dem some nice cars.

Can only take credit for one car but cheers mate :Beer
86 turbo coupe

Yep. Makes me miss my '87 and '88 Turbo Coupes real bad:(

I really miss my silver 86 cougar XR7 turbo coupe - drove it 310,000 -- deer hit my wife in the left front fender - decided to take the money and run - wished it was setting in the back row waiting on a face lift. ran mobile one synthetic in it - still had the original turbo on it. might of been the most fun car i ever owned.
Are those the new 10th anniversary cobra wheels on the front of that tbird?
Thanks guys it's been a long day. Yes it is a hitch the only reason I leave it on is it saves the exhaust tips from steep driveways:)
drove the lincoln to get the truck. drove the truck to pull my bro's taurus out of the ditch. :( rear tires locked up and it spun out on him. swapped ends twice. he drove it away from the guard rails and into the muddy ditch. could have been worse.

if anyone around missouri has some taurus SHO front end pieces, like a bumper or something, let me know...
Drove mine today. My son and I are going to spend the night in my grandma's house tonight and work on the car at mom and dad's tomorrow. I'm going to install my new stereo and work on the suspension a bit. Let the flaming begin...I'm going to have to bite the bullet and slime the rear bags so I can drive the car a little longer until I can afford to get some new/used ones. The Exploder is going to be parked for a bit. Yesterday, it started smelling like old gas. The fumes were so bad it almost made me sick driving it home. It's not a normal gas fume smell. It smells like gas that has been sitting for 10 years. I don't understand it. But that's just another pitfall of driving old vehicles. I'm guessing it's a fuel line leak somewhere. It's just one thing after another:(
Got my DVD head unit installed today. Pics to come. I just need to put a couple of pieces of trim on the sides to fill the 1/4" gap on each side. Grounded the e-brake wire and it plays DVD's any time I want. Nice. I like it. The only problem is the glare. It's hard to see with the sun shining. But that's okay, I can't "watch" it while I'm driving anyway:D
Horrible day..Everything that could go wrong, has....Spent half of it looking for my gosh darn lug key. I always keep that thing on a tight leash and it somehow it got away.

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