Why do we love owning these Mark VIII's?

The Mark VII first caught my eye because of it's style and having the 302 with luxury options and then when the 93 first come out, I remember living right down the street from the Lincoln dealership. I would go down there late at night just to see them up close. I would see that sticker price for $38,000 and up to right at $40,000 and all I could do was wish. I was trying to buy a house at the time and couldn't afford a $40,000 car.

I did tell myself one night while standing next to a black on black 94 that I would have one some day. I kept that dream in my head until 2005 and I got lucky. The man had just got back from the auction with my car and he hadn't had time to even check into it yet. He said that it was owned by some lady that was going through a divorce and apparently she was out of money and it was repossessed from her. New headlights had just been installed and the inside as well as outside had been well taken care of. It was black on black, it was the car that I had my dream set on and I was not leaving there without it. I test drove it and let it get warmed up. Got on a straight away and floored it with OD off and it hit 2nd gear and squealed both tires like it was nothing to it and had me pressed into the seat. I was sold but I didn't know the price yet. The man was busy with other things and he really didn't know what he had. He had just got it in the lot late the night before with the Mark and I was there just by chance early the next morning. When I got back with it, I asked him what he had to have for it and he said $1900.00 and I pulled out 15 $100 bills and said "this is all I have" and he said SOLD!!

Luckily my dad was there because the total with tag, title and tax came to $1574.00 and I drove it away with 164,000K on the clock and now it's at 181,000K 4 years later. Lincoln has class with design, body style, interior style, comfort, speed. Although the person responsible for the IAC placement needs his ass kicked 4 times. 93 thru 96 but all in all, I love my car because it was a dream I had and it did come true for me. Also, it was $37,000 less and I have no car payments to worry with. Maybe my dream was simple for most but it was a big deal for me and it happened, even in my color combination and in very good condition. Added new tires and some Octastars and to me, that set it off. A dream come true!! Just like GMAN said, the first commercial about the car lowering itself had me hooked.
i got mine because it was $300...it needed a new eng. trans. and a radiator. i planned on selling it after i got it fixed up but my other cars at the time were acting up so i took it down to NC for school and never let it go. sure its expensive to work on sometimes and a PITA more often but whats the fun if it isnt a challenge. the car is great its really just my luxury ride with a nice stock radio in it...my sporty ride is my 89 Daytona Shelby, i love the sight of import and v6/v8 head lights in my mirrors...
No limit, i'm in love with your story. I admit that my story with my Mark was no where near that, I started learning abotu them back in 2001 or so when I owned my T-Bird & became a member on TCCoa but I can relate wiht your story because it's identical to mine with my waverunner.
If thats the sporty ride then your Mark must have some issues.

You might want to do some research on the Shelby Daytonas, they might suprise you.

Ive always been a fan of the older turbo Dodge's. Omni GLH, Spirit R\T, etc.

One day when I get some moneys Ill buy one and turn it into a drag car. Ultimate sleeper.

We all know that the Mark VIII is the best car ever built. (I felt it needed to be repeated)
You might want to do some research on the Shelby Daytonas, they might suprise you.

Ive always been a fan of the older turbo Dodge's. Omni GLH, Spirit R\T, etc.

One day when I get some moneys Ill buy one and turn it into a drag car. Ultimate sleeper.

We all know that the Mark VIII is the best car ever built. (I felt it needed to be repeated)

FWD, 2.2 174hp I-4 turbo. 0-60 in 7.2-7.8 seconds (depending on source) and a 130 top speed.
The 97-98 LSC was 0-60 in 7 flat and the base could do 140 top speed. Most of you say the Gen1 is quicker.
The Mark is the faster quicker car and 100x nicer in and out. I am sure like any factory turbod car the Daytona will take well to a big 16G turbo or a T3/T4 and can prolly hold close to 300hp before breaking into the engine. So it has potential but I just have an overwhelming hatred of FWD cars. Its just not a proper performance layout IMHO.

