CUTTING OFF Noise Suppressors

well said and I absolutely agree.

You would not believe the shytstorm" that would have occured had "I" called their CIA a "hot air intake".

Now by all means I am saying right here and now that I do not know everything there is to know about cars, but it just surprises me about the lack of knowledge people show when they think they know about cars.

Technically they are only using a warm air intake since they still have the intake tube attached to the throttle body. But what surprises me is that millions of people buy into this crap and buy these products.

If you are looking for a throaty roar for your ls, why not just take off the factory exhaust and replace them with a straight pipe, or if you want some extra kick throw on some glass packs.

Most race engines have a optimized "tuned" intake that more than likely has the standing pressure waves taken into account.

That is "REAL" race engines, not Daily Driver cars that "pretend" to be race cars.

You seem to suggest that if a car is driven on a daily basis, it's less 'real' as a race platform. And whatever your intent, you seem to do so with a fair helping of scorn and hostility. But let's suppose that doing so was not your intent---it just came out that way. (I'll insert here that since I hold two National Land Speed Class Records---E/F SS and E/F CC---with my daily driver LS, it's not too much of a leap to claim 'race' status. After all, I have to duck my head each time I get in so as to miss banging my head on the roll cage.)

On an allied subject, please be aware that the AJ engine design originated from a 'clean-sheet' effort by the Jaguar Works. One look at the bed-plate girdle-style main bearing cap arrangement and the multi-element windage director design of not only the block itself but the aluminium and steel-stamping sump speaks of a high performance orientation in the design engineering.

I guess I'd say that it looks and acts like a 'race' set-up. What additions would you suggest as being necessary to claim race status?
(I'll insert here that since I hold two National Land Speed Class Records---E/F SS and E/F CC---with my daily driver LS, it's not too much of a leap to claim 'race' status. After all, I have to duck my head each time I get in so as to miss banging my head on the roll cage.)


well my "Daily Driver" mark 8 won back to back to back (3 peat) Championships in a season long bracket series consising of over 30 races per year.

does that make it a race car?

My mark 8 has the teksid block used by many "real race cars", but does that make MY car a race car.. NOPE.

If you wanna call you "LS" a RACE CAR, feel free... to me it's a Lincoln LS that competes in racing events. nothing more, nothing less.

I'm sure I could find some "obscure" Super Stock class, run my car in it and claim to be a national record holder.

I could run in F/Stock and be a class champion.. in a class that only "I" was competing in..but I chose to line up with the "rest of the race cars" in the bracket classes.

I dont need to pigeon hole myself in an itty bitty class to get my claim to fame.
besides, I dont have a COLD AIR KIT, my car cannot be a race car.
Can I just put it in my trunk? and still see the gains?

I dont want my friends to think I'm a ricer, and I dont want the cops to think I'm driving a RACE CAR
Touched A Nerve

besides, I dont have a COLD AIR KIT, my car cannot be a race car.

Ignoring your poor attempt at sarcasm, I'd simply suggest that a 'race car' is simply a car that's raced. My race activities don't require any defense. Is your whole life as sour as your posting suggests?

Ignoring your poor attempt at sarcasm, I'd simply suggest that a 'race car' is simply a car that's raced. My race activities don't require any defense. Is your whole life as sour as your posting suggests?


Well I didn't start off by stepping on your nutz, but one good turn deserves another.You "chose" to toss you nutz on the table..


Nice how you cant rebutt anything I say and have to resort to taking pot shots at my "life"...nice crayfish move Race Car Driver.
You haven't said anything to rebut. You've offered nothing but negativity and a negative, by its very definition, can't be proven. Those who can, do. Those who only wish they could, sometimes just act snarky.
You haven't said anything to rebut. You've offered nothing but negativity and a negative, by its very definition, can't be proven. Those who can, do. Those who only wish they could, sometimes just act snarky.

You added no information to this thread other than to "pick apart" my definition of "RACE CAR"...because it just happened to "omit your beloved LS".

Then you beat your chest about some meaningless irrelelvant national record...blahblah blahwhopptiefukkindoooo.

and.. "I'm the snarky one"?

If that's the case, then tell MonsterMark to change my usename to XLRSNARKVIII right dafuk NOW..I'll wear that badge proudly sir.

you sound like bill clinton with his "that depends on what your definition of IS is"

You added no information to this thread other than to "pick apart" my definition of "RACE CAR"...because it just happened to "omit your beloved LS".

