something like rotten eggs? cats? your car has way over 200k?...are you trying to kill it?
This acts as soapy water but it doesn't just drip right off, its more viscous so it stays on the bag.
Yes, I loaded the suspension on both sides with a jack stand and no bubbles.
Both shocks look like this at the bottom of the bags:
they look wet cause of the leak dector.
That bag above isn't down all the way and if it was leaking, you never would see the bubbles if it was setting at parking height. The fold can sometimes hold a crack that you can't see when the car is raised up.
Just ordered the last set of motorcraft bags off amazon, I'm staying on air:dancefool
You'll feel a big difference when you hit the road on the new ones. It's very smooth!
Are those connectors able to be clocked 180 out? I mean the solenoid, can it be intalled 180 degrees from where they are now to get them away from the bag. That kind of clearance does not seem right and it has been a while since I have been under my Mark.
Too much white....Chrome with white!
Black, gun metal or bronze would look pretty sickly on a white car.
Cobra R's look best in OEM silver IMHO
Started the 98 today, let it warm up for a min or two and put it in reverse. Car started surging like it wanted to stall........Could it be the IAC? it's been doing it off an on for 2 weeks now and I don't know what it is.
Also cleaned and re-oiled my K&n filter so I'm gonna go clean the MAF now to make sure there's no filter oil on it.