What's been your top speed ?

Fla02LS said:
Thats funny cause that happened to me once too. I was in a rental '06 Impala which had some decent power. Some ass in a jacked up diesel truck with the confederate flag started f*cking with me. He was sooooo mad cause i managed to stay ahead of him all thru traffic. Silly redneck.
Redneck, hell. White trash would have been a giant step up from this guy. It was just a POS S-truck, not jacked up or anything.

He ran up on my tail, then just sat there, despite the fact that I was in the outside lane, and there was nobody else even near us. The thing is, he did it to me twice, about 40 miles apart. The first time, I ran up to 90-ish, then dropped back to 80-ish (70mph interstate) when I could no longer see his headlights. About 40 miles later, I slowed down to go through a speed trap, and he did the same damn thing again.

At that point, I figured I'd rather try to explain it to a cop than deal with his asshattery, so I floored it and left him in the dust. I got off the interstate before he caught up with me again.
SoonerLS said:
Redneck, hell. White trash would have been a giant step up from this guy. It was just a POS S-truck, not jacked up or anything.

He ran up on my tail, then just sat there, despite the fact that I was in the outside lane, and there was nobody else even near us. The thing is, he did it to me twice, about 40 miles apart. The first time, I ran up to 90-ish, then dropped back to 80-ish (70mph interstate) when I could no longer see his headlights. About 40 miles later, I slowed down to go through a speed trap, and he did the same damn thing again.

At that point, I figured I'd rather try to explain it to a cop than deal with his asshattery, so I floored it and left him in the dust. I got off the interstate before he caught up with me again.

Wow...you let ppl get that much on your nerves while driving the interstate? why didnt you simply pull over and let the loser go by? instead of possibly getting yourself a speeding ticket, or something of that nature. I don't know thats just my personal opinion...to many jackasses on the road...just let them go by...
Wow...you let ppl get that much on your nerves while driving the interstate? why didnt you simply pull over and let the loser go by? instead of possibly getting yourself a speeding ticket, or something of that nature. I don't know thats just my personal opinion...to many jackasses on the road...just let them go by...
Perhaps you missed the part where he was tailgating me at ~75mph, and there was no other traffic near us on the road? I didn't say he got on my nerves; I said he was creating a dangerous situation so I took control of the situation.
SoonerLS said:
Perhaps you missed the part where he was tailgating me at ~75mph, and there was no other traffic near us on the road? I didn't say he got on my nerves; I said he was creating a dangerous situation so I took control of the situation.

Your idea of taking control of the situation is speeding up to excess of 90 mph to get away from some loser you dont even know, and possibly get a speeding ticket, or worse yet an accident? would it have hurt to pull over (since there was no traffic) and let him go by? Sorry not tryin to be a jacka$$ but Ive been in some bad car accidents (not me behind the wheel) and ive really learned its easier just to pull over and let crazy ppl like that go by.
Your idea of taking control of the situation is speeding up to excess of 90 mph to get away from some loser you dont even know, and possibly get a speeding ticket, or worse yet an accident? would it have hurt to pull over (since there was no traffic) and let him go by? Sorry not tryin to be a jacka$$ but Ive been in some bad car accidents (not me behind the wheel) and ive really learned its easier just to pull over and let crazy ppl like that go by.
I'm not some random doofus who was just wantonly speeding. I have both education and significant experience in driving (two decades and several hundred thousand miles), and I always drive defensively. I haven't received a traffic ticket in over a decade because I do drive defensively and generally conservatively. I've never been in an accident that was my fault; in fact, I've avoided more than one (that would not have been my fault) through the judicious use of the loud pedal. I was driving a well-maintained 5-star crash-rated sports sedan that is designed to cruise safely at high speed on a well-maintained road that is designed for high-speed travel. My judgement was that the slight risk of a speeding ticket and nearly non-existent risk of a collision were far less than the risk of dealing with an idiot who was intentionally tailgating me at high speed--and did so in two incidents some 40 miles apart.

I don't need to know him; his actions told me all I needed to know about him in that situation. The solution to the problem was to open up distance between us, and given his behvior to that point, my best chance for doing that was through the use of the long skinny pedal on the right. If I slowed down, I had to depend on him to behave reasonably (which was contrary to what he had done up to that point); if I sped up, I had control of the situation. It's that simple.