That being said I had an 89 with down pipe and a boost controller and fart can. It was pretty quick but an Eclipse with the same mods would stomp me, a 300Z TT would kill me, a Fox with exhaust and gears would beat me up, a Stock RX-7 Turbo II with exhaust would make me its bitch and Supras wouldn't give me the time of day. This was back in 95 I think.

The main thing is I was just causing crap. :p
I guess I like them for the same reason I like my mark. Not alot of them around, and no one knows what they are and what they are capable of.
No limit, i'm in love with your story. I admit that my story with my Mark was no where near that, I started learning abotu them back in 2001 or so when I owned my T-Bird & became a member on TCCoa but I can relate wiht your story because it's identical to mine with my waverunner.

Thanks, maybe it's because I'm 41 now and when the 93 came out new on the lot, I was only around 24 to 25 at the time. When they dropped down into the low 20's used, I still couldn't mess with any of them because I had a house payment and then they dropped down into the $10,000 range and my son was just born. All money had to go to him and then other problems started to arise. Sold the house, took my son, quit my job with Michelin as 2nd shift supervisor and moved in with my dad because he was in bad shape. Just diagnosed with cancer, he needed help and the wife..... I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire. She chose drugs over her son so since he was 2, I have had him and been raising him myself. He is now 7 and it's just me and my son and my father that live in the same house in a nice neighborhood. Cancer went into remission!

I pretty much have to deal with the same thing that Laser has to with his father. My dad goes overboard at times with his medicine and should not be driving and that's why his 93 is bashed in on the pass side. Since the wreck, he has straightened up a little but I still have my dream car, my son and I made it to see my 41st birthday. Luckily my dad or anyone else was not hurt in the wreck and what made it even better is that his Mark was also black on black which I helped him find over in Georgia. It gave me a lot of spare parts to use and to keep back just in case something happens to mine because my son, at the age of 7 says he wants my car when he can drive lol. I don't think it will make it another 10 years and I'm sure by then, he'll have something different in mind but I will drive this Mark until it falls into the ground, I can promise you that much.
Man nolimit, we need to get together for some beers! I dont have the kid but everything else sounds about right. You are a good man for not only being man enough to take care of the family like that but to endure it with such a positive attitude. Every post I have seen of yours makes you sound like a stand up guy. Thanks mang, makes me feel not so alone in this crap.:Beer
Man nolimit, we need to get together for some beers! I dont have the kid but everything else sounds about right. You are a good man for not only being man enough to take care of the family like that but to endure it with such a positive attitude. Every post I have seen of yours makes you sound like a stand up guy. Thanks mang, makes me feel not so alone in this crap.:Beer

I promise you Laser, you're not alone. I know exactly what you have to deal with and it's not fun. It's easier for me to raise my son most times than it is to babysit my dad. He says he doesn't want another Mark because of what the Nissan Altima done to his when she hit the side. Well, for one, if he hadn't ran a red light thinking he was driving a rocket, she never would have hit him. #2, none of that would have happened at all if he hadn't left the house to go buy more pain pills. You would think that 160 Percocet's would be enough, along with 90 80mg Oxy's and 60 350mg Soma's and 120 1mg xanax. He's out of all of this within an average of 12 days.

He had a beautiful Mark when he went and got it. 93 black on black, garage kept and very well maintained. The car didn't have one ding in it anywhere. now it's destroyed. And no, he does not drink alcohol at all and does not smoke.


I'm sure you have seen the other side where it was hit. It's amazing how someone can let drugs run their life and destroy everything they have and not even care. Luckily he hasn't killed anyone yet with his driving. :rolleyes:
Wish I could say the same. My father is on the same meds at the same levels with the exception of the soma. In the last 9 months my father has caused $12000 in dammage to my Cobra (the memory card has just failed so cant upload pics) then ran a red light T-boning an Accura. Fortunatly the car was stolen and being chased so he didnt even get a ticket. That was in a Dodge 1500. He then got a Ranger 4x4 and killed three people on motorcycles last month.

