What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

Throwing a very intermittent code 32 from the srs. Guess it's clockspring time.

My cruise and horn work though, but from what i've researched it all lead's to that. Iirc it started after my friend hooked up his reader. Perhap's i'll disconnect the battery first.
this weekend coming up im gonna change the oil, the message came up on the message center. also gotta bring it to the mechanic, have an annoying chirping when the cars on either from a belt or a tensioner. when one of the belts was replaced like 2 years ago it started making that noise, so maybe its a bad belt so i need to get that fixed its annoying as hell.
You could get a belt, tensioner and idler pully for what it's going to cost for them to just look at it. And they're super easy to replace.

Chirping is almost alway's the idler. But that and the tensioner usually fail at the same time. I'd go spend the 15 bucks and get a new one and see if it fixes it. One bolt and your done.
That sounds like a good deal. But I live in West End. That's probably a good 3 hours away. I'd definitely have to plan ahead and take a day off work. I'm very interested. I'll PM you if I can work something out. Thanks!!!

Cool man, just let me know some prospective dates so I can make sure I'm not previously engaged. Off-hand, I know Easter weekend wouldn't work out for me. It would definitely have to be a weekend day though.
You could get a belt, tensioner and idler pully for what it's going to cost for them to just look at it. And they're super easy to replace.

Chirping is almost alway's the idler. But that and the tensioner usually fail at the same time. I'd go spend the 15 bucks and get a new one and see if it fixes it. One bolt and your done.

Wow i didn't know that, ill most likely do that now before i go to the mechanic. thanks alot!
I stared at mine. Need a hand getting the dash in.... and my friends are magically unavailable to help me for just 5 freakin minutes.
Wow i didn't know that, ill most likely do that now before i go to the mechanic. thanks alot!

Do yourself a favor and spend the money on a 3/8" metric socket set and a 1/2" socket wrench (at the very least), and change that stuff out yourself.

It'd probably still come out way cheaper than having a mechanic do it...

Learning how to do stuff myself is the only way I'm able to mod my car to the extent that I have. I'd go broke paying people to do all that stuff.
Do yourself a favor and spend the money on a 3/8" metric socket set and a 1/2" socket wrench (at the very least), and change that stuff out yourself.

It'd probably still come out way cheaper than having a mechanic do it...

Learning how to do stuff myself is the only way I'm able to mod my car to the extent that I have. I'd go broke paying people to do all that stuff.

+1 thanks for the help
Learning how to do stuff myself is the only way I'm able to mod my car to the extent that I have. I'd go broke paying people to do all that stuff.

That's what I told myself from day one. Self taught welder, body man, painter, engines, etc... only thing I can't do is rebuild trans/rearends. (Well I can't rebuild motors w/o machine shops but you get the point)

I may not be perfect at all of those things but I'm good and getting better every time

So I agree w/ Jay. Pick up a wrench and get at it
Dam...it looks good Terry.
Something about a gen one slammed.


Thanks Kirk, I'm too old to be twisting and turning like that to wire that thing up. Now it has me slammed... :D

I should have taken the seat out like you said but all of it was done by only removing the bottom panel. My left elbow was red for a few hours.I know I'll really feel this in the morning.
Looks killer Terry! When I installed my switch, I layed the seat back and was basically laying down with my head under the dash... much more comfy
Worked on blinker problem

96 mark viii rt front blinker non op. bulb will not flash, but rear does flash although blinks very fast. The dash arrow (rt side) does not light up, but does make a very fast blinker noise. I replaced the bulb (double filment). Turn the parking lamps on and the bulb lights up. Try the blinker and nothing. The drivers side front and rear blinkers work fine and at correct blinker speed. The dash blinker indicator arrow lights up (drivers side only). very puzzled!!!
96 mark viii rt front blinker non op. bulb will not flash, but rear does flash although blinks very fast. The dash arrow (rt side) does not light up, but does make a very fast blinker noise. I replaced the bulb (double filment). Turn the parking lamps on and the bulb lights up. Try the blinker and nothing. The drivers side front and rear blinkers work fine and at correct blinker speed. The dash blinker indicator arrow lights up (drivers side only). very puzzled!!!

Sounds like you're low on blinker fluid:D

But seriously, I had a similar problem on my old '96 a few years ago. Turned out to be the signal flasher. It's a digital flasher mounted under the dash on the d/s to the left of the steering column. I got one from Advance Awful Parts for about $9 or so. That may or may not be your problem, though. It sounds like maybe you have a short somewhere. The fast blinking usually indicates a burnt out bulb. If you replaced the bulb and still have no signal, there's another problem somewhere. Possibly a shorted wire.
Thanks Jesse! That thought crossed my mind a few times on a few certain wires. That grey plug is hell to work with. I don't think I'll ever remove it. :p

Agreed. I may have the dash out, and be converted to coils, but I won't be removing that wiring... lol
96 mark viii rt front blinker non op. bulb will not flash, but rear does flash although blinks very fast. The dash arrow (rt side) does not light up, but does make a very fast blinker noise. I replaced the bulb (double filment). Turn the parking lamps on and the bulb lights up. Try the blinker and nothing. The drivers side front and rear blinkers work fine and at correct blinker speed. The dash blinker indicator arrow lights up (drivers side only). very puzzled!!!

My 96' had the rear drivers side socket fail to make contact with the bulb. It would do it intermittently and then it would stay quick flashing. I took the socket out of a Bronco II going to the scrap yard and just cut n spliced it in. Everything worked fine after that.
My mpg's are still hovering around 19 since the plug and boot change. I'd say a solid 1 mpg+ increase compared to last summer(17.6-.8). Same street's, all city...
Life sucks sometimes. The Exploder died yesterday. My stepson called at 1930 last night and said that it knocked off with him and it's parked on the side of the road on the 4-lane in Southern Pines. So I go out to look at it and it won't start. I can hear the fuel pump running and can smell the unburnt fuel so I'm thinking something to do with the ignition. It was dark and late and I was frustrated so I took a wrench and tapped on the IAC, TPS, and the coil pack. It cranked right up and ran fine after that. So I got behind him in my (knock on wood) perfectly fine running Mark VIII and about a mile later he pulled off again. It had died once more. It was idling but sputtering and smelled like it was flooding out. I messed with it some more and could not get it to run right so it's sitting on the shoulder of the road on the 15-501 4-lane right now waiting for me to get off work and get it towed home. I'm thinking it's a vacuum leak because when you give it gas, it dies and then idles back up when you let off the gas. I'm frustrated as hell right now. It it's not one thing, it's 25 others. I just can't fargin win for loosing...:(

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