BTW, traffic on that section of interstate routinely moves in the 80mph ballpark. 90mph is certainly not unreasonable.

I'm sure it will satisfy you to know that the second time I left the situation behind I did get off at the next exit. Of course, the fact that it was the exit I was intending to take all along might have entered into my decision. ;)
I too agree with the speeding up to stay in front of the ass-hole drivers. If someone is being that stupid behind me, who knows what kind of crap he'll pull in front of me. An unsolicited brake check on me is about enough for me to beat someone. Way more things to worry about when the guy is in front. Also, what if you pull off the road to let him go buy and they stop too? Not me. When it comes to my safety i'm alittle trigger happy.
121 on an unusually smooth road around here.. in milstadt hah then a stop sign came up and i had forgetten about it.. put on the brakes but still blew threw the stop sign going 45 and lucked out becuase no one was around
Did 144MPH in a 60 down a back Highway here in the sticks of Nebraska. Finally lost confidance in mainly the road so I let out. Had it back up to 135MPH the other day to stretch her out. Love how she pulls till round 120 or so. Cant wait to get some mods & see how she pulls than. -00 LS V8
I once maintained a speed of 105-120 for almost 2 hours. I was speeding with some benz wagon and a 300C on the florida turnpike. There is a 250 mile stretch with no tool booths and minimal cops. After that amount of time my nerves were shot and I slowed down. The benz continued. The car was superbly planted and never got floaty. Sad part is I got a ticket in that stretch last month for 87 in the 70.
i have been weaving through traffic at 110mph on the 215 through temecula/riverside area in my 97 deville, and it drove better the faster I went. it didnt make the guy I was racing very happy that a caddilac could out run his little corvette.
145 in the ls v6 5seed, I just tied that record the other night in my volvo. However it felt alot safer in the lincoln.
Weaving through heavy traffic at 110. Brilliant.
You forgot the part about doing it while racing a 'vette.
That sort of lack of good judgment is nothing to brag about.
top speed

144-145. New tires. New ball joints. New front sway bar assembly. Felt like I was going maybe 80, except the yellow lines were flying by so fast they were almost solid. Never driven so fast and felt so stable. Would have taken it further, but I think a govenor kicked in....(maybe?):confused: as that speed was only 4k. Benefits of living in rural america.
Mines only 2 weeks old (to me) so... 80 :D

Ill kick it in this summer... to be continued...
I have seen the high side of 160mph, on the street, within a 1/4 mile. I was young, dumb, and stupid, and I made $500 for that race:D It never happened again.
I was driving a 66 Fairlane, with all the goodies...about 650hp, a 9" detroit locker, built c-6, all on a four link rear suspension.

Man, is that fast on a 2 lane county road...whew, gives me the willies just thinking about it!
3am no other cars on the road open road 5 mile straight away goes up hill then down hill in the middle droped to 140 climbing the hill crested it shot back up burried the needle alittle bit past 160
Let's see... 125 in the LS. I got scared. 145 gps verified on my '07 ZX6R. That was not the smartest thing I've ever done, but it was a blast! Both times on country roads in NE Alabama. Nothing but cotton fields for a couple miles. ;-)
If those speeds scare you, sounds like a confidence problem. Confidence behind the wheel is all it takes, and you cannot get confidence/proficiency without doing it. I cannot abide by sheep.....

This thread went from talking Top End to scrutinizing other peoples habits. Typical.

I need an SCT tuner bad, this 134mph tether irritates the hell out of me.....
In my own Lincoln I've gone 90, but if you know the 14 freeway to Palmdale that's just to keep up with traffic.

In my friends car I went 105, lovely... I don't like driving with him. I'm really not a fast guy.
I was talking to some cop friends of mine last month about my 98, and one thing turned into another. The said it couldn't do 140. I said it could, and showed them a pic I took. They said I couldn't beat their Crown Vics and Chargers. So, we set to see if I could...

There is a nice stretch of highway here that's practically dead at night. One of them waited at the start line and the other one at the end, another with his Radar going. No traffic, taken on Nov 11th, 2007. I wish we'd have done this in the daytime, so I could have video...





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