Then you beat your chest about some meaningless irrelelvant national record...blahblah blahwhopptiefukkindoooo.

and.. "I'm the snarky one"?

If that's the case, then tell MonsterMark to change my usename to XLRSNARKVIII right dafuk NOW..I'll wear that badge proudly sir.

you sound like bill clinton with his "that depends on what your definition of IS is"

And you've offered nothing but opinions, and those in a derogatory manner. I read through three pages of your asides before I decided to get into this discussion at all. I believe that helpful information is always welcome. Quik is famous for such posts. Yours, on the other hand are simply derisive without adding anything helpful. Massaging your own ego at the expense of others is a poor activity, at best. Why don't you just, at least, offer something positive.
Can I just put it in my trunk? and still see the gains?

I dont want my friends to think I'm a ricer, and I dont want the cops to think I'm driving a RACE CAR

hahahaha, i hear that, i think just a modded muffler draw cops attention too much ,

never mind a cai, hahaha but if you do look like a race car/driver, some cops piss there pants before they pull you over, hahaha alot of rookies, but i hope i dont get pulled, knock on wood, they believe the police charger can be the only "fast" car in the streets hahaha
And you've offered nothing but opinions, and those in a derogatory manner. I read through three pages of your asides before I decided to get into this discussion at all. I believe that helpful information is always welcome. Quik is famous for such posts. Yours, on the other hand are simply derisive without adding anything helpful. Massaging your own ego at the expense of others is a poor activity, at best. Why don't you just, at least, offer something positive.

IMO +1
Ok, here's my POSTIVE ENLIGHTENING post for 2009

"the sun will rise tomorrow"

are ya happy now cupcake?

and I apologize for not "singing along" with the CAI crowd.

I should have known better than to try and help a crowd so heavily influenced by internet hype and manufacturers claims.

You win Mr Race car driver with your superior knowledge and intellect



carry on gentlemen
Being a skeptic I have to point out that there is no dyno evidence to prove that CAI's work. There is also no dyno evidence to prove they don't work. Until it is proven either way neither side of this argument has a leg to stand on. Every argument one side makes can be used with equal credibility by the other side.

With that being noted all we have are butt dyno's which = opinion. Argue all you want, this thread is going nowhere until someone produces evidence.
Summing Up

Nice to get back to the subject. Calculations are simple. It seems well proven that there's about a 100 degree f. difference between ambient and underhood air. A properly ducted package will get ambient air. Now take the HP factor for calculating the loss/gain for heated/cooled air induction and you'll come very close. It's well proven that temp does make a difference. But I don't think any of the usual air ducting, including my own KKM, actually do much to get ambient air. You need to get some dryer duct and get the air to the fancy new air cleaner in order to do much good.:)
It seems well proven that there's about a 100 degree f. difference between ambient and underhood air. KS

On my car I datalog IAT and its usually about 8-12 degree's higher than ambient.

but that is with a stock air box getting cool air from the fender well.

Sitting idleing for long periods IAT's shoot up into the 120 range which is only about 18-21 degree's above ambient.

going down the road, the IAT is within 5-8 degree's of ambient.

I can datalog this and show you, but I cant put ambient temp in the datalog..*shruggs*
not arguing with you cammerfe, but I think the 100 degree difference between "underhood temps" and "ambient" isn't really relevant, unless you have a "cold air intake" breathing that underhood air.

KS you should be able to plug the Xcal in and datalog IAT as well.
It was quite an eye opener for me when I saw how close it actually was to ambient.
Now take the HP factor for calculating the loss/gain for heated/cooled air induction

2% HP for every 10 degree's you drop the air intake charge.

2% doesnt sound like much but if you can get your AIT down 30 degree's on a 300 HP motor that's almost 18HP.

that's significant if you ask me, but like you's gotta be done properly to keep underhood heat from negating any gains.
not arguing with you cammerfe, but I think the 100 degree difference between "underhood temps" and "ambient" isn't really relevant, unless you have a "cold air intake" breathing that underhood air.

I'm talking about the air that'd be pulled from within the engine compartment without any ducting to the outside such as is part of the factory air-box. Are you saying that the openings around the air-box location cool the area to within a few degrees of ambient? I wouldn't have thought it'd work that well.
so I took out the aluminum intake tube and put back the stock system and WOW the difference...power is still the same except less noise (not to worry since I'm getting my exhaust changed) and I went from 14/19 mpg average to 19/24 damn.....that's quite the difference

btw anybody wanna buy an intake tube? haha

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