Okay,yeah, you have a point there,but it still has to start to open as it almost starts to boil and open up more as it boils heavier. So now pull the new one and try it.don-ohio
Isnt the therm there to help with regulating water? Or am I mistaken? Is that the water pump?You could just remove the thermostat (till you find your problem) and be 100% certain that it is not your problem.
Isnt the therm there to help with regulating water? Or am I mistaken? Is that the water pump?
Holy crap. I think I'm just gonna go snatched it off the car in a few. I hate removing these effing hoses. UghLike Joe says,you CAN remove it..............but I'd just do the same test with it.I helped a guy once that had put one in BACKWARDS on a 62 Galaxie.......LOL! Talk about overheating! That thing was hotter than a nuclear explosion! LOL! don-ohio^)
In a correctly working cooling system, the thermostat allows the engine to reach full operating temperature. If your system were working, removing the thermostat would result in your engine never warming all the way up. As it is, I predict that removing the thermostat will not change your problem at all. You will just know (as several of us already do) that your thermostat is not your problem.
Oh no.. not on purpose.. I would never! I'm just going to run it briefly to show fan movementDon't overheat it on purpose,Man!
No thermostat at all would not be good for the controls which govern the engine.In the old cars you could do it. These cars in the last 30 years are too finicky about coming up to heat. don-ohio
Was the car still cold there,KidL? I didn't see any coolant in the Degas.The fan was turning...dunno how much air it was moving? don-ohio
You apparently had some big air pockets it drained into. Well,you gonna pull that thermostat and check it? don-ohio^)
Well,well.......another working thermostat. If it's mine, and I see NO leaks, I am gonna go with,when engine is cool, draining out any weak antifreeze solution and putting in FULL STRENGTH solution to mix with the weak (this is KEY) and doing the bleed procedure by the book.
As soon as I get it bled per procedure and I have that Degas filled to above that hot level, I'm loosening the cap and trying it out.
It just seems to me you're not getting all the air out. I sure hope you DON'T have a leaky head gasket. don-ohio^)
That's what I'm hoping too... How do I check the water pump? ...
...No coolant in weep holes = shaft seal is not leaking. Impeller and fins on impeller intact = pump okay. No play in shaft = bearings okay....
If I'm on ignore, let me know and I can stop filling this thread...