How do you feel about Biden NOW?

I remember when Cali wanted to secede from the rest of the states.

They should have let them do that... because right after the mention of secession, some sort of natural disaster happened... and Cali needed bailed out.... LOL.
I remember when Cali wanted to secede from the rest of the states.

They should have let them do that... because right after the mention of secession, some sort of natural disaster happened... and Cali needed bailed out.... LOL.
There's been many wild attempts to break up California, so which one are you talking about? Yours sounds made up.

It's usually driven by Rightist, with the purpose of making California not a Electoral College powerhouse. Rightwingers also have difficulty winning Presidential election via having the most votes.

Most recently were multiple attempts in 2018, when the nutjob Rightist up North proposed splitting off a huge chunk of California into the "State of Jefferson", the 51st state. They got shot down like the Rightist nutjobs they are. Then some Rightist Billionaire dipsh!t proposed splitting up California into three separate states, that also got shot down.

Now Texas should probably be split into two, it's way too big. Or not, it's probably turning Blue sooner than later thanks to the boomers and older dying off.
Damned if you do.....

Inflation rate is dipping down again and signs points the trend will continue into 2024. Consumer spending is up, stock market is flying high.

Bad day for Trumpers.
Oh sh!t, I better get really scared and go buy all the guns, some rando video told me Hamas is coming.
Get your head out of your butt- they are already established here. Maybe it's just the next wave of jihadis arriving. No wait- it's just poor people seeking a better life (and lots of free stuff). Just keep routing them to "Sanctuary" cities and states to reinforce their virtue signaling. Ask the citizens of Chicago and New York how they feel about being so virtuous. Oh, and ask the virtuous Governor of MA how she feels about taking more arrivals. All of the liberal jerks supporting the open border policy of the Biden administration need to spend some time in the small towns along the southern border to see what they deal with every day (and I don't mean the 15 minute photo ops). Good news- CBP now says that illegal crossings are now starting to really increase along the northern border, so some of those small towns can enjoy what they have been missing!
Truth be known... I hope Cali does secede and become it's own country. It would take a large burden off of the rest of the states
Good news- CBP now says that illegal crossings are now starting to really increase along the northern border, so some of those small towns can enjoy what they have been missing!

That's been going on for a number of years now. Canada has just managed to keep it under wraps.
Newsome is busy putting lipstick on a pig to get ready to host his new BFF Xi. But don't worry, SF will be back to it's usual filth once all the bigwigs leave town. Story from today- a Czech news crew in town to film the event had a rude awakening to life in SF. They were a victim of an armed robbery and lost 18K worth of video equipment. Welcome to SF!
Get your head out of your butt- they are already established here. Maybe it's just the next wave of jihadis arriving. No wait- it's just poor people seeking a better life (and lots of free stuff). Just keep routing them to "Sanctuary" cities and states to reinforce their virtue signaling. Ask the citizens of Chicago and New York how they feel about being so virtuous. Oh, and ask the virtuous Governor of MA how she feels about taking more arrivals. All of the liberal jerks supporting the open border policy of the Biden administration need to spend some time in the small towns along the southern border to see what they deal with every day (and I don't mean the 15 minute photo ops). Good news- CBP now says that illegal crossings are now starting to really increase along the northern border, so some of those small towns can enjoy what they have been missing!

How many guns and bullets do I need to buy in order to feel safe from the jihadist like you are now? Can you at least tell me that. It's also amazing how people were crossing over illegally under Trump, yet no screams of "the jihadist are coming!" were had. Weird, that.

The Biden admin does not have an "open door policy", that's just a nonsense Rightwing talking points regurgitated.

Reality: The agency focused its efforts on serious criminals under Biden, nearly doubling the number of arrests of people with aggravated felony convictions from the previous year (2021).

  • 66% of ICE deportations were of convicted criminals last year, up from 56% the year before.
  • And roughly 49% of all ICE arrests were of convicted criminal
  • "ICE no longer conducts long-term detention of families at its facilities," Johnson said in a statement at the beginning of the newly released report.
  • -snip

Focusing on the actual criminals instead of family people looking for work is the smarter way to use resources.
Truth be known... I hope Cali does secede and become it's own country. It would take a large burden off of the rest of the states

The US would flounder losing the world's **5th largest economy, genius. "In the 1st quarter of 2023, the real GDP for California was $3.8 trillion in goods and services per year." -snip

The States That Are Most Reliant on Federal Aid - Federal Dependency Rankings by State

California ranks at 48 out of 51 (counting DoC as separate) in being a freeloader state. That's very, very low, in case you can't figure it out.

**Thanks, Newsom
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How many guns and bullets do I need to buy in order to feel safe from the jihadist like you are now? Can you at least tell me that. It's also amazing how people were crossing over illegally under Trump, yet no screams of "the jihadist are coming!" were had. Weird, that.

The Biden admin does not have an "open door policy", that's just a nonsense Rightwing talking points regurgitated.
Whatever you feel comfortable with. But face the facts Lib Daddy- the number of apprehensions of individuals on the terrorist watch list has gone up quite a bit. But, more importantly, the number of "gotaways" has Really increased under Biden- Majorkas has not a clue as to how many or where they go to. Thats the reason he has the stupid deflections whenever he testifies before Congress. Those are the ones that cause concern. They obviously did not want to encounter the CBP agents for probably nefarious reasons. They are in the wind doing whatever they came here to do. Most video streams showing streams of migrants crossing the border show not that many family units, instead they are single FAMS or Males with rent-a-kid via the cartel. They surely do not show those videos on MSNBC- The liberal's news source of choice.

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