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    stock alpine in-dash 6disk

    i was afraid you might say something like that. thanks though guys

    stock alpine in-dash 6disk

    ok gentlemen i have an interesting one for you today on my way to work i was listening to some music, as usual... long story short, the stereo decided to mute itself. turning it up via the nob worked but it muted itself randomly throughout the trip. if i got it to stay on for a few seconds...

    Thermostat? Electrical? Help!

    is this something someone with no knowledge of car repair can do? or would i be advised to take it to my mechanic?

    Thermostat? Electrical? Help!

    Ok here's the symptoms: After about 10 - 15 minutes in the car my engine temp shoots all the way to the red. Regular driving, nothing too hard on the vehicle Usually it takes another 5 or 10 for it to start to calm itself back to neutral, or if I stop it tends to cool down right away. The...

    Need a Photoshop Expert

    if i wasn't in the middle of writing finals i would be all over this. sorry

    2001 LS V8 Parts for sale!

    man you know what i could really use... the piece that surrounds the air vents in the center console. assuming of course that it's black. ill get a pic... EDIT: probably should have read the previous posts before i posted i guess.

    anyone thought of painting interior pieces

    thats exactly what i want. looks so much better black.

    Ls with Suicide doors

    great ride

    FINALLY cleared the corners

    hey rock, baking... or grilling, doesn't affect the eyebrows at all?
  10. CROWDA

    Aftermarket Lincoln Emblems

    which luckily, is also flat.
  11. CROWDA

    Aftermarket Lincoln Emblems

    I wanted to switch mine because the aftermarket one i had was a flat black piece of acrylic. I really just wanted to have an OEM emblem on my mclaren. They're not awful looking but my switch was based on personal preference.
  12. CROWDA

    Sound System Project

    thank you for remembering why we're all here lol
  13. CROWDA

    Few other things to sell!

    easy there speed reader. lol
  14. CROWDA

    WTF is up with this grille?

    hey if buddy likes it, who are we to judge? lol we dont have to drive it.
  15. CROWDA

    Few other things to sell!

    What do you do?! WHAT?!? lol Seriously though, wtf.
  16. CROWDA

    WTF is up with this grille?

    that makes me sad lol I hate to see such beauty defiled like that. lol
  17. CROWDA

    Sound System Project

    whoa whoa whoa... hang on. So are we in consensus that kickers are the way to go? I don't know anyone running them, nor have I heard anything about them until now.
  18. CROWDA

    Few other things to sell!

    I'm kinda into that sub actually.
  19. CROWDA

    Hid!? What?!

    Thanks. I kinda figured that, but I thought I would toss it out there anyway.
  20. CROWDA

    Hid!? What?!

    thank you moundtown! that is exactly what i was looking for. lol So now to round it all off... Should I get em or what? Anyone with HIDs care to sound off on the value of their investment? (sidebar: still curious about the ebay chips alluded to in post #1)