What's been your top speed ?

with magnflow, CAI & SCT been up to 142 & still pulling, slowed down when front end started to get floaty.
I got up to 125 the night I first got my LS. Had to slow down due to traffic.
macboy said:
...and should have inflated your tires properly. All tires need to be over-inflated beyond around 100 or 110 mph to prevent distortion due to rotational forces. That will improve handling and help prevent the tires from over-heating and exploding. Not something you want to happen at 100+ mph. If you have the OEM Michelin Pilot MXM4's like many of us, then you can refer to this page for specifics.

I can't open that link at work here due to websense....however I've always heard you need to REDUCE (or underinflate) tires for high speed driving. Something about heat causing pressure to rise...... Does that link really tell you to ADD pressure as you mentioned??
128 or 129 so far on the 5 freeway... probably could have pushed it further but didn't want to push my luck.
Only about 90. While I'm not speed maniac, traffic is so heavy when I drive, its hard to find a stretch to open it up. :(
in my old 93 roadmaster station wagon i have went 135 and i have a pic of that too... let me add taking pics with your cell phone while going over 100 is a bad idea,

and here is the lincoln
Freeburg/Douglas road between Smithton Illinios and Millstadt Illinios wide 2 lane concrete with wide shoulders. Sunny and clear, visiblity for miles. I had it up to 137mph. Still had pedal. The car was planted. Could have gotten more out of it.
I got mine up to 205KPH on the highway up here and that was before the exhaust. Im sure i could have made it higher but i figured id slow back down. The thing that suprises me the most is how quiet it is when your going that fast.
I have to update my top speed now. The night after getting back from the dealer i ran about 132 mph. I didnt even feel it or notice. Great ride.
115 mph here!!! Coming home to Houston from Arlington.... I feel like I was in the Matrix movie when they're on that motorcycle weaving through traffic... I almost peeded my pants it was freakin scary and exciting at the same time...
00ls-sport said:
i assume that was where it is 5 lanes...not 2 lanes!!
nope it was where it was 2 lanes where it goes thru like acton thru concord
00ls-sport said:
i assume that was where it is 5 lanes...not 2 lanes!!
nope it was where it was 2 lanes where it goes thru like acton thru concord
Fastest in my '06? Probably between 85mph and 90mph while passing on a 2-lane highway.

In my '04? Dunno. I once had it up around 120mph on this stretch of good rural 2-lane highway that crosses a small river--it has a good two miles of flats on either side, and miles of visibility in all directions.

I once had my '04 in triple-digit speed with a load of passengers when I was outrunning an idiot in an S-truck on the interstate, but I was paying attention to things other than the speedo at the time. (I swear to God, I could hear Dueling Banjos in the background.)
SoonerLS said:
I once had my '04 in triple-digit speed with a load of passengers when I was outrunning an idiot in an S-truck on the interstate, but I was paying attention to things other than the speedo at the time. (I swear to God, I could hear Dueling Banjos in the background.)

Thats funny cause that happened to me once too. I was in a rental '06 Impala which had some decent power. Some ass in a jacked up diesel truck with the confederate flag started f*cking with me. He was sooooo mad cause i managed to stay ahead of him all thru traffic. Silly redneck.
i'm gettin new tires....which means ill push the ls to its limit on I95 prolly. ill come back and let u know

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