Going Rogue

really - what is the contradiction?
Your position in the Rand thread was that those who have read the most books on a subject are the 'experts.' You just did it again.

Yet you claim to understand Palin based on her twitter posts while refusing to read her book because it was ghost written (as if that suddenly means it doesn't represent her views), and you claim to understand Rush Limbaugh based on cherrypicked media 'quotes.'
The only thing I personally have criticized about her book is the ghost writing - and I would criticize that about any book... the filter effect.

Are you critical of Obama's books for the same reason.

Or is he the greatest author of our time?

Are you critical of Obama's FORGED selective service enlistment?


Your position in the Rand thread was that those who have read the most books on a subject are the 'experts.' You just did it again.

Yet you claim to understand Palin based on her twitter posts while refusing to read her book because it was ghost written (as if that suddenly means it doesn't represent her views), and you claim to understand Rush Limbaugh based on cherrypicked media 'quotes.'

Well, Rand actually wrote her own books, unlike Palin’s, which is ghost written – again, there is that filter which I have already spoken of. And Rand died before I was interested in her work – so I really couldn’t go to her lectures or other appearances. (She actually was filmed only rarely – so there is very little footage of her, however there are quite a few recordings of her lectures – but, you can also get her lectures in book form, the recordings are often rather ‘scratchy’ and you can miss a lot).

If she had twitter available, I would have love to have read Ayn’s twitter posts. They no doubt would have been fascinating and a great insight to her. I would have based some of my opinion certainly on those – if that technology had been available to her.

I am not refusing to read Palin’s book – once again Foss, you need to read my posts – you say you do, and then you come up with something like this, which so obviously points towards the fact you don’t. I have read about 30 pages, and will read more, sort of the ‘best of’ when both – the person who is reading it now has that information to me, and when I have the time.

And I do go out to the actual Limbaugh site to read the transcripts and listen to the audio. Heck, I have access to an account – so I get to see everything there I might want. So, Foss, I don’t just look at media quotes – I do go to the source.

Do you think Eisenhower was a good president?

MM – put down the mouse, and step away from the computer… ;)
I am not refusing to read Palin’s book – once again Foss, you need to read my posts – you say you do, and then you come up with something like this, which so obviously points towards the fact you don’t. I have read about 30 pages, and will read more, sort of the ‘best of’ when both – the person who is reading it now has that information to me, and when I have the time.

And I do go out to the actual Limbaugh site to read the transcripts and listen to the audio. Heck, I have access to an account – so I get to see everything there I might want. So, Foss, I don’t just look at media quotes – I do go to the source.
Oh, you INTEND TO? That's all that matters with you liberals, intentions, right?

At least be honest enough to say you're going to cherrypick, instead of saying you're going to read. You're so transparent.

Bottom line is, you haven't read enough of Palin or listened to enough of LImbaugh to discuss either of them, by YOUR OWN STANDARDS.
Oh, you INTEND TO? That's all that matters with you liberals, intentions, right?

At least be honest enough to say you're going to cherrypick, instead of saying you're going to read. You're so transparent.

Bottom line is, you haven't read enough of Palin or listened to enough of LImbaugh to discuss either of them, by YOUR OWN STANDARDS.

Sure - I am going to cherry pick - I will be reading the parts of the book that a conservative recommends that I read. I really don't have the time to read all of it - after the first 30 pages you will see what I mean. The folksy part is just overwhelming. I will read the parts that discuss her views and her ideas, and not read the 'homey' stuff.

I will read it Foss - how about your intentions here - you have also stated that you will be reading it as well, but you haven't as yet either. Do you plan on following through on this, like you have followed through on your Constitution conspiracy theory essay?

I read "The Way Thing Ought To Be" so I have read at least Rush's best selling book (I think it is still the best selling one... not positive about that though). Have you read everything he has written and listen to every one of his shows, if not - I guess you cherry pick him as well.
I read "The Way Thing Ought To Be" so I have read at least Rush's best selling book (I think it is still the best selling one... not positive about that though). Have you read everything he has written and listen to every one of his shows, if not - I guess you cherry pick him as well.
Moving the goalposts, fox, tsk tsk tsk...I guarantee I know way more about Rush than you do. I have listened to his show since 1992 regularly, have read his books, and have received his newsletter.

Nice try, though. FAIL.
I will read it Foss - how about your intentions here - you have also stated that you will be reading it as well, but you haven't as yet either. Do you plan on following through on this, like you have followed through on your Constitution conspiracy theory essay?
Try to stay on topic, fox, ok? This isn't the thread. Frankly, you're getting tiresome, much like a broken record. You don't have anything new to add these days, so you recycle the same old talking points.

