Few Questions, Over heating again...What route do I go?

...so I think it could be the rubber piping coming into the pump possibly... Some more trial and error I guess. Oh well was probably good to replace the pump anyway...

Well, I did say to clean it up good so that you could located the leak. Anyway, I thought that you replaced the fan motor and not the pump?
@Bigrig, I didn't mean to put it in there. I was in a rush like an idiot and bought it thinking it was the green stuff...I started to pour it in and saw orange and stopped immediately. I have NEVER put that in there. That is not coolant on the ground it is hydraulic fluid as said above. That drip had been sitting there for a week and probably mixed with oil also.

@Joegr Whatever is in the following picture, pump or motor on the top left of this repair page is what I took out and put in. Sorry I don't know exactly what it is called, I'll try to stick to one word. I had took everything out and there was tons of hydraulic fluid all on the bottom so I thought it was leaking but I guess not. I cleaned everything up pretty good so I'm going to dig into it again and see what is going on. As for the coolant issue what do you recommend? I didn't even see a fan pump motor, where is that even at on this car?


That's the fan "motor." The "pump" is bolted to the passenger side of the engine. I don't think that the little bit of death cool that you put in will be a problem. Of course, a full flush of the cooling system (even if you had not done that) is not a bad idea.
Okay thanks for clarification on that Joegr. Definitely not the pump leaking I see none of the leakage from over there. Okay I will fill it up with the correct stuff and run that and possibly get a coolant flush when I get paid in 2 weeks. Do you think that is too long to wait for that? Don't want to ruin my engine.
I wouldn't wait. Disconnect the lower hose and flush the radiator out. When it runs clear it should be out. That stuff, when mixed with air and put under pressure, turns into an acid that eats metal. I wouldn't want it washing through the engine, finding its way into any crevices out of the flow path where it can hide out until some air gets into the system. No, a couple of cups might not hurt it but why take a chance at this stage.
Alright thanks Telco. I believe the tube that is leaking is the one suggested in this thread by Quik LS and this is what he said it is hard to see and it is leaking right around in there:

" this is a common problem - 3 times for me....
there is a hydraulic hose running from the pump to the fan pump - and it always breaks right at the neck of the coupling on the pump. usually the little spring clip (that holds the hose still) beaks then the weight of the hose works the coupling loose and you get a leak.

the hose is expensive - the effort to replace it is RIDICULOUS. You have to remove the alternator (remove the intake, and belt) then remove the pump, remove the hose... it is one of the more difficult DIYer jobs on the LS.

if it's laking from the hose - replace the hose - no need to replace pumps. "

What hose is this exactly. Going to try and get the alternator off and look at it.
Wade, if you can, some pics of this leaking line on that pump.
Also when you blend the orange into the factory green, it develops into this rusted out brown looking sludge ... flush as soon as you can. No real immediate panic.
The number I believe is 8c634 on this ebay ad. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2W4Z8C634AA-Hose-Hydraulic-Pump-02-LS-/390505266523

It's the 2nd hose that's bigger on the hydraulic fluid reservoir. Is that the correct item number just to be sure?

Okay I took it to the shop this morning going to get them to flush the radiator system. Filled it with distilled water for the time being to get there. Shop is literally 2 minutes from my house.
@joegr. Had the fan pump replaced yesterday. Got the car back this morning and the fan is not kicking on. Is it possible the Mercon V ATF has not made it's way through yet to kick it on? I drove it around got it to operating temp and it's trying to overheat because of fan. Not sure what's going on.. Sat it in driveway turned ac all the way up after it trying to overheat and it still hasn't kicked on.
Fan motor (part that turns the fan) or system pump (part that the engine belt turns)?
Was the system bled?
Does the fan run at all? If not, did you accept the car back from whoever did the work this way?
If it does run, does it not change speed?

If your question is "will it take hours for it to start working?" The answer is no. It either works right away, or it's very unlikely that it ever will (without someone doing something to it).
Joegr, The pump, that turns the belt was replaced. I replaced the motor a little while back. Fan does not run at all.. No leaks or anything. I did accept the work and expected it to turn like it should. I have no idea if the hydraulic system was bled, anyway I can do that?
So the fan's not turning at all?
The factory bleed procedure is probably to use a vacuum pump on the fan reservoir. (I've never looked it up, but that's the bleed procedure on the power steering.)
Are you sure that the shaft key is in the pump?
Can you spin the fan freely by hand?
Do you see any circulation in the fan reservoir?
The Hydraulic fan pump was replaced. The one above the alternator that hooks up to a belt.

Fan is not turning at all.

I can turn the fan by hand.
I see no circulation in the fan reservoir.

Shaft key, not sure what this is?

Hmm, will have to call and ask if they bled it, this could be the cause?
The Hydraulic fan pump was replaced. The one above the alternator that hooks up to a belt.

I can turn the pump by hand.
I see no circulation in the fan reservoir.

Shaft key, not sure what this is?

Hmm, will have to call and ask if they bled it, this could be the cause?

If you don't see circulation the fluid isn't reaching the fan motor.
The weird thing is that the fluid level dropped from between min and max to a little below min when I brought it home. I have filled it back to where it should be since. Something had to of happened and I see no leaking on the ground and I saw none at the place I had it fixed.
The Hydraulic fan pump was replaced. The one above the alternator that hooks up to a belt.

Fan is not turning whatsoever.

I can turn the pump by hand.

This just gets more and more confusing. So you removed the drive belt and are spinning the pump pulley? Or, did they put a shorter belt in that doesn't go to the pump pulley? If so, then that's why it won't work.

How about the fan? Can you turn it by hand? Is it reasonably easy to do?
You caught my words before I corrected them above lol. I can turn the fan** by hand. Yes its easy to spin the fan.
The weird thing is that the fluid level dropped from between min and max to a little below min when I brought it home. I have filled it back to where it should be since. Something had to of happened and I see no leaking on the ground and I saw none at the place I had it fixed.

This most likely means that the pump and lines have air in them, and the missing fluid has displaced some of that air. They didn't bleed the system. The hydraulic pump pumps liquid, it can't pump air. I can look up the factory bleed procedure later, but you probably have to disconnect (or loosen) some of the hoses until fluid starts to drain out.

Of course, it is also possible that you have a defective pump and/or motor.
Motor works for sure because it worked before I replaced pump. So it's either a bad pump or there is air in the lines. I don't think it's possibly for it to be the actuator, do you? It was working before the pump was replaced. Hopefully vacuuming out the air will do it, this is a real headache and killer for a college kids savings account. Good thing I love my LS.

Okay thanks, once I get that bleed procedure will a simple shop vac work lol?
...I don't think it's possibly for it to be the actuator, do you? ...

It seems like that should either start with "You" or end with "I." (I'm sorry, I really can't help it, even though I am a grammar offender myself.)

Anyway AFAIK, it's not the actuator if the fan doesn't run at all. For sure, the pump isn't pumping if you don't see some circulation in the reservoir.
Lol, yeah it's fine! I've been rushing with the answers... I'm going to call and ask if they bled the hydraulic system, hopefully they don't act like I'm an idiot and say "that isn't needed" or something to that extent.
I called them, at first he said they bled it. Then he asked the mechanic to make sure and he said no he didn't because it bleeds itself like a power steering pump or something lol... so this is probably it.
Surely, he started the car and saw that the fan wasn't turning. Yet, he still believed that it didn't need to be bled...

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