I chose to join LVC because it kept coming up in my search for info on the car. I enjoy good banter and need good info for tips / fixes but it pissed me off from the git go that my first post gets condescending replies about using the search engine and a BS YouTube video from the forum troll (who now says don't feed the trolls)...
see this is what is wrong with America today, you spoon feed them all of the knowledge in the world and even then they can find a way to complain about it.
i assume that you are referring to this thread of yours
correct, and I'm pretty sure you asked for
Hey guys, quick down and dirty since I'm late for bed...
...Any help, tips or warnings are appreciated...
so did you ask for tips and or warnings about the car??? because I'm pretty sure that I did you huge solid by saving you tons of time wading through tons and tons of pages (which by the way, could only help your knowledge of this car) because the first two links are two of the best quick (requirement #1 requested) info spots about everything important having to do with an LS from every single major common problem a potential buyer (thats you in that case) should A: know about, B: look into with any and every LS they are considering buying.
as far as telling you if buying that car is a good ideal or not, who knows, one would have to know what exactly to look for in person with the car in front of them, and while i cant look at that car for you, I figured the least i could do was to let you know what exactly to look for and maybe even what to expect if you did go through with the purchace. god know that there are some problems that with the exception of a few statistical anomaly, every one will have to deal with and i would personally like to know what expensive repairs i'm going to have to make and factor that in to if i want to buy the car or not.
if you where too butt hurt about the youtube joke, I'm sorry, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. i just assumed by you ultra rookie first question meant that you may not have been familiar with a lot of other forums, and you may not be familiar with how every thing works (searching, tech docs, stickies...) so i figured the easiest way to show you (at least for me, I'm more of a visual learner anyways) a short and humorous video. I know in my early days of getting on forums, I didn't have a clue until one of the older guys hit me with that video and it cracked me up, also learned what not to do to keep from clogging up the place. so if you cant take a good joke along with your answers and your welcome, then I believe I'm going to have to retract that welcome.
a simple thank you would have been nice
I am also very sorry that i wanted to help you out some more and tried to answer another one of your question in that thread for you when you asked how to remove your smashed wood piece, god what an ass i must be.
looking back now, you really should have know better as a moderator how to look around and find the info you need inside any forum. shame on you. (wags finger)