How do you feel about Biden NOW?

And in case you didn't do the math... San Diego has almost a 5000 job deficit.... when compared to Cincinnati's job numbers.

Not bad for a state that is 3rd in the nation... huh?

Now... I will imagine that somehow San Diego will magically grow 5000 jobs overnight. :rolleyes:
Oh... so now you are mentioning Tesla. I thought you disliked Musk for his honest reporting of the border crisis.

Elon Musk is a true deplorable. But that has nothing to do with the current topic that California is #1 in manufacturing. Your denial of these facts is funny to watch.

Yeah... third isn't bad considering all the problems Cali has... and the people that are leaving in droves.

Third is the Bronze medal, sure it's not bad, but it's not Silver or Gold. California is Gold :)

Look at some of the screenshots I provided. Cincinnati has more more manufacturing jobs than San Diego.

You are in denial

Okay? California as a state still ranks #1 for manufacturing. You cheery-picking one city here/there won't change that fact. Deal with it, or don't.

Cali is "truth twisting" facts about there manufacturing... I see where you get it from.

No, theses are accepted national numbers. You're just melting down because the facts don't get with your Rightist bias.

California ranks #1 in manufacturing. This is just a fun fact.
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And that's right... pick on a person because of their stature. I bet you are as short as he is... though it's obvious that you are the "littler" man.

View attachment 828578286

You're getting mad at me because Oklahoma Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin thoroughly embarrassed himself and the Republican party with his shameful antics. Odd, that.

Just be thankful Vermont Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders was there to put him in his little place before he embarrassed himself further and ended up with assault charges :)
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Hunter Biden seeks to subpoena Trump, Barr in criminal case

"Hunter Biden requested Wednesday to subpoena former President Trump and three senior officials who served in his administration’s Justice Department, seeking evidence that Biden’s criminal prosecution is politically motivated.

Biden, who faces three federal gun charges, is demanding Trump and former Attorney General Bill Burr turn over communications and documents concerning the president’s son or his criminal investigation."

This will probably be something that makes you happy, (or not).

10 round (Cali compliant) magazines are ready to ship.

I still enjoy the luxury of buying the 17 round mags.

Oh wait a minute... I misread that. It actually looks like the 10 round only (low capacity) magazine restrictions might be overturned.

Good for you Cali law abiding citizens. I hope it works out for you. Enjoy the extra capacity.

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Elon Musk is a true deplorable. But that has nothing to do with the current topic that California is #1 in manufacturing. Your denial of these facts is funny to watch.

If Musk pulls Tesla out of Cali, you might be singing a different tune.

I'm not denying anything. But you are the one that can't handle the (proven) truth that Cinci out produced San Diego by roughly 5000 jobs.

The screenshots prove it.

Smoke another one..........
If the Midwest States got together and created a group that oversaw manufacturing and production... It would probably outpace California.

State borders don't mean squat. Face it Cali needs the rest of the country. That was when they first tried to secede a decade or more ago... Then (whatever disaster it was) Cali came crawling back begging for assistance.
If Musk pulls Tesla out of Cali, you might be singing a different tune.

I'm not denying anything. But you are the one that can't handle the (proven) truth that Cinci out produced San Diego by roughly 5000 jobs.

The screenshots prove it.

Smoke another one..........

Tesla's corporate headquarters is located in Texas. Tesla's engineering headquarters is moving back to California. The manufacturing headquarters is located in California. So the paper-pushers are in Texas, the real work and jobs happens in California. Musk is still a horrible human being.

You're literally denying that California is #1 when in comes to manufacturing. I didn't mention Cincinnati or San Diego, I just noted that you cherry-picking one city here/there doesn't change the fact that California as a whole is still #1.

Quick Recap: California #1 in manufacturing, Ohio is #3. Bronze Medal. Deal. With. It.
If the Midwest States got together and created a group that oversaw manufacturing and production... It would probably outpace California.

State borders don't mean squat. Face it Cali needs the rest of the country. That was when they first tried to secede a decade or more ago... Then (whatever disaster it was) Cali came crawling back begging for assistance.

So instead of dealing with reality you're making up fantasy scenarios... But sure, if 12 states all grouped together they would would have a GDP total of 4.5 Trillion, compared to California's 3.6 Trillion.

Now you suddenly don't care about state borders? Too funny. I never said I was for California leaving the union, you did. I already told you there's been multiple proposals from Rightist in California to break apart and become more than one state going back a long time, they all get shot down. What "disaster" are you talking about? I already showed you the numbers, California takes in very little Federal aid compared to what it puts in, one of the lowest, lowest of states.

ps Ohio's still #3 in manufacturing and #7 in total GDP. California is #1 and #1 again. Go California! Go your jealously!
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That's behind a WSJ pay wall and I don't subscribe to the WSJ , but assuming it's in regards to the US not fully sanctioning Iran's oil exports, you have to realize that doing so would do to things, 1) starve the Iranian citizenship even more and 2) bring the price of oil up as it's a global commodity, meaning you'd see a rise at the price at the pump back here and then you'd whinged about that and blame Biden as you always do.

Glad I could sort that out for you :)
So instead of dealing with reality you're making up fantasy scenarios... But sure, if 12 states all grouped together they would would have a GDP total of 4.5 Trillion, compared to California's 3.6 Trillion.

Now you suddenly don't care about state borders? Too funny. I never said I was for California leaving the union, you did. I already told you there's been multiple proposals from Rightist in California to break apart and become more than one state going back a long time, they all get shot down. What "disaster" are you talking about? I already showed you the numbers, California takes in very little Federal aid compared to what it puts in, one of the lowest, lowest of states.

ps Ohio's still #3 in manufacturing and #7 in total GDP. California is #1 and #1 again. Go California! Go your jealously!
So you guys are starting to sound like an old married couple…
Joe Biden meets Xi Jinping in California: seven key takeaways

The US and Chinese leaders agreed on sidelines of Apec summit to re-establish military communications and curb fentanyl production.

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping sat down together on Wednesday just outside San Francisco, on the sidelines of the Apec summit. It was almost exactly one year since their last encounter, in Bali, Indonesia.

Biden said the meeting included “some of the most constructive and productive discussions we’ve had” and will lead to stronger dialogue between the two leaders.

Biden killing it at APEC . Kinda weird how a guy who according to Righist is allegedly so brain-dementia he can't string words together or tie his own shoes, manages to politics and statesmen so well. Weird, eh.
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