CUTTING OFF Noise Suppressors

as long as the cai is sucking in cold air, the engine will have better performance, it is basicly what a supercharger is, more air into the engine producing better performance, the air filter needs to be where the coldest air will be sucked up, thats all, i dont understand why you lost hp, you must have been sucking in more hot air then a stock air box

Also I guess you dont realize the obvious problems with putting an open element filter on the end of your MAF, irregardless of the presence of hot or cold air.

Colder air IS better, as I mentioned.

BUT..until you can datalog your stock intake ACT..
and verify that the CAI actually DECREASED your ACT, then you are just "following" the crowd, and not basing your decision upon SOLID DATA.

Perceptions and reality are often very very far apart.

kinda like those people that THINK removing EGR is a performance mod.
removing EGR does not decrease the amount of hot air entering the cylinder..another internet hoax/falsehood that is perpetually being passed from noob, to noob with no regard for "DATA"

It's because they "perceive" something...
I dunno, I'm liking the affect of my KKM intake and since it's cold 300 days out of the year here in WA Im' sure the weather would also affect the cold air coming into the cone......

yea yea yea... how do those sugar pills taste?
yea yea yea... how do those sugar pills taste?

pretty tasty.

Though I enjoy the roar of the engine as well..even if it was proven that I lost some HP, I can always done other mods to gain it back...but I don't want a quiet LS...I'm an attention seeker...I want it to roar!
pretty tasty.

Though I enjoy the roar of the engine as well..even if it was proven that I lost some HP, I can always done other mods to gain it back...but I don't want a quiet LS...I'm an attention seeker...I want it to roar!

roar is does , as long as the air is not hotter then the stock airbox, then who cares
pretty tasty.

Though I enjoy the roar of the engine as well..even if it was proven that I lost some HP, I can always done other mods to gain it back...but I don't want a quiet LS...I'm an attention seeker...I want it to roar!

man, you should put the intake back to stock and paint it pink instead.
I'd much rather have fast pink car than a roaring loud slow black car.

then again my name isn't petey either (smack talk smile)
Since installing a different intake on the engine I am using an open air filter. I've noticed that the air temps are much high well standing much like on a dyno. While at speeds the air temps due cool down much closer to the ambient temps.
roar is does , as long as the air is not hotter then the stock airbox, then who cares

because the "standing pressure waves" bouncing around in your intake tract will corrupt your maf signal...and the K&N you stuck on the end of the maf is going to further upset the "laminair air flow" thru the sensor...

BUT.. so long as it's COLDER it's gonna be better!

personally I dont like air pressure waves traveling backwards thru the system and entering the back of the maf, causing the incoming air to "stall".
how can slowing down your intake air be a good thing?????????

and I dont like disrupting the SMOOTH airflow that the sensor requires to provide accurate fuel control by screwing up the MAF transfer function with this ricer filter stuck on there.

But as I said, "feel free to follow the crowd"....
And I apologize for taking this thread off topic.

The question wasn't "will a CIA or removing the silencers" cause problem?
The question was, "how do I plug the holes I mistakenly cut into my intake"?

Carry on... my bad
And I apologize for taking this thread off topic.

The question wasn't "will a CIA or removing the silencers" cause problem?
The question was, "how do I plug the holes I mistakenly cut into my intake"?

Carry on... my bad

nope, it was neither of them, you must have misunderstood, or was mislead by the things you read on the internet
yea, it's ME that's confused by the big bad internet...your correct.

I know nothing about what I talk about, unlike yourself.

as I said..

Carry on sir.

Then other folks can come and see by reading this thread that you were right and then there will be "more internet lemmings" that did stupid stuff because..
YOU are right.

I've never seen a datalog and I'm sure you have hundreds of datalog files to back up your claims..
and I've never seen a car on the dyno while I'm sure you've spent countless hours in dyno cells gleaning over data.

And.. I've not made in excess of 5000 dragstrip passes which backed up ALL of my data.

your "butt-0-meter" is far better calibrated than any of the dyno's I've ever strapped a car to.

