What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

High temp duct tape man, you can't trust jb weld.

Not a bad idea. At least as a temp fix.

Ummm....sorry, but that's the worst idea I've ever heard. Can't you use one of the lines from the 97?

Yep. Bad idea I know. But I haven't had time to get under the car to see how much of a PITA it's going to be to get that line out and replace it with the one from the 97. I can't see where it goes when it gets under the firewall or goes through the inner fenderwell. It's got a lot of bends and looks like it might not come out all in one piece. I'm just pissed and frustrated.
How did the brake line get a pinhole leak? Rust?

Nope. Not a spot of rust on this car :) It's crazy. There's a rubber hose that attaches to the bottom of the master cylinder reservoir and goes down the inner fender and under the battery to the ABS pump (I assume). This rubber hose was touching the metal brake line under the master cylinder. I guess after 18 years of driving and minute vibrations the rubber hose eventually rubbed a hole in the metal line. And it's in a spot that's a pain to get to. :(
Just pulled over as I looked down and saw this on the dash at 5am this morning

Putting to many miles on it to fast.. :shifty:
Planned on driving her to work this morning to test my brake line "fix"...only to find the whole car on the ground this morning. Looks like I can't put it off any longer. I will be switching out the air springs this weekend. It has to be done. And I've got to get everything done that I can before my surgery on the 23rd.

Also installed some blue LED interior lights last night.

Blue LED2.jpg

Blue LED3.jpg

Blue LED5.jpg

Blue LED4.jpg

Blue LED1.jpg

Pics are kinda dark. I took them last night around 2100hrs or so with no flash.

Blue LED5.jpg

Blue LED1.jpg

Blue LED2.jpg

Blue LED3.jpg

Blue LED4.jpg
Time you've got for pretty lights you do, and less for make brakes fix you have . manage your time more wisely you should
Time you've got for pretty lights you do, and less for make brakes fix you have . manage your time more wisely you should

Right you are...more difficult is brake fix...plug-n-play pretty lights are...:D

But yes. I will be looking at options for the brake line. More than likely, I'll have to cut and splice in a section of line. That brake line goes through the inner fender well and under the battery box and under the master cylinder and into the floorpan and I don't know where from there. It can't be removed and replaced easily. I don't even know if I've got enough room to get my line cutter or flare tool in there. Most stuff on these cars is pretty easy to work on. But every once in a while you get a problem that is simply a Pain In The A$$ to fix. And this is one of those times.
Cars are meant to be driven
Took my '96 to 209k and my first 2nd Gen to 139k

So I picked this one up low mile and don't like driving it 80 some miles a day to work.

Thinking about picking up a Straight Six Cherokee cause they will go forever as the commuting vehicle?
bought some parts off a 95, BDA and power ant
also put the new IAC on the brown one; new TPS, good IMRC pod and put it back together tomorrow night

Right you are...more difficult is brake fix...plug-n-play pretty lights are...:D

But yes. I will be looking at options for the brake line. More than likely, I'll have to cut and splice in a section of line. That brake line goes through the inner fender well and under the battery box and under the master cylinder and into the floorpan and I don't know where from there. It can't be removed and replaced easily. I don't even know if I've got enough room to get my line cutter or flare tool in there. Most stuff on these cars is pretty easy to work on. But every once in a while you get a problem that is simply a Pain In The A$$ to fix. And this is one of those times.

Getting to the lines isn't that bad. Remove the battery and tray, remove coolant bottle. Remove wheel and fender liner.
I'll get a pic of my 97 tomorrow since there's no engine , should give ya a good idea of what ya gotta do. I was actually glad to hear it was slammed, that leaky whatever in your air ride may be saving your life
Drove mine to PA today to go to work and I saw a Snowflake rim Green 1st Gen with what looked like the original owner driving? Rear was slamming on the ground as he came through a light and I think I may know where it parks if it's the same car?

Not like I'm looking for another Mark project :rolleyes:
rounded out the phillips head of my old TPS screw, removed the TPS
installed new TPS, working IMRC pod and TB
I was checking that line out on my Brown car, the car from Mich...those metal ends of the short rubber seg are rusted severely....made my stomach hurt and ruined my whole day. I still have the liner peeled back and can get better close up pix tomorrow

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