Dedicated LVC Member
Your not parting the swb car are you?
Doesn't sound like it. He'd have to have something wrong upstairs to do that.
Your not parting the swb car are you?
Not really, not to me. They always leak worse when it's cold.
I love that hood..if I ever decide to do a cowl hood that would be how I make mine eccept maybe a 1/2" higher..I like the natural subtle cowl on the stock 1st gen hood and this one just adds a touch of flair to it.
Put new rear sensor in, front came up rear lowered fixed...what should I charge him![]()
Well got the $30 I loaned him plus $10 for the trouble of that. Then $40 for the spare sensor I had in stock and as a tip an entire Pastrami...and for those thinking with dirty minds those are bags of Parmesan Cheese.
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I think I'm to easy to pay off :shifty:
Oh and the rims are thanks to PepBoys so...
Only in Jersey.![]()
I just saw an ad where he's offering to make them. Somewhere up your way. His car is on CL but he's selling the headlights and header panel.
I've seen that ad for the header panel and lights on chicago's craigslist, never quite understood why it was listed on chi's craigslist though since he's from nebraska. That's the first time I've seen him advertise his custom hood.
Sadder yet the Guy who paid me with said Pastrami is Italian...guess I should have seen it coming?
Drivers low beam bulb died, so I installed an aftermarket eBay special 9006 kit. Created a post about it on how I mounted the bulbs, I would rather spend my cash on the Glitch ballast than the DLF mount, so low teched it with washers.
Now if this was a "what I should have done" post it would be install new and reinforced blend door motor, pull wire from connector for replaced air suspension to stop it telling me so, dig into transmission wiring to fix issue with TFT, replace oil filter adapter gasket, etc.
Am battling the same thing with my latest too.Dammit to heck in a handbasket. Almost got the dual exhaust up. But I somehow bent the shifter cable sleeve at the transmission. Now it won't come out of park.if it's not one thing it's 10 others...