Well slap some wide-ass, high perf tires on the LS, and what do you got?Tires. High-perf, sticky, wide-ass tires, vs narrow all-seasons on the LS.
I have not. You know what I have to buy firstHave you started buying parts yet ?
Hey, you guys do what you want. I'm telling you there is a huge difference in the way the brakes stop the car.
I looked up some numbers to help point out the technical differences.
If you haven't spent the time and money ( as I have) then whatever you post is just tittle tattle.
I repeat, this is the best bang for your buck brake upgrade that you will get on this car.
Looks and stopping power are increased.
Sorry, no more pics right now. I'm working on te next project...
^ those are brembos...too bad they don't fit (without major work) seems to be plenty of them all over ebay.
But I have been searching, and nothing as far as used OEM parts goes.
If you look right above your post, the Brembos DO NOT work. The calipers in question are the 06+ non brembo.There are at least four sets of these on eBay right now. You can also buy them rebuilt. It's pretty much the same Brembo calipers used on the newer Shelby's and Trac Pack Mustangs and Boss's.
I honestly have no idea. I've considered it, however i'm never sure what hardware is missing/indluded, and my current brakes are basically brand new, so I prefer to just wait to find a Jag thats being parted out.Is there anything wrong with buying rebuilts?
Wow! How? How?! Lol you're a much better searcher than me.
Looks like all thats missing is the SS brake lines (and of course pads, rotors, and hardware kit?)
Guys, you got me all confused now. The bolt on years is 06-09 str or am I wrong? My brakes are basically metal on metal now and wana clear this up before I pull the trigger. Also is it any str of those years?
Guys, you got me all confused now. The bolt on years is 06-09 str or am I wrong? My brakes are basically metal on metal now and wana clear this up before I pull the trigger. Also is it any str of those years?