There is some very good useful info in this thread, yet I feel dumber after I read it.
I agree not every aftermarket snake oil add on gives the promised HP yield, the best way to gain HP would be knowledge of both your car and the systems involved. Has the OP ran his car on a dyno yet? Has he used any sort of programmer to log some basic data for a baseline. I am not trying to bust anyone's stones just saying.
Its basic logic that more is not automatically better, or just in creasing the injector size alone would automatically add HP.
You win dude, I give.

Run down to Vatozone and pick yourself up 20HP from that CAI.

there is no way real world experience will ever compete with "intenet hype".

I thought for a minute I might save you from making the same mistake that many others have, apparently that simply isn't the case.

you've already chewed the plastic covering from my last babyfood spoon, so I cant help you any further...I'm sorry
There is some very good useful info in this thread, yet I feel dumber after I read it.
I agree not every aftermarket snake oil add on gives the promised HP yield, the best way to gain HP would be knowledge of both your car and the systems involved. Has the OP ran his car on a dyno yet? Has he used any sort of programmer to log some basic data for a baseline. I am not trying to bust anyone's stones just saying.
Its basic logic that more is not automatically better, or just in creasing the injector size alone would automatically add HP.

THAT is actually great information.. well said
i would just say, if i am going to lose power , i would not do it, i dont see enough bad results to not do the cai, i appreciate your experience and input and i am not sayin that you are wrong, but i feel the LS is the type of system to add some mods and customizations, for both looks and perfomance, if i see a great drop i will go back to stock and will have learned from my mistake, but too many people use cai and see gains with no complaints, so surely its not a waste, i agree 300 would be a waste, but a 40 dollor filter, with some 5 dollor piping, it wouldnt be a waste to try
Ok, I understand.
Like I said.. "go for it".

But consider adding this step.

take your car to the dyno, make a baseline pull to establish your stock numbers
then put your CAI and repeat the test with the engine at the same normal operating temp.

Then post your results.

dont skew the results with allow the engine to cool down before the second test...same day, same engine temps, only difference is stock intake or you homedepot CAI.

let the results decide.
unless your parked in a parking lot "pimpin with your hood up" then what it looks like isn't really an issue here.

so let me get this straight.

You'll stand for backwash pressure waves in your intake AND crappy maf signal IF it looks better?

Standing pressure waves and corrupted maf signal dont throw up red flags for you?
unless your parked in a parking lot "pimpin with your hood up" then what it looks like isn't really an issue here.

so let me get this straight.

You'll stand for backwash pressure waves in your intake AND crappy maf signal IF it looks better?

Standing pressure waves and corrupted maf signal dont throw up red flags for you?

so what im getting from this is that a custom cai would create standing pressure waves and a corrupted maf signal? with no other benefits then looks?
I cant believe what I am reading! After all these years every single manufacturer and every single person that has used after market intakes is wrong and or lying!

I feel so violated now.
would this have more to do with the air box, filter, or tubing?

all of the above...
If you change the bends before or after the maf you have changed the mafs signal..simply put.

the filter does bad things too, simply put.
I cant believe what I am reading! After all these years every single manufacturer and every single person that has used after market intakes is wrong and or lying!

I feel so violated now.

If you bring nothing to the argument other than argument, what purpose have you served... other than to increase your post count.

You bring up the "manufacturer" wouldn't lie?
and.. internet lemmings dont lie?

You really aren't that gullible are you?
If you bring nothing to the argument other than argument, what purpose have you served... other than to increase your post count.

You bring up the "manufacturer" wouldn't lie?
and.. internet lemmings dont lie?

You really aren't that gullible are you?

You tried, now give it up. There's no credible proof presented here to show any gains from changing the carefully engineered OEM setup, but that doesn't matter to most reading this. This is why Pulstar and H20 systems are still sold and bought. It's the same with some hi-fi nuts. They insist that "monster" cables must be used even when no improvement can be measured.

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