What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

What .... I have a working Air Ride System ... No reason to convert to Springs Yet ... LOL

And with this Adrenaline Compressor of Eddie's .... You'll like it Chicken ..

You can see it on Thursday when you get here ...

cant wait to steal err i mean "see" it lol

we can have air susp races.....
Painted mine today, tired of the peeling clear.

I got mine back from having the rocker repaired. Turned into a bit more work than he thought as the backside was soft as well, so he had to do some fabrication. Still only cost me $245 to have it done and put into black primer. I will rattle can it for now and will probably have the entire car repainted before mid fall. I will say that he did a really good job on the car.
i miss my mark! ive been in england and traveling elsewhere for the past 2 months with no driving in the mark :(
thaywood autozone and advance here carries toreador red i have bought many cans of it to do door handles and stuff then i spray real clear over it with a gun and its a perfect match. just a fyi gm used toreador red on a ton of their vehicles too, its almost a dead match to fords toreador red, if you are only doing small areas or small trim use it, i have used gm's version too works fine. duplicolor makes it, both the ford and gm toreador red in the small rattle cans.

Okay. Here's the problem I'm running into with the Toreador. My car is "bright" Toreador and when I installed this door handle, I painted it with Toreador red from a rattle can I bought at Advance. Notice how much darker the door handle is than the rest of the car? Toreador isn't the right color for my car. So what do I do about this?
door handle.jpg

door handle.jpg
the duplicolor at pepboys is the only one i've bought and its right on...only help i can give
Notice how much darker the door handle is than the rest of the car? Toreador isn't the right color for my car. So what do I do about this?

Buy a Red Tie. :dancefool

lol j/k....i would try a small can of duplicolor at a different auto parts store. has your car ever been repainted by you or the previous owner?
the duplicolor at pepboys is the only one i've bought and its right on...only help i can give

Here's the paint I used. It's Duplicolor from Advance auto parts. I don't know if it's the same as the one from PepBoys. Is it the same one you used?

paint can.jpg

Kinda makes me wonder if my car has some kind of special paint or something. This color is perfect for my mom's '97 Cougar. But it's just too dark for mine. I'm tempted to get a bottle of this paint and mix it with some white until it comes close and use my air brush to touch up the car.

paint can.jpg
Buy a Red Tie. :dancefool

lol j/k....i would try a small can of duplicolor at a different auto parts store. has your car ever been repainted by you or the previous owner?

I may try that. And I don't think it's ever been painted by the previous owner(s). I did have to have the driver's side redone back in 2001 because I ran off the road during an ice storm and scratched up the side. But that's it as far as I know.
Got the exhaust done on the '97 LSC today. Removed 3d cat and replaced it with an H-Pipe. Also replaced mufflers with Cherry Bombs. Believe it or not, it sounds absolutely fantastic! Video is forthcoming.:)
Airbag issues... Again!

Hello all... everyone good? Today I stopped myself from getting pissed. Went out to go to work and started the 97 LSC, and noticed it was waaayyyyyy down..... Started her up to air up and HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! A leak on the front driver. Dont know whether its the bag or the O-Ring at the 'noid. any suggestions? or any1 with a replacement?
Put some Alpine RS speakers in all 4 places and took out my console to replace the ashtray/cup holder unit. (Man that is a pain) Haven't had a chance to put it back in since it started pouring down the rain. Anyone got some of the little tiny bumpers on the console for the lid they could sell me?
Washed the motor changed the oil and ordered some 18 inch tires for it. Been busy with the grocery getter lately, put on a lift then tires n new wheels, stereo and exhaust. Made my missy happy now maybe I can put a blower on the 8 this spring or new boobs for my lil missy. LOL:D:D:D

I hope it goes over 60 MPH. :shifty: :p

JK, looks real nice.

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