I thought that would finnaly knock some sense into him but it didnt. Again, he did not even get a ticket much less charged with anything.
He replaced the Ranger with a F-150 4x4 and had it less then a week before this:


Still no tickets or charges. I have tried to legallyget him off the road but to no avail. I have resorted to disabling the car and hiding the keys. He has a rental car right now as the insurance figures out what they want to do. It was a brand new Kia with 2000 miles on it. I just noticed this earlier today.

IDk what to do anymore, I am at my witts end. :(
I like mine for all the reasons already covered...But the best compliment was when I was at a car show and a lady asked me if it was a new car!..I loved her expression when I told her it was 12 years old:D

I like others saw the commercial with the Mark VIII going under the beam at 55 mph. I saw it the night that UNC beat Michigan for the national title in basketball in 1993. I wanted one that night, and even though my 20 year old self could not afford one I vowed to have one some day.
In 2004 I won a 1996 on Ebay. The car had been from Florida with a little over 100K on it. I drove over 850 miles to pick it up. The blend door motor was bad and I got experience on the car by tearing out the dash to replace it. Just when I had gotten the car running really well it got destroyed. I was coming from a Wendy's with dinner when a guy with a suspended license pulled right out in front of me. I hit him doing 50 MPH and ripped his T-Bird in half right behind the rear seat. The only injury I had was a broken wrist, but if I had been driving my other car at the time (Pontiac Sunfire) I would have been seriously injured or dead.
The second one was the 94 I bought from our very own Mespock. After his deer hit I got it from him cheap and drove 350 miles in a snowstorm to get it.
I did a lot of work to that car, and it ran a 14.651 at 97.21 with just the silencer removed at Cecil county. Mespock (Rich) bought the car back when I sold it and he currently has it. He has done even more work to it and it is an impressive '94. I dabbled with other vehicles for a while, but when the oportunity came to get my current Mark VIII (97 LSC) with 83,000 miles for cheap, I jumped on it. I drove 450 miles to Ohio to get it from a friend of our very own Debi. The car was cheap but with some problems that the owner could not handle like the blend door motor. The car has a rebuilt tranny with low miles. I have replaced the blend door motor and done other work on the car in the past few weeks. It passed Virginia inspection and emissions with flying colors. This on is my toy and I have plans for it to make it at least on par with the new Mustang GT. After I replace the clockspring in a few weeks the work will begin starting with a T-Lok, 4.10's, Dennys Driveshaft and a converter. I will probably install a new fuel pump when the other work is done as a precaution.



I like mine for all the reasons already covered...But the best compliment was when I was at a car show and a lady asked me if it was a new car!..I loved her expression when I told her it was 12 years old:D

Yes, I love that! It's awesome when these cars are confused for brand new or newer. That's one of the many examples that the Mark VIII was truly ahead of its time.
I love the red with black interior. Wow i didn't know they made one that year!

I love my Mark because it is different and so fun to drive.

I actually bought mine from my dad. He let me drive it once when i was 16 but i was so nervous i didn't enjoy (barely touched the pedal lol) and i only drove it to school one early morning.

Flash forward 5 years now knowing a lot about cars and driving. I drove it again and the next week i bought it from him lol.

That and.... there is nothing like an American V8 especially the 32v one in the Mark.

I just love the Mark Viii
I love the red with black interior. Wow i didn't know they made one that year!

