hummm- I don't think I have claimed Obama writes his speeches
I'll leave you with these two thoughts because my head exploded and I have to pick up all the brain matter.
But, weren't you all over Obama for 'supposedly' having a ghost writer - that it was somehow bad? I doubt if he did - once again no paper trail
You doubt Obama had a ghost writer. Guess that means you think he wrote the stuff himself. Same as for his speeches. That Obama has all this time in between golf and basketball to write these earth-moving speeches. Cowdung.
This sums up my feelings of Obama the best way I could ever express them... Have fun. Just burnt out seeing this Country go in the crapper along with my kids future.
by Bridgette
“A Celebration of the Most Vacuous Campaign and Presidency in American History” is the headline on the website where a photo of this poster was found.
Los Angeles, the home of the Obama White Face Poster is again a happening place for an outspoken and anonymous artist. Posters on billboards are popping up all over LA. All the Who’s from Whoville are involved: Who designed it? Who is plastering these posters all over town? Who is printing them? Then there are the what’s. What does the poster suggest? And finally, what does “TWAP” mean?
Obama is seen as a Medieval Court Jester with the label of “TWAP”. The artist doesn’t define TWAP, so no one except for him or her knows the meaning of TWAP. One can certainly see that the artist shows his displeasure and discontent with the inexperienced usurper in Our House.
While Obama is seen as a jester because of the hat he wears, other names such as joker, jokester, fool, clown, comedian, entertainer, comic, prankster, and buffoon are a few other applicable plays on the word jester. Defining their commonalities, these characters are out to entertain, trick, hoodwink, dupe, con, deceive, bamboozle or pull the wool over our eyes. These various job descriptions seem most appropriate and fitting for the poser on the poster.
Let’s look at a little history of Jesters. In medieval times, British and European monarchies employed these talented people to entertain the king, queen, their court, and guests. Most jesters would use music, juggling, clowning, story and riddle telling, to entertain their royal masters. The fool enjoyed some status among a royal household, but not much. Most often he was considered the lowest of the low within the courts hierarchy. Oft times, he was the one to deliver news to the king that others were afraid to do for fear of being killed or thrown into a dungeon. Without real status in the royal household, sometimes the king used the jester as a sounding board when he had a difficult decision to make. The jester was perceived as having no ambition to overthrow the king, so he could be trusted during those times.
Jesters usually wore brightly colored, often gaudy, costumes with hats. One such costume was a coat adorned with a donkey’s tail, and a hood decorated with an ass’s ears. The identifiable jester hats were made of cloth and were triangular in shape with three points trimmed with jingle bells. According to Wiki, this hat also represented the donkey’s ears and tail. Perhaps the artist thought that the yellow and orange hat was suitable to represent both the hat wearer and the Democratic party. Our jester in chief does seem lacking, and the ass hat analogy certainly fits. One might go a step further and say that the majority party are a group of Jack’s. Then again, my interpretation might be wrong. Instead of seeing a jester in the poster, perhaps it is a fool.
Jesters were also called fools by their masters and others. The root of the word “fool” is from the Latin word “follis” that means “Bag of Wind” or that which contains air or breath. (Now we’re getting somewhere!).
In Tarot cards, the Fool is often shown as a man dancing along a mountain side with a dog nipping at his heels egging him on. The fool is totally oblivious to the cliff being there, and it looks like he will dance right off the edge ending in his demise. When I interpret the Fool in a reading, he is seen as one who sees not ahead or behind, nor what he is doing or where he is going. In other words, it is a card depicting pure folly with looming, far-reaching, disastrous consequences ahead. Thus far, if I am analyzing this correctly, the poster depicts a donkey eared clown who is a bag of wind that doesn’t know what he is doing. Do you think I am evaluating this correctly?
Also in the tarot, the Fool card is signified by the number 0. Mathematically, zero plus any number equals zero, and zero multiplied by anything also equals zero. Easily, we can see that Zero is nothing and can never be anything but zero. No matter what is added to it, the result will always be the same, zero. In other words, Zero has no substance. I think this is all adding up.
Just to be sure my calculations or definitions are correct, Wiki , the well known website, was consulted for their expert judgment on the subject of zero. “As a digit, 0 is used as a place holder.” Okay, that works, zero is holding onto and is in possession of our place. In our English language “0″ can be called zero, oh, null, nil, or nought, depending on the context. Well, I certainly think this sums it up. The big Oh is really a zero, null and nill. I could not have said it better.
Surprisingly, The Urban Dictionary contains six definitions of TWAP. The highest one rated by its users was that TWAP is an acronym for “The Worst American President “. They even used the word in a sentence, “Obama is a TWAP”.
Therefore, using the above definitions, symbolism and interpretations, the following is most likely a true and simple analysis of the TWAP poster. Obviously, the poster depicts a maladjusted jester who is a donkey-eared bag of wind who doesn’t know what the heck he is doing. His talent lies in being a consummate liar and story teller. He lives up to those job descriptions by using trickery, duping, conning, deceiving, and fabricating. Eventually, he might go off the deep end, and may even end up in a dungeon. Moreover, he is a fool whose talent is laughable, and who will never add up to anything other than zero. He is considered null, nil and nought. Finally, the pompous, arrogant jester is a TWAP!
The game of “TWAP” begins. What do you think TWAP means?