Any ideas on what or where you're leaking?
No other leaks since the two I saw - so It either was indeed venting, or I have lost so much fluid, there's not enough to leak anymore

Been a crazy last few weeks though, I sold my S4 project car as we just found out we have a little one on the way! So while I prep for that I have started to clean out the garage of parts from that build and have begun organizing a bit more of a plan for where I take the LS.
While I still have this 70mph vibration issue to solve, along with maybe a trans leak, I have continued to removed items from the car to get the weight down as its too cold to drive and diagnose the drivetrain at the moment. This week I removed the dash to pull the Pass airbag, curtain airbags, and module. While the dash is off, I am thinning the main dash harness that runs within the paneling. In other words, I am officially starting the wire diet in hopes of finding another 20-25 lbs of weight to removed from the car in total. And, my goal is to simplify the body harness down to essentials. Every component I have pulled off so far still has some associated wiring in the car, so I am depinning where I can, recording what I remove, and will soon have a condensed/reorganized system. Its a big project, and a lot of work for a little weight. But I enjoy the puzzle aspect of it and knowing it will be as thin as possible at the end. Also, Id rather work with the OEM harness than scrap it all and build new for a car that has little aftermarket support. I have the time and determination might as well try to make this work as a gutted harness first before I look into aftermarket body wiring.
Quick report on OEM SRS weight(s):
Curtains - 11lb
SW Bag - 3.5lb
Passenger - 12lb
Module, Bolts, Loom - 3lbs
More on wiring :
There is a LOT of audio, HVAC, and door wiring to purge. In addition to that, the SRS wiring, unused engine harnesses, and accessories have a lot to them. Things like fuel and trunk poppers, dome lights, sunroof, all have a decent amount of complexity and components and are all coming out. I am no engineer or electrician, but am learning a lot about the thought that goes into a vehicle harness, the SCP and Bus network(s), is really impressive stuff. I am slowly getting an understanding of the diagrams and circuits in the printed manual I have. For example, usage of joint connectors and a bus bar is a cool thing to see. VW's I worked on previously tend to just strip and press all the wires together, making removal a forced cut or snip.
Here ^^ is with the dash, and dash bar removed. FEM visible along with my new non-adjustable pedal setup. You can also see the main harness near the top of the firewall/bottom of windshield. The LS body harness essentially runs the perimeter of the interior and sub-harnesses branch off of it There are also connectors to bridge the Engine portions of the harness. Which will make it easy to "section" this off into manageable parts. Will attempt to document as much as I can for anyone who is watching, and for my sanity as I forget what I removed and where I am going with this! I am thinking of keeping the battery in the rear, but maybe relocating the Battery Fuse box, Engine fuse panel, and a few other items to the passenger glovebox area. This will decrease total wiring runs and keep things in one spot. My goal is to condense the system down as much as possible for a clean look too, not just function
@joegr - Any idea if the sunload sensor plays a role in the car starting/not starting? It has a ground, power, 2 wires to the HVAC and 2 more to the cluster. I believe its for auto headlight functionality - but am not sure if its needed for security as this is where the red blinking light is.