Active LVC Member
Become a mechanic....... 
Dereck said:Hi All
I have my own shop in the UK
Motts said:www.americanexpress.com/jobs
Gota go through travel school which is 20 days and 175 bucks, at least here in MI, but the pay is like 17 an hr to start.... good luck... become a car salesman and sell some lincolns.. what about becoming a gigilo, moving down to silicon/porn valley... becomin a movie star... ummm.. tons of possibilities just gota keep that head up... KFC< MCdonalds, Taco Bell, Real estate, Compuware, IBM, Surf Shops, depends on what you like to do.. try a staffing agency to get your foot in the door...
or maybe some employment web sites.. sites like www.monsterjobs.com
www.micareerbuilder.com or evenyahoo hott jobs..
dont forget to collect unemployment gota make them pay for letting ya go... :dancefool
Midas78 said:I'm 26 years old, got a BA in Economics from Georgia Southern in '01. Currently, working as an Internal Auditor for a Fortune 500 Wholesale Company - thanks the Sarbanes-Oxley I got the opportunity to leave accounting.
I'm also engaged and the date is 4/30/06. :give
Current ride is a Black 2000 LS V8 Premium.
Previous rides:
Blue 1996 Ford Explorer XLT
White 1985 Chevrolet Blazer
Blue/Green 1996 Nissan 240SX
Red 1995 Toyota Pre-Runner
Red 1986 Honda Civic Si
MACHVII said:I'm a Murderer.
Mysteries For Hire
A recent article on me in a local magazine
Murderously Yours,
Love-my-LSV8 said:I am a Replenishment Mgr. for Target out in the Phoenix area. My wife and I will be happily married for 10 years coming up on 06/17. We have 2 kids and they are about all I can handle right now. Was born and raised on the southside of CHICAGO then moved to the far suburbs(JOLIET) where the CHICAGOLAND Speedway is at(for those of you who are into NASCAR) then just recently moved to the Phoenix area due to the wife getting a real nice promotion. Different way of living out here compared to the bigger cities. Going back to college after dropping out and now just realizing that you need your degree what ever it maybe in to get yourself noticed and to make the BIG BUCKS$$$$.
Originally Posted by itsnotmydaddys
Since were talking about careers, how did eveyone get their careers. as i said b4 im a painter and i hate it. what should i do to get a career besides schooling, people wont give u 2 secs. without a degree. anyone know any openings in the st. louis area, willing to do anyhting besides paint. ive checked all the job sited and nothing. is anyone a car salemen if so pm me, i have some ?s.
Hey man all I can say is don't give up looking for something you want. I am in the same boat as you. I do have a college degree from the University of Iowa, I've been out of school a year and half and still haven't found anything what I supposedly went to school for. The college degree really hasn't helped to much so far. If you don't mind people and dealing with money I suggest getting a job at a bank. There are many different ways to go, you might have to be a teller for a while but growth is always a possibility within banking.
BBoyd said:I'm an engineer for John Deere C&CE. My other ride is a Deere!
Dartastic said:I hope that doesnt come across as being nosey. Im just really curious at how diverse the group is. Im 38 and been with Pacific Gas and Electric for 20 years. Distribution Operator. I manage the power lines in most of Silicon Valley. Married 9 years and have 4.5 kids! :eek2:
deflanman said:I am a commercial insurance underwriter for Safeco Insurance Company. Been at it for 33 years; nearing retirement!! Yea!! More time to work on/drive my '93 Mark VIII. I'm 59, married, 2 beautiful daughters and 3 delightful grandkids.
Oxyargon03 said:I just woke up, it's 11:30 how'd that happen. I love my job. I am a Union Boilermaker. If you don't know what that is in short, i build and rebuild just about every aspect of a power plant. I graduated high school and went straight out to work (My dad being superintendent for a major power contractor helps alot). I went to a vo-tech during high school for welding for three years. I took a tube test which is a heli-arc root (tig welding), and then SMAW (stick welding) the rest of the way out all on a 45 degree angle,3 1/2" diameter tube (pipe as union pipefitters call it). Now i am a certified welder for 22 contractors in the ohio/PA/WV region and am on call to go anywhere in those three states right now. Hell i'm only 20 years old, life is great, i love my country i love my car
Propain i play the guitar too ; ) we should jam
I'm 19 years old attending St. Thomas University pursuing an MBA degree. Currently I work as a bill collector, and no, as an answer to the question I know most of you are thinking, I won't call you. LOL. Love owning a Lincoln and I think I may very well be the youngest sole owner of an LS. Not sure if that is good thing or not...anyways...thats the jist of it...GrayGhost1 said:Golf...did someone say GOLF!! Oh my! That is my first passion! Forget the LS and just let me play golf!! I've played ever since I was in the 5th grade. Great looking site for golf balls. Have you checked out www.4gea.com? That place is awesome and I spend about as much time there as here.
Maybe we can work a deal on some golf balls like Pro V1's or something. I'm a 4 handicap so I must not work much huh? :Beer
Mark Allen:yourock:, my name is Aaron Scherbel, currently in St. Paul, MN and I love your idea and I can't wait to get into real estate myself. I am currently pursuing an MBA degree at St. Thomas University and I have tons of ideas for small businesses, especially in real estate. I'd really be interested in discussing more about your business and how you were able to get it up and running. E-mail me @ milliondollarman420@hotmail.com, look forward to talking to you.MAllen82 said:I'm Mark Allen, currently residing in Atlanta Georgia. I have two jobs right now. I work for a mortgage banking consulting firm as VP of Operations. And my other job I have just recently started, which is my own real estate investing company. Basically the company buys houses near college campuses(starting off in Athens at UGA) and then rents out rooms to college kids. This is quite possibly one of the best investments I've ever made, and anyone who's interested or does invest, I would definately look into doing this.