If you read my posts, you'd know that I said that I'm already reading another book. Sorry my timetable doesn't fit yours. Unlike you, I don't sit around breathlessly waiting for others to post and then whine when they don't.
Sure - I am going to cherry pick - I will be reading the parts of the book that a conservative recommends that I read. I really don't have the time to read all of it - after the first 30 pages you will see what I mean. The folksy part is just overwhelming. I will read the parts that discuss her views and her ideas, and not read the 'homey' stuff.
A 'conservative?' Ha. You mean like Rod Dreher, for example? :rolleyes:

So, you don't have time to read her book but you demand that I furnish you an essay? LOLz at the irony. Maybe if you wouldn't spend so much time trolling political forums you'd have time to read the book, eh?
Moving the goalposts, fox, tsk tsk tsk...I guarantee I know way more about Rush than you do. I have listened to his show since 1992 regularly, have read his books, and have received his newsletter.

Nice try, though. FAIL.
I don't doubt that you do.
Try to stay on topic, fox, ok? This isn't the thread. Frankly, you're getting tiresome, much like a broken record. You don't have anything new to add these days, so you recycle the same old talking points.

If you read my posts, you'd know that I said that I'm already reading another book. Sorry my timetable doesn't fit yours. Unlike you, I don't sit around breathlessly waiting for others to post and then whine when they don't.

Just one book Foss - come on, you should be able to at least digest a couple at a time... And you do intend to read her book - correct?
A 'conservative?' Ha. You mean like Rod Dreher, for example? :rolleyes:

So, you don't have time to read her book but you demand that I furnish you an essay? LOLz at the irony. Maybe if you wouldn't spend so much time trolling political forums you'd have time to read the book, eh?

Don't know Rod Dreher personally Foss-sorry...

I will read her book. It might be the reader's digest condensed version - but I will read it, the parts that have to do with political issues. What I don't need to read is the bad 'folksy' stuff - just pull it out and read the first 5 pages or so foss - the whole state fair thing is painful to read.

When I get the book back from my friend, with the sections marked that I should be reading, I will get right on it.

There are much better things to read out there Foss - I will read them, and just read the highlights of her book.
I will read her book. It might be the reader's digest condensed version

Like you "read" Hayek's Road to Serfdom yet missed key arguments from that book when I threw them at you in a thread in which you had earlier discussed that book?

Are you going to simply say you read this book, like you "read" Road to Serfdom, like you "studied" political philosophy or like you "understand" polls and statistical analysis?

Who know, maybe this will be one of the rare instances where you tell the truth instead of spamming lies...
Well, Rand actually wrote her own books, unlike Palin’s, which is ghost written – again, there is that filter which I have already spoken of.
Forget the obvious, the fact that Palin, HarperCollins, and everyone else concerned announced from the get go that Lynn Vincent would be involved. That kinda kills the ghost angle, dead. Palin's life events in the book were taken from her journals. So what's your problem with using somebody else to tell the story? Do you hold Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to the same standard? Hillary, for example, used 5 ghostwriters for 3 books, and we know that William Ayers wrote "Dreams from my father." Hey, at least Palin's collaborator wasn't a terrorist.

Did you read 'It takes a village?'

Would you like some more examples? Andre Agassi?

For that matter, does any politician write his/her own speeches? Shall we discuss Obama's dependence on the TOTUS now? :rolleyes: What percentage of Obama's spoken words are actually written by him, do you think?

Let me ask you this - do you watch the news on TV? Those lines are written by someone other than the 'anchor' doing the speaking. Does that discredit what they are saying?

You say you've read Palin's twitters. What about her Facebook posts? Clearly she can write, so what's your point in sneering at her book?

This is clearly an oblique case of you moving the goalposts vis-a-vis a double standard.

And as far as the 'folksy' comment - that just reveals what a snob you are. Congratulations.
Forget the obvious, the fact that Palin, HarperCollins, and everyone else concerned announced from the get go that Lynn Vincent would be involved. That kinda kills the ghost angle, dead. Palin's life events in the book were taken from her journals. So what's your problem with using somebody else to tell the story? Do you hold Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to the same standard? Hillary, for example, used 5 ghostwriters for 3 books, and we know that William Ayers wrote "Dreams from my father." Hey, at least Palin's collaborator wasn't a terrorist.

Did you read 'It takes a village?'

Well, since there isn't a check paper trail to Ayers - who knows...

But, weren't you all over Obama for 'supposedly' having a ghost writer - that it was somehow bad? I doubt if he did - once again no paper trail. But, I wasn't that fond of 'Dreams from my Father' - I have stated that before here.

Yes I read 'It takes a village'. It was OK - 'Living History' is better. 'My Life' an even better read...

