Dedicated LVC Member
If it's the clattering sound at startup only when cold I thought that was determined to be oil leaking down out of the VVT cam advance setup, and someone had fixed it by replacing that part.
If it's the clattering sound at startup only when cold I thought that was determined to be oil leaking down out of the VVT cam advance setup, and someone had fixed it by replacing that part.
I have this exact same issue, last week I took my belt off before starting it and the noise didn't happen, the next morning I had my wife start the car up while I watched the belt tensioner, sure enough, it bounced back and forth about 1/2 an inch and made a loud clanking noise for about 3 seconds then smoothed out. I think the spring is getting weak and it shows more in the cold weather, and once it flexes a few times it starts working better. I'm ordering a new one off of eBay, apparently they are the same part # as Ford Fusion tensioners, about $50 for Motorcraft. I'm also replacing all of my pulleys at the same time since they seemed to have a lot of resistance to spinning when I had the belt off....
So if it's moving at the same time I hear that clunk sound, we could suspect that part? So not the A/C compressor Clutch but rather the Belt Tensioner?
I'm sorry, I don't have much time before I head out for another week but you think you could do another vid on a cold start on a real cold overnight and point the camera directly at the tentioner?
I really should be looking at mine own, I have the IDENTICAL clunk on very cold starts BUT .... you are helping me extremely here and I appreciate that very much!
If that Tensioner doesn't like cold weather, it's stiff to move and seems to me it's hitting something when it's back lashing, most likely it's own stopper or something.
I'm all ears ... and thank you!
Keep in mind that the tensioner could be just doing its job. It may be moving in reaction to something else that is happening. It could be reacting (as it should) to a sudden load from the AC clutch (though it doesn't sound like the factory clutch). Or maybe a bad damper pulley (I would expect that to be a problem for much longer before it warmed up).
Took one more tonight (22*F) Also note that there is a squeak present. Again, new belt. So there may be a few things going on here.
Also joegr, found this today when searching for LSE tails. Mileage is meh...
While it doesn't seem like it would be the AC clutch/compressor, Could you take a video showing the front of the AC clutch when this is happening? It's now clear (to me) that the tapping/clicking sound is the belt tensioner going all the way to its hard stop (should never happen).
- I will try, the stock intake gets in the way of my camera. I will work another viewing angle next cold start.
I can see that the damper pulley tilts slightly at startup. This may be where your problem is. It certainly shouldn't do that. However, it seems pretty stable after that, but something is still causing the tensioner to oscillate a few more times after that.
- Yes when the damper first starts to rotate is appears to wobble. Not sure if this is an illusion because based on its rotation speed or a true wobble. I am gonna see if I can send this video to the tech who replaced my belt after my coolant repair.
- Harmonic Balancer is on the ESP pamphlet, but tensioner is not.
- Appreciate the head start on the pulley if that ends up being the diagnosis.
... What's the deal with the side vents though? Do they commonly break or fall off? I've seen a lot of people hunting for them
Take a look at the fuse box on the right front of the car. It's a relay/s not pulling in and maintaining. If the coil on a relay doesn't hold, it'll click like that. I've been working around relays for over 30 years, I know what they sound like energizing.Thanks guys.
I will try the unplug method on the DCCV to confirm. But with my head very close to it, and my hand touching it I do not think it is the source. Noises bounce around though, so I will definitely confirm. The DCCV on this car is not original, so that also leads me to believe I *should* have some more time left on it. I will report back soon.
The noise makes me cringe![]()
Take a look at the fuse box on the right front of the car. It's a relay/s not pulling in and maintaining. If the coil on a relay doesn't hold, it'll click like that. I've been working around relays for over 30 years, I know what they sound like energizing.
I had the same problem in the winter on cold starts near or below freezing. I thought it was because there was a parasitic drain on the battery. It would be worse if the car sat for longer periods. I had a DVM on the + cable at the battery to read current flow but when I landed the cable it blew a 10 amp fuse after about 30 seconds. It took awhile to get a new fuse and I never got back to it. The clicking is more frequent at first then slows down to a stop. Once the car ran and had the charging system up to snuff there is enough voltage to hold the coil in on the relays and it quiets.
It's why Joe and guys in the warmer climates don't experience it.