New LVC Member
Hey guys im new here. i am wondering if anyone here has replaced all the lights in a 96 mark viii with led ones. interior and tail lights and if they had a list off lights and sizes for the interior lights. thanks
Took about 3-4 yrs. I jacked up front to work under it, used a long narrow screwdriver to hold down connector tab to separate connector. Then disconnected exhaust from manifold and otherside of resonator. Used a 22 mm combo wrench to remove pass o2, for the driver side your space is limited but can be done.How long did it take to get finished? I am at the point where i cannot put it off any longer. MPG -13, with new plugs and clean intake. Capt. Hook? Thanks for a terrifying mental picture.
They're actually not as bad as they lookBut they do need a little polishing.
May it have a good sleep
You need one for winter fun. I have 3 hibernating, and 2 DD's ready to go. When the weather is bad I use my 4X4, wife wont drive in snow. I hung an ele pressure washer near the garage door, and when I get home I hose the car/trk down, to get all the crap they put on the road off. I'm already waiting for spring.Thanks, I certainly hope so. Though, she normally comes out of hibernation quite nicely. The springs didn't even leak down last winter. :O I want it to be May already, thinking about driving it is really not cutting it.
I hose the car/trk down, to get all the crap they put on the road off.
a long time ago, I had a heated garage with a drain. How sweet it was.This
My next garage will have a floor drain.
It's been over a year since I've seen a CEL on either of my Marks, I knew I was overdue...threw a P1443 this morning, 'evap ctrl valve' is what my Xcal tells me....cleared it and it's yet to come back yet...driven about 15 miles, 4
My old gal is leaking everywhere. First I thought it was all due to the ps line, now I think it's either the opsu or pan gasket. It's going up on the lift tomorrow so I'll have a better idea if I end up keeping her or going for that STS. They aren't horrible leaks by any stretch but they are leaving spots.
The cold (<15) has also caused her to shake n' shudder on cold starts and barely stays running when put in reverse. Have to let her sit a couple minutes before I attempt any type of movement..
Oh yeah, that whole cruise control thing too.
It's going to be a long winter..