How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Didn't realize war was about money. I thought it was about global dominance and control (or annihilation). :rolleyes:

Kinda like Hammas and Israel, as one example.

That's because you often have your head in the sand. You're welcome BTW.

That conflict is about money too. :)
I've read the Old Testament and the New. Sorry, but the "holy war" that brings the "end times" you pray for, isn't actually coming.

Biden is your President too :)

On top of Israel defense funding, Biden's also asked for more Ukraine defense funding, a humanitarian aid package for Gaza citizens and US border security funding. All of which can't happen because YOUR party can't even elect a Speaker of the House due to Republican infighting.

Speaking of idiots...
Shows how little you know. There is no end times "holy war". The "holy war" is happening right now in the Gaza strip... and this is not the first... or last time it will happen. It is a continual conflict.

And I don't need to pray for the "end times to happen. It will happen on it's own, but "no one knows the hour or the day" (Jesus speaking).

Again... (Since you know the Bible so well) :rolleyes: , look up Isaac and Ishmael in the Bible. Hint... It's in the Old Testament.
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*sigh* It's not a holy war, it's a territorial war. Some jabbering religious zealots claiming otherwise don't change reality. Israel is going to win and likely set up a larger no-residence zone to better protect itself from future attacks after Hamas recruits and rebuilds.

People pray all the time for things that are already coming.

TBH, I've probably forgotten more about the Bible than you'll ever know.

ps Your Republicans have elected another candidate for House Speaker and it's already looking like he might not have the votes within his own party. FFS, you support these jabronis.
In the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, (during king Nebuchadnezzar's reign), who was the 4th figure in the "firey furnace"?
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In the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, (during king Nebuchadnezzar's reign), who was the 4th figure in the "firey furnace"?

You realize that with the invention of the internet and search engines, "test" like these are useless, right?
Yet you still don't know... and you have no clue. It's the same person Jacob wrestled with in the wilderness when asking for a blessing.

It's more of me not playing your silly holier-than-thou games.

eg I've only read about a 3rd of the book Frankenstein (aka The Modern Prometheus), but it you asked me about it, I could look it up, because it's readily available information.

I just want to know if you've figure out what using quotes signifies in a sentence?
And I'm not "Holier than thou". I just asked you some basic Biblical stuff, since you "supposedly" know so much about the Bible. As you professed... you forgot more than I know.

A number of years back I looked into attending a Theological Seminary school.

Things didn't "pan out" the way I hoped. C'est la vie, but ohhh the stories I could tell...
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