For that matter, does any politician write his/her own speeches? Shall we discuss Obama's dependence on the TOTUS now? :rolleyes: What percentage of Obama's spoken words are actually written by him, do you think?

Reagan wrote many of his own speeches - so did Clinton, Carter. I would think that Obama edits, but I haven't a clue on how much, I haven't seen the drafts.

I was just saying that I don't like the filter of a ghost writer, I don't care who the book is about. How much is really 'first person' with that filter - you really don't know. I have been told that Palin's book is pretty reminiscence of Vincent's other work..

You say you've read Palin's twitters. What about her Facebook posts? Clearly she can write, so what's your point in sneering at her book?

Some Facebook - often when they are quoted somewhere. I guess they are hers - although, I know many politician's don't write their own stuff even on their internet social accounts - that is what the staff is for...

I just don't like ghostwriters, for anyone - and Foss - if you once again read the first 30 pages you will see what I mean - it is very painful. If the rest of Palin's book reads like those first few pages, it will be a long, long read.

And as far as the 'folksy' comment - that just reveals what a snob you are. Congratulations.

Well - fine - I can be a snob. Have you heard of writing down to the bones? I think that is also the name of a book - how to write from 'you'. Palin's book sounds rehearsed, and like it wants to be genuine, but is just a veneer of 'folksy'. It doesn't read sincerely. It could be the filter of the ghost writer - another reason not to like them...
I doubt if he did - once again no paper trail.

Oh Please. Spare us.:shifty:

No paper trail.:rolleyes:

Show me ANYTHING about Obama and his past education. You know, grades, ACT scores...

Point is, you don't know squat about Obama and to sit here and tell us you think he probably wrote either book is so disengenuous, it is laughable.

The guy is a fraud.:(
Palin's book sounds rehearsed, and like it wants to be genuine, but is just a veneer of 'folksy'. It doesn't read sincerely. It could be the filter of the ghost writer - another reason not to like them...
Since you HAVEN'T READ IT, by your OWN ADMISSION, please tell us...where did you get those talking points? :rolleyes:

So, Miss Snob, since you claim to be such a book writing expert - how many books have you written and put up for review and criticism?
Some Facebook - often when they are quoted somewhere. I guess they are hers - although, I know many politician's don't write their own stuff even on their internet social accounts - that is what the staff is for...
So on one hand, you dismiss my point about Obama ghost writing his book due to lack of a paper trail, yet you eagerly embrace your own INVENTED idea, despite having any evidence whatsoever, that Palin ghost writes her FACEBOOK PAGE?

Your myopia is legendary.
Reagan wrote many of his own speeches - so did Clinton, Carter. I would think that Obama edits, but I haven't a clue on how much, I haven't seen the drafts.
Didn't Peggy Noonan write Reagan's speeches? Didn't Chrissy Matthews write Carter's? (I call him Chrissy because he said Obama's speech gave him a tingle up his leg)
But, weren't you all over Obama for 'supposedly' having a ghost writer - that it was somehow bad? I doubt if he did - once again no paper trail. But, I wasn't that fond of 'Dreams from my Father' - I have stated that before here.
More all over him for associating with a terrorist. But nothing to see here, let's move on was your position on that, remember?
Well, since there isn't a check paper trail to Ayers - who knows...
Classic moving the goalposts. Never mind that Ayers CLAIMS to have written it.

Interesting that you blindly cling to your own version of the truth by stolidly and myopically voicing the 'paper trail' talking point. Never mind that YOUR BOY OBAMA hasn't been up front about his authorship. Palin has. Your choice of whom to follow is revealing - stick with the secretive guy who pals around with terrorists and carefully covers his tracks. Make fun of the woman who is open and honest.
Here, foxpaws, eat this:

The moose-hunting hockey mom can now add “author” to her resume after consulting her muse in San Diego.

Ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin finished penning her tome just four months after the blockbuster book deal was announced, and the release date for her highly anticipated memoir has been moved up from spring to Nov. 14, her publisher said.

Palin, 45, spent weeks in San Diego shortly after leaving office and worked on the manuscript with collaborator Lynn Vincent, a person close to her said. She was joined in San Diego by her family and her top aide, Meghan Stapleton, then spent several days in New York working around the clock with editors at Harper, said the person, who wasn’t authorized to comment and asked not to be identified.

“Governor Palin has been unbelievably conscientious and hands-on at every stage, investing herself deeply and passionately in this project,” Harper publisher Jonathan Burnham said. “It’s her words, her life and it’s all there in full and fascinating detail.”
Palin's book sounds rehearsed, and like it wants to be genuine, but is just a veneer of 'folksy'. It doesn't read sincerely. It could be the filter of the ghost writer - another reason not to like them...
At least she didn't plagiarize like your Vice President did.

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