Fab'ed heat shield for Cold Air Intake for KKM

sgb00ls said:
Thanks for the dimensions! That should save a few weekend hours.

Thanks for granting my request. This is awesome, I will finally get the air contraption put together. :Beer :yourock:
loveLSE said:
I got off work early yesterday and finally put this thing together.
As I have posted before, I used the top of stock air box and some tubing (pic.1) to make an air scoop that brings air from the front bumper (pic.2: arrow) to the hole (pic.3). I made some measurements (pic. 4) then made a template using cardboard box (pic.5). It fits nicely in the spot (pic.6).
I bought some ABS plastic sheet and glue at a local plastic store. after few hours of cutting and fitting (I only have hand held dremel tool) I made the box (pic.7). and the final product with KKM filter (pic.8). why no top? It fits perfect and only leaves about 1cm space from the hood so I dont think it would be needed.

Do you happen to have a more detailed pic of the front of your car where your intake box is? How about a rear view of the air box?
Thanks a million loveLSE I owe you one. Off to Autocad and then to the laser its goes. Will post pics within the couple weeks!

loveLSE said:
Here's pic with dimensions.
they are in inches. as I have mentioned before (but no longer in the thread, now for some reason) I actually made mine bit bigger especially for hieght.
I went 1-inch taller then started trimming here and there. I coated the top edge with a paint then closed the hood to see where I need to trim by looking at which part is hitting the hood. It took some time but I like it alot.

Hope this will get you all to a good start.

Im going to buy a thermometer and test it to see if I get a lower temp.
I'll let you all know once this is donw. Im a scientist so I'll have all the appropriate controls so we can all be sure that this thing really works.

WOW! That is awesome man!
well, i just started making my airbox when i realized i have a digital thermometer that have a cord on it for the sensor.

(results with no airbox and using KKM filter) i put the sensor on bottom front of the filter by where my duct work comes up. its about 89 - 92 degrees outside (the ls says 89). my lowerest temp was 87.3 degrees, fastest i went was 50 mph. when i stoped and idled. the temp would just climb and got to at least 125+ degrees.

i will post new results when air box is installed
Im So Frustrated!!!

:Bang So anyways I just spent the last hour trying to squeeze the top of the stock airbox modded w/ the 3-inch tubing into the space behind my lower grille. I don't know if it's just me but I couldn't seem to find a way to make it fit in the space. I see that it obviously will fit, but how many things did you have to remove in order to get it in there? Was it as difficult for you as it is becoming for me? I ran out of daylight so I couldn't remove too much so tomorrow I'm going back at it, just don't want to remove things I don't have to so please do tell me how you got yours in there..Thanks in advance.
loveLSE said:
I got off work early yesterday and finally put this thing together.
As I have posted before, I used the top of stock air box and some tubing (pic.1) to make an air scoop that brings air from the front bumper (pic.2: arrow) to the hole (pic.3). I made some measurements (pic. 4) then made a template using cardboard box (pic.5). It fits nicely in the spot (pic.6).
I bought some ABS plastic sheet and glue at a local plastic store. after few hours of cutting and fitting (I only have hand held dremel tool) I made the box (pic.7). and the final product with KKM filter (pic.8). why no top? It fits perfect and only leaves about 1cm space from the hood so I dont think it would be needed.
:Bang :Bang :Bang :Bang :Bang :Bang So anyways I just spent the last hour trying to squeeze the top of the stock airbox modded w/ the 3-inch tubing into the space behind my lower grille. I don't know if it's just me but I couldn't seem to find a way to make it fit in the space. I see that it obviously will fit, but how many things did you have to remove in order to get it in there? Was it as difficult for you as it is becoming for me? I ran out of daylight so I couldn't remove too much so tomorrow I'm going back at it, just don't want to remove things I don't have to so please do tell me how you got yours in there..Thanks in advance.
sorry for late reply.
I was on vacation with no internet access.
for me, it toook some time but it went in well.
I just removed the bottom flat plastic panel that's covering the engine bay to the front bumper off. it took some sweats. I spent about an hour trying to squeeze that box in there.
I dont know if this matters but my bumper is LSE, maybe standard LS bumper is smaller? maybe you can try to trim off the excess plastic on the air box.