I had been looking for a good Gen II with that color combo for a while and this one fell into my lap here. I told my wife it was meant to be:D ;)
I had been looking for a good Gen II with that color combo for a while and this one fell into my lap here. I told my wife it was meant to be:D ;)

IT looks great. I love black interior. I have the tan one...boo! But hey it still looks good lol :cool:
Price, style, and the ability to have an ultimate sleeper that shared the same motor as a Cobra! I love to whomp on people when they expect my grandpa car to be slow as molasses!
The reason why I love my Mark 8 is when I pull up to school in it everyone stares. I live in oil country so every freaking teenager has there duramax or powerstroke deisel jacked up 8 feet in the air. When they first see it yeah they call me gay for having a 2 door luxury car and not a monster truck that gets 2mpg but when i rev that engine they go speechless. Or when some a-hole does a burnout in front of the school in his stupid ricer i pull up, brakestand for 2 seconds and just let loose they are in awe.... thats why i love my lincoln mark 8 is because nobody believes its a lincoln and thats what makes it so great. :)
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The reason why I love my Mark 8 is when I pull up to school in it everyone stares. Or when some a-hole does a burnout in front of the school in his stupid ricer i pull up, brakestand for 2 seconds and just let loose they are in awe.... thats why i love my lincoln mark 8 is because nobody believes its a lincoln and thats what makes it so great. :)

Dude, I'm not gonna ask how old you are but if you are a teenager & u own this car, u are one lucky bastard! My first car in HighSchool was a 1988 3.8 Liter V6 Ford T-Bird. Sure I did burn outs but it was slower than watching a rock move. Having a DOHC V8 while in high school is simply to damn sick!:cool:

NOTE: Just saw ur pic, sweet 93 man!
I was just graduating when the Mark VIII came out but man did I wantone bad! I was making good money out of school but not that kind of money. Besides I had owned a 84.5 GT350 since I could drive and thought it was the fastest thing on four wheels..... my Mark can absolutly stomp that old Stang :lol:
No other like it!

The Mark can't be confused with no other car outhere! all those cars on the road all look the same. the mark has his own look, even though you might see some cars that try to copy the look it's obvious they can only go so far. i love my lincoln cause it's clook was ahead of it's time. people ask me what year is my car(97) when i tell them is a 97 they can't believe it. well i have a 97 lsc and love it!!
I was in college when the Mark VIII came out in '93. I saw the commercials aboout the lowering suspension and just the look of the car was awe-inpiring. I desperately wanted one. But the price was just out of reach. One day I went to the local Ford dealership to check one out and the salesman asked if I wanted to take a quick ride. Of course I said hell yeah! He drove and I rode in the passenger seat. Something about insurance and the fact that I couldn't afford to buy one. But it was thrilling just the same. The one thing I remember other than the rush of power as he floored it on the onramp to US-1, was that when he put the trans in gear, I couln't feel any jerk or anything. Unfortunately, mine jerks when you put it in drive. Anyway, I finally got mine in 2000. I was driving a 1993 T-Bird with a 302, Supercoupe wheels, and modified exhause (cut off mufflers). My mom called and told me there was a red Lincoln at one of the local used car lots that I should go have a look at. It was at the same dealership where I bought my '93 T-Bird. It had 65K miles on it and was in excellent condition. The only problem it had was a small crack in the drivers side arm rest. I took it home that day for $3900 bucks. And I've had it ever since. It has 180K on it now. Sure it's a PITA to work on occasionally, but I love the air ride, the V-8 power and rumble, the smooth ride, good handling, and great gas mileage (23-25MPG average). And its' REAR-FREAKING-WHEEL-DRIVE!!!! You can't get a RWD Lincoln car anymore. The Mark VIII is the last of the Hot Rod Linicolns and just about the best car ever made. The only thing that bothers me is that people around where I live always mistake it for a Thunderbird or Cougar. When I tell them it's a Lincoln, they always look confused. It's wierd. But I really love this car and I'll probably drive it until the wheels fall off.
Dude, I'm not gonna ask how old you are but if you are a teenager & u own this car, u are one lucky bastard! My first car in HighSchool was a 1988 3.8 Liter V6 Ford T-Bird. Sure I did burn outs but it was slower than watching a rock move. Having a DOHC V8 while in high school is simply to damn sick!:cool:

NOTE: Just saw ur pic, sweet 93 man!

Lol no worries im 17 :D

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