good luck.
Hey make another heat shield for me and Ill paypal you..Im lazy :Beer
lsondubz said:
Hey make another heat shield for me and Ill paypal you..Im lazy :Beer
Yeah I finally got it in there the next day. Like you said I had to do a little trimming of the radiator guard even after I removed the lower bumper guard piece. I have that with the 3" tubing running up to my KKM filter with no heat shield as of yet (just purchased the plastic-having it professionally assembled according to diameters on this site!) and I've noticed my gas mileage go from around 13.8-14.8 to 15.1-16.4. Obviously related, as my driving style has stayed the exact same. Can't wait to see an increase from there with the heat shield. Anyone else notice big gains like this?
loveLSE said:
sorry for late reply.
I was on vacation with no internet access.
for me, it toook some time but it went in well.
I just removed the bottom flat plastic panel that's covering the engine bay to the front bumper off. it took some sweats. I spent about an hour trying to squeeze that box in there.
I dont know if this matters but my bumper is LSE, maybe standard LS bumper is smaller? maybe you can try to trim off the excess plastic on the air box.

good luck.

Welcome back loveLSE, Are you going to make these heat shields, if you are let me know

I took this to local plastic shop and they wont make it due to its complexity. maybe they are too lazy like someone.
I dont have any plans to make more. I only made one for myself.
if I had a table top saw this would be much easier task.
with just a hand held dremel tool, making this took quite some time.
I just bought a oven thermometer which I will use to test the temperature difference. I know I promised this awhile back but now Im back from my vacation so I'll get this thing going and will post results.
Im dying to find out myself.
A Different Approach

Not having the time or tools needed to do a custom Air Box out of heavy material I thought that I would take a different approach and use foil insulation. The advantages for me are: Easy to make, (scissors for cutting) inexpensive enough to replace easily. Molds to available space. The disadvantage is that it does not look like a custom fabricated air box. I tested it to 95 MPH without problems (time will tell). Before installation the chrome ring on my KKM air filter was too hot to touch. After installation the filter could be handled by a bare hand comfortably. As you can tell I do not have remote thermometers to do an actual test of temperatures. Hope the pictures explain what the setup looks like in the car.



GWL said:
Not having the time or tools needed to do a custom Air Box out of heavy material I thought that I would take a different approach and use foil insulation. The advantages for me are: Easy to make, (scissors for cutting) inexpensive enough to replace easily. Molds to available space. The disadvantage is that it does not look like a custom fabricated air box. I tested it to 95 MPH without problems (time will tell). Before installation the chrome ring on my KKM air filter was too hot to touch. After installation the filter could be handled by a bare hand comfortably. As you can tell I do not have remote thermometers to do an actual test of temperatures. Hope the pictures explain what the setup looks like in the car.

loooks real good where did you get the foil from?

That looks very industrious! Is the insulation rigid or soft? The reason I ask is that will it cave in once the intake starts sucking in air.
GrayGhost1 said:

That looks very industrious! Is the insulation rigid or soft? The reason I ask is that will it cave in once the intake starts sucking in air.

It is semi-rigid but fairly soft and that was of concern to me. It apparently is wedged tight enough to withstand up to 90 MPH and full acceleration to 90 MPH without any distortion. I have only had it in the car for a few hours now so time will tell. When I first installed it I was going to reinforce it with wire around the edges and zip tie if necessary. It does not appear to be necessary so far. My theory is that as long as the pressure in the box stays close to positive or even slightly negative, there will not be a problem. So far several run at WOT have failed to budge it at all.
GrayGhost1 said:

That looks very industrious! Is the insulation rigid or soft? The reason I ask is that will it cave in once the intake starts sucking in air.

Just so everybody knows, I was originally looking for a double sided foil insulation that was more rigid, however that proved impossible to find in a small town in the Ozarks.
GWL said:
Just so everybody knows, I was originally looking for a double sided foil insulation that was more rigid, however that proved impossible to find in a small town in the Ozarks.

Hey, GWL.
you just need to bring in fresh air by ducting it from the front grill to the hole. Now, your insulation should work much better bringing in colder air from the front and TOTAL blocking of hot air. NICE! why didnt I think of that?
Your temp result should be